The Art Is In Our Blood

"How is the exercise coming along Naru-chan?" Shizune asked from her seat besides the young blond as she read a book on medical-ninjutsu as well as watch Naruto who had five leafs in his hand.

Currently the young blonde was trying to balance the leaves on the end of his fingers by only using his chakra. Shizune had told him that it was an exercise that was used to help learn to control ones chakra.

"It's coming along okay nee-chan. I think I almost got it." he said from his seat on the ground as he shakily balanced the five leafs on the tip of his fingers.

Shizune leaned in to take a good look and a small look on her face that showed she was impressed. She couldn't help but feel a little amazed that despite how young he was and how big his chakra was at his age, Naruto had surprisingly good chakra control and learned at a very quick pace.

He was eager to learn and loved anything that was ninja related. Plus he was always full of questions which Shizune knew to be a good quality since the best way to learn was to ask question and ask for help which Naruto had no problem in doing.

She had been teaching Naruto for almost a year and had mainly taught him bits of history on the leaf along with its clans, taught him more about chakra and over the last month beginning on his control since Naruto now had a decent understanding of it for a six year old.

"That's very good Naru-chan. You control is very good. Your parents would be very proud." she said.

"I guess," he said with a half-smile that was not full of the usual cheeriness that he usually carried. One that Shizune had recognized. She had an idea of what had him so down.

She had noticed that over the last few months Kushina and Minato had made very little time for Naruto and had spent almost all their time with the twins. The twins both looked almost identical though they could tell them apart by the deep looking whiskers marks on Mito's cheeks.

The twins had celebrated their one year birthday a few weeks ago and the mother and father had made a big deal of it, wanting their first birthday to be something to remember.

Only a week before that it had been Naruto's birthday which was a quiet affair. He got presents and cake of course as he saw Hiruzen, Tsunade and even Jiraiya and Kakashi who were always away on missions.

Though Shizune had noticed that despite it being Naruto's birthday, Kushina and Minato had spent most of it focusing on Mito and Eiji which Shizune had to admit, she was not all that impressed. She understood the twins needed more looking after the Naruto did to their age but she did not like that Naruto was getting a little left out.

"Let's take a break Naru-chan. You have done very well today. I think you have earned yourself a little treat for today."

Naruto face seemed to brighten at the word treat and let the leaves drops from his fingers tip and float to the ground.

"We will take this stuff home first and then how about we get some ice cream since it is quite warm today. Does that sound good?" she asked as Naruto quickly nodded his head in agreement.

She took his hand in hers and together walked towards Naruto's house.

They talked a little as they made their way to Naruto's home with Naruto once again asking questions about Shizune being a medic-nin. Ever since she told him about her being a medic-nin he had asked many questions over the year about why she wanted to be a medic-nin and what kind of abilities they have.

She thought maybe Naruto was interested in taking up medical ninjutsu which she would be a little surprised about but would also love if he would. He had shown been t six that his control was pretty good and if focused, could one of the best at controlling chakra.

Though a medic-nin was not what she pictured Naruto as despite liking the thought of him being one. But it did not hurt to maybe show him some medical ninjutsu in the future.

"I want to make sure little Naru-chan is prepared for the life of a shinobi as best as I can."

Some of the civilians and shinobi they passed gave a small wave to the two and greeted them warmly since the village had all but loved Naruto the moment he was brought into the world.

As they approached the Uzumaki-Namikaze home they saw Kushina just exiting the door with the twins strapped into a stroller. Eiji was fast asleep while Mito had a dummy in her mouth.

"Hi Kaa-chan," Naruto called with a bright look on his face and walked up to his mother making Kushina look in his direction and giving him a smile.

"Hello Naru-chan. How was our study session Shizune?" She asked as she checked the stroller had everything she needed and that the twins were safely strapped in.

"It's going great. I can balance five leaves on my fingers now."

"That's great Naru-chan," she asked not looking up from the stroller.

"So where are you going?" he asked with a little frown on his face.

"I'm taking the twins for a walk around the market and then we are visiting your father at the office." she said as she patted his head and giving him a small smile.

"Maybe I can...," he started but saw Kushina had already begun to walk away, said goodbye to them both and left the house.

"Go with you." he finished looking at the ground sighing a little.

Shizune meanwhile had a frown on her face. It was like she had thought before. Kushina although giving Naruto her attention at first, it quickly shifted back to the twins.

"You okay Naru-chan?" she asked in slight worry.

"I...I'm fine nee-chan. Kaa-chan is just busy again and I understand." he said with a half-smile again and quickly went inside to put away his equipment before quickly returning.

Shaking her head and getting rid of the frown on her face, she took Naruto's hand into hers again and the two walked into the center of the village to get some ice cream.

Twenty minutes later the two walked out of the ice cream shop with Shizune licking a mint chocolate chip ice cone while Naruto had orange flavor. He was devouring it rather quickly.

"Slow down Naru-chan or you will give yourself brain freeze." she chided a little thought tried not to laugh when she saw Naruto had got ice cream on the tip of his nose.

With the end of her sleeve she wiped it off his nose but then found that he had now got orange ice cream around his cheeks as well as was smiling a big goofy smile at her.

"You are so messy at eating ice cream Naru-chan." she said now wiping the rest of his face while tickling him a little.

"No Nee-chan or I will drop my ice cream," he said which thankfully made her stop.

The two walked for a few minutes before they sat on a small bench and just enjoyed the sun and watched as the people went passed on by; after a few minutes though Shizune tapped Naruto's shoulder which got his attention.

"Naru-chan, tell me what Genma is feeling at the moment." she said pointing to a chunin shinobi who had a senbon in his mouth and a bandanna around his head that was the other way around.

"Hmm," he hummed as he focused on the chunin as he walked passed before he spoke. "He feels a little bored but a little lazy at the same time; like he does not know what to do."

"Sounds like Genma," she thought before she pointed over towards an Inuzuka clan member with their ninja hounds walking beside them.

"He feels happy and excited and maybe a little bit too cocky as well." Naruto added while Shizune nodded believing that completely considering Inuzuka males tended to be a little too over confident most times.

Though what they were doing might be seen as a little rude to some people, Shizune had found it to be a great way for Naruto to get use to his sensor abilities. Plus by feeling the energies of people around them, it helped him get familiar with those that lived in the village. That way when he was older it would help him know who was a resident of Konoha and who was not and whether they had good or ill intention towards their home.

"That's very good Naru-chan. You are getting better with those sensor abilities of yours." she said making him smile.

Though when he did he felt a familiar signature walking up to them from behind them and it felt quite strong.

He looked behind them which also prompted Shizune to do the same but grinned when he saw who it was.

"Hey Asuma-san," he said giving the young Jonnin a wave while licking his ice cream.

"Hey Naruto, hey Shizune." he said giving her a nod as well as he took a drag on his cigarette.

"Hello Asuma-san. Just getting back from a mission?" She asked since he looked a little tired.

He nodded his head. "Yeah just a few minutes ago actually. Gai is giving the mission report to the Hokage."

Shizune nodded though felt a little bad for Asuma. Though she liked Gai and he was good friend, the man was a little full on and could be a little much.

"Asuma-san you know you should not smoke. Nee-chan says it bad for your health." Naruto chided softly making Asuma raise an eyebrow while Shizune giggled a little into her hand.

"True, but I summon a bit of chakra round my lungs so that it does not to as much damage. Plus I am as healthy as a horse."

"Yeah but Nee-chan says if a horse has to be put down when it breaks its legs. Does that mean you will have to put down when they make your lungs go bad?" he asked with complete innocence in his voice.

Asuma looked at Naruto in slight disbelief while Shizune was just laughing her eyes out.

"You have to admit Asuma, he has got you there." she said trying to regain control over herself.

Asuma mumbled something under his breath before shaking his head and to try and get himself out of this embarrassing situation at being outwitted by a six year old.

"Anyway I am about to head home and back to the Sarutobi manor. If you two are done with your session today why don't you come along? My pops should be there and I am sure he would like to see Naruto." he recommended.

Naruto look happy at the prospect getting to see his jiji and looked at Shizune with a pleading look. "Can we Nee-chan? Please?" he asked giving her a puppy dog like look.

It made her want to hug him to death though she managed to keep her calm. "Sure Naruto I don't see why not. Plus who knows maybe your jiji will have some shinobi wisdom to give you." she said making Naruto smile even more.

"If there is anything my dad has its wisdom by the shed lodes." Asuma said before he began making his way back home with Shizune and Naruto now following behind him.

As they walked to the Sarutobi manor Asuma spoke about the mission he had which was to take out a bandit encampment that had been established two days outside of the village that was terrorizing a nearby village.

Naruto tried to listen though the two older teens were making sure Naruto did not hear any of the gory parts since he was still a kid and they did not want to expose him to the killing part of a shinobi duty until he was a bit older.

They arrived at a large manor house about three stories high and very wide that had fresh flower beds decorating the outside.

They walked n and took their sandals off before Asuma called out "Yo, dad I'm back and we got guests."

"I'm in the dining room." they heard recognizing it as Sarutobi's voice and began to walk towards it.

As they walked further into the home and arrived in the dining room, they saw Sarutobi sitting at the low table sitting on a cushion with some ink, brushes and paper lay out in front of him and was writing elegant looking giant kanji's on them.

"Jiji," Naruto called barreling towards Sarutobi. The former Hokage took notice of Naruto and smile a grandfatherly smile at the young blonde.

"Naruto-kun this is a nice surprise," he asked as hugged the blonde and settled him on the cushion that was stationed beside him. "And Shizune-chan it's nice to see you again."

"Hello Sarutobi-sama," she said bowing a little before taking up a seat besides Naruto.

"How did the mission go Asuma?" Sarutobi asked as he looked at his son standing in the doorway as he finished of the smoke in his mouth.

"It went well but I am feeling a little tired so I'm going to head to bed to get some rest." he said as Hiruzen nodded to his son and watched him go before he turned to Naruto.

"So Naruto-kun it's nice to have you over today. If I had known I would have had some tea and sweets ready." he said.

"That's okay Jiji. Nee-chan said I did good today in my studies so we went to get ice cream."

"And how are your studies going. I'm sure your parents are very pleased to see you on your way to becoming a great shinobi."

Naruto half smiled again like he did earlier though Hiruzen had noticed the small flash of sadness appear in his eyes that worries him a little. He looked at Shizune who just gave him a look that said 'tell you later.'

"Nee-chan taught me the leaf balancing exercise for my chakra control. I can already balance five leafs on one hand now." he said feeling proud of himself.

"Well that's very good Naruto-kun. You are well on your way to becoming a great shinobi. Everybody starts at the bottom and I am glad that you know that and are not trying anything that is currently out of your each."

"You want to see?" he asked as Hiruzen nodded his head indicating he would. Naruto jumped up from his seat and opened one of the doors to the giant garden and training ground behind the manor house.

As he went out the door Sarutobi looked towards Shizune who sighed a little. "You saw it too didn't you?" she asked a little sadly.

"Why did he look a little sad when I mentioned Kushina and Minato? Everything is okay at home is it not?" He asked.

"Everything is fine from what I can see but I think Naruto is having a hard time due to the twins." she said. Sarutobi asked her to elaborate with what she meant.

"I can't help but notice that over the last couple of months Kushina-sama and Minato-sama's attention had been fixed mainly on the twins lately and they seem to be spending most of their free time with them. I think Naruto has been feeling a little left out due to the lack of attention they have been giving him lately."

"Also when he asks them to help him with his session or just to play a littlem they are normally busy."

"Well something like this was always going to happen." Hiruzen suggested. "After all with the twins being so young, it is only natural that their attention to be focused more on them."

"Oh I know and I am probably just looking into it too much, but at Naruto's birthday a few weeks ago, I noticed that their attention was again mainly focused on the twins and not on Naruto. Don't you think that is a little odd?" she said as Hiruzen sighed a little.

"I understand what you mean Shizune but unfortunately sometimes these things are to be expected with having more than one child. Plus since Mito is a jinchuuriki, there is always that small chance that something may happen with the seal. They are probably just being cautious."

Shizune was the one to sigh a little now. "Yeah I guess you are right, I am sure it is just temporary." she said shaking her head. Just as she was about to speak Naruto came back in, halting their conversation. Though she was a little surprised when she saw Tsunade walk in form behind Naruto.

"Lady Tsunade what are you doing here?" she asked as Hiruzen greeted his old student.

"I thought I would visit sensei while I had some time away from the hospital. It's an added bonus that I get to see little Naru-chan, I have not seen him since his birthday," she said hugging Naruto from behind and making Naruto smile up at her.

They all sat around the table as they watched Naruto show them he could do they leaf exercise. When he succeeded Sarutobi and Tsunade clapped while Shizune patted him on the back.

As Shizune moved over to speak with Tsunade, Naruto focused on at the stuff on the table.

"Jiji, what are all the scribbles and kanji's for?" Naruto asked as he looked at the equipment on the table and the paper with the kanji written on them. He looked a little interested in them.

"Ahh well this is my calligraphy equipment Naruto-kun. It helps with keeping my writing abilities neat and readable. Plus it is a practice that is great for practicing to write fūinjutsu seals," he explained as he took a brush with a bit on ink on the end and made the kanji for fire on one of the pieces of paper.

Naruto watched in interest. "Fu-Fūinjutsu?" he said aloud with a thinking like pose on his face. "Is that the one where you make thing go poof and put them in another object?" he asked Sarutobi as Shizune giggled into her sleeve at his description.

Sarutobi chuckled a little as well and ruffled his hair. "Yes that is one way to describe it Naruto-kun. It's also a type of shinobi practice your Tou-san and Kaa-chan are masters as. When it comes to fūinjutsu your parents are the best there is."

"Really?" he asked with slightly wide eyes as Hiruzen nodded. "Are you good at fūinjutsu too jiji?"

Sarutobi tapped his chin as he thought it over. "Well I am not bad I guess. Do you know how the art of sealing works Naru-chan?" he asked but saw Naruto shake his head. So Sarutobi explained while Shizune listened in on the description.

"Well fūinjutsu is a type of jutsu that seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Fūinjutsu can also be used to unseal objects either from within something or someone."

"That you are already aware of," he said as Naruto nodded, prompting him to continue.

"Well with fūinjutsu there are ten levels on sealing with level one being for beginners and then level 10 being for masters. Your Kaa-chan and Tou-san are both level ten fūinjutsu masters and are most likely the only level ten fūinjutsu masters in the world. Jiraiya meanwhile is a level eight, Tsunade seven while Kakashi is a level six."

"Whoa that so cool," Naruto said getting a nod from Sarutobi. "So then what level are you at, it must be pretty high because you're so strong."

"Ahh well while I am not as good at sealing like your parents or Jiraiya, I do know my way around seals and I can spot a great seal when I see one. My fūinjutsu skills are a level seven like your Baa-chan."

"Cool," he said as he looked at the equipment before turning back to Sarutobi. "Could you teach me jiji?" He asked surprising the former Hokage before he smiled and nodded at the request.

"I can however, before you learn about sealing you need to have a steady hand and be able to write and draw neatly and elegantly. That way the seal will be able to work. I can teach you calligraphy first as a first step." he said with Naruto nodding.

Putting a few large sheets of paper in front of Naruto and giving him a brush and small pallet of ink he guided Naruto with what to do. Though he knew Naruto had good hand writing for someone his age, he knew it was better to practice and get the symbols spot on since one wrong marking could lead to a disaster.

"Okay Naruto-kun first we will start easy and will draw the kanji for fire that I did moments ago. I will go slowly so you can follow the movement." he said as Naruto nodded and tipped his brush into one of the ink pallets.

Naruto watched as Sarutobi's brush glided along the paper and Naruto slowly and carefully did his best to follow the movements.

From the side Shizune and Tsunade were watching with interest since they were wondering when Naruto would gain an interest in seals. Considering his Uzumaki blood and who his parents are it was almost required for Naruto to have a strong interest in the art of sealing.

Naruto's tongue poked out of his mouth showing how hard he was concentrating and made licked is lips a little.

After Hiruzen finished the symbol he placed his brush down and looked at Naruto's who was just finished the last part until he made the last little swish movement with his brush. Like Sarutobi he placed his brush down.

Hiruzen looked it over and narrowed his eyes as he looked it over checking for any little mistakes. Then a couple of seconds later he smiled.

"This is very good for a first try Naruto-kun," he said placing the paper back down on the table making Naruto smile at the praise. "Though next time try and make the bottom right leg of the kanji a little longer since the one on this is a little short."

Naruto nodded seriously before he attempted it again.

The two worked on calligraphy for a few hours as Hiruzen taught Naruto to draw all the element symbols as well had him write sentences as quickly as he could whilst trying to keep the writing and symbols as neat and elegant looking as possible.

Hiruzen had to admit that Naruto was doing very well for his first real go at calligraphy. The first time he drew a new symbol there was only small things that needed to be tweaking. From then on all of them looked very professional looking and Hiruzen could not spot a flaw in them.

"The Uzumaki blood runs strong in you Naruto-kun," he thought as he went on to show him the symbol for Iron.

"The little guy is doing well." Tsunade said to Shizune as they quietly spoke and watched Naruto work with Hiruzen and found it very cute s how determined he looked.

"You know Naru-chan has been asking me a lot of questions about medic-nins lately." she said making Tsunade's eyebrows rise up in surprise.

"Really? I did not think medic-nins were something little Naru-chan would be interested in." Tsunade said honestly since not many children really knew about medic-nins.

"You would be surprise. He is very curious about all the different types of shinobi there are and is always asks me about the things I do as a medic-nin."

"So you think he could be a medic-nin one day?"

"Hmm, no I don't think Naruto would be a medic-nin; however, I do think he would be interested to learn some medical ninjutsu."

"You think he could?" Tsunade asked since she was not fully aware of what Naruto could do or what he was good at since she was busy a lot of the time at the hospital.

"He is very smart for his age and he always asks question which is a good thing. Plus for the amount of chakra he has for his age and having pretty good control over it which he demonstrated earlier, I think Naruto learning some medical-ninjutsu could be possible for him and be a big help to him."

Tsunade tapped her fingers against her chin as she thought it over. She did enjoy showing people how great medical-ninjutsu was since it was an art that many took for granted. It was medical-ninjutsu that helped her create her creation rebirth technique and to discover the super human strength she was known for.

And I would like to teach Naru-chan. Since Kushina and Minato are his parents he will without a doubt go on to do great things and if I could help prepare for the life of a shinobi like Shizune already is, it would give Naru-chan a great start.

"I will think it over. Perhaps teaching Naru-chan a little medical-ninjutsu would not be a bad thing." she said with Shizune smiling.

Later On At Uzumaki-Namikaze Home

Naruto sat on the floor in the living room as he sat in front of the coffee table. A little time after his working on calligraphy with his jiji, Sarutobi had taken Naruto out and got him a little calligraphy set of his own so that he could practice at home.

Since Sarutobi told him to make sure he could draw the kanji on the paper as if it was second nature and at a quick speed, that was what he decided to do with the rest of his time for the day.

"Na-Na," he heard from beside him and smiled when he noticed Mito was crawling towards him. She and Eiji had spoken their first word a few days after hers and Eiji's first birthday which happened to be Tou-san. It of course made Minato extremely happy since Naruto first word was Kaa-chan.

"Hi Mito-chan," he said as his little sister continued towards him before rolling around beside him. "Did you have a nice dinner?" he asked since he saw little bit of mushy carrots and beans on her face.

Picking up a napkin he put his baby sister in his lap and wiped off the mess from her face which made her flay her arms around, indicating she did not like it.

When he was done he saw she was staring at what he was doing on the coffee table and was pointing towards one of the brushes he was using.

"You want a go?" He said down at Mito who just gave a delighted squeals as a response just as Minato walked in with Eiji in his arms and Kushina following behind.

"So that's where you went Mito-chan; went to see what your big brother was doing." Minato said as he saw his daughter on his eldest's lap and he put a brush in her right hand.

Together Naruto dipped the brush in the ink and with Mito's in his own; together they slowly drew the kanji for water on the paper. Mito showed she was enjoying it by giggling while Eiji who was still in Minato's arm had his arms stretched out showing he wanted a go too.

Kushina and Minato sat on the sofas behind the coffee table and watched Naruto and Mito interact with each other before noticing the calligraphy kit.

"Naru-chan, where did you get this kit?" Minato asked.

Naruto smiled back at Minato. "Jiji got it for me. We went to see Jiji today and he taught me calligraphy. He said it was good for practice for seals."

"He is right, they are very important for someone who wants to learn seals. Does this mean you are wanting to learn fūinjutsu?" Kushina asked watching as Naruto had let go of Mito's hand as she was just drawing squiggles on the paper.

Naruto nodded his head and saw the two equally proud smiles appear on their faces. He watched as his father got from his seat and go upstairs but quickly returned a minute later with a book in his hand.

"Here Naru-chan, if you want to learn seals then take this and have Shizune or your jiji read it with you. This is a beginner's guide to fūinjutsu that I wrote with Jiraiya. This will help you learn the basics and level one fūinjutsu. Did your jiji tell you about the ten levels?" he asked as Naruto nodded.

"If you are anything like us Naruto then you will fall in love with fūinjutsu. Most think it is a dead end area of ninjutsu but it can be very powerful and so helpful if used right." Kushina added while watching Mito have fun with her drawing squiggles.

"Thank you Tou-san, Kaa-chan, but can't you help me with learning sealing? Jiji and Shizune nee-chan said you both are the best with seals." he asked thinking his parents would say yes to this.

But to his disappointment both his parents shook their heads. "Sorry Naru-chan we just don't have the time to help you right now, maybe some other time." Kushina answered.

"But your jiji can help you since I know he is quite well versed in seals. He will definantly be able to help you." Minato said as he patted Naruto's head.

"Oh that's ok. Maybe another time." he said to sound convincing despite feeling sad that they said no.

"Thank you Naru-chan, thank you for understanding," he said as Kushina picked Mito up which got a disappointed gurgle form the girl since she was enjoying her squiggle time. Kushina kissed Naruto's forehead before standing up.

"Come on miss messy let's get you nice and clean with a bath." she said as she and Minato left the room and headed upstairs with a twin in each arm.

As the two left neither heard the slight sniffle come from Naruto as he started a new page and began to draw again.