Linda's POV

The rest of the school day is pretty much the same. I have to say I am extremely glad when it comes to an end, especially knowing the fact that Miguel scheduled our training late. So I will have enough time to eat and get my much-needed rest and sleep. 

When we get outside, the cars are already here to pick us up. But I tell them to give me some time to talk to Alessandro. I know he had something important to tell me earlier but my weary mind and sleep infested body did not let me function enough to hear him out. 

But still, he has to pay for today. That will be left for another day. 

" I thought about the stairs incident and I recommended that we find a way to plant cameras around the house and estate but my dad told me Don Alonso does a weekly check for cameras and listening devices. " Alessandro explains to me. 

Oh no! The listening devices I planted!