The Meeting Of Two Geniuses

Naruto jumped over a log as he ran around in a small forest just a little ways away from the Sarutobi manor as he did his best to jump and dodge out of any obstacles he ran into. He huffed a little as he stopped and tried to catch his breath. He had been running full out for about 30 minutes which for a seven year old most would find impressive.

Though he wondered if that was due to his Uzumaki blood but he would think on that another time. Strapped to the side of his pants was a small pouch that carried some kunai and shuriken which Sarutobi had bought for him a few months.

Since he started studying under Sarutobi just over a year ago, Sarutobi, Shizune and Tsunade had been surprised at how quick he was learning what they were showing him.

After just three months of learning calligraphy from Hiruzen, the boys hand writing had become so neat most would have thought an adult had written it. So Hiruzen began teaching him level one fuinjutsu which of course Naruto took too like a sponge.

Anything that was seal related went right into his head and stayed there. Sarutobi had been a little flabbergasted at how quickly Naruto had come into fuinjutsu. He believed that he was quicker in understanding seals at his age then even his parents.

The level one sealing showed Naruto how to make simple seals like storage seals with scrolls which were the basic among the fuinjutsu.

It only took Naruto about five months to understand the concept of level one and how to make high quality and working storage seals. It was also a big surprise when by his seventh birthday he was already beginning level two fuinjutsu. Sarutobi had tested Naruto how quickly he could make a storage seal with the equipment in front of them.

He was left flabbergasted again of course when Naruto made one in under 30 seconds. His parents were delighted at how quickly he took to them and knew that one day he would be a future fuinjutsu master.

Meanwhile his studies with Shizune had carried on to the point where even his Baa-chan Tsuande would turn up on occasions to see how well he was doing and would give him little tips with certain areas of his studies. Once he got the leaf exercise down they moved onto balancing rocks on the end of his fingers since rocks were heavier and needed more chakra to balance them on the end of his fingers.

Once again everyone was surprised at how quickly he was completing the exercise which showed Tsunade that Shizune had been correct about his chakra control and that she would definantly have to look into teaching him some medical ninjutsu at some point in the future.

Even Asuma and Kurenai who would watch him practice were amazed at how well he was doing for one so young and knew that he had definantly inherited the brains of his father and the determination of his mother.

"Jiji told me to stretches as well to make sure my body stays nimble and doesn't cease up," he thought as he began to slow down and stopped in his tracks. He did a few arm stretches and leg lunges since he had taken his jiji's words to heart about taking care of his body and that he would not get far without keeping a healthy diet and keeping one's body in top shape.

Looking at a high tree he decided he wanted to begin practising his kunai and shurikan throwing since that was almost a necessary skill one needed to be a shinobi.

However before he could go to begin target practise he began to sense somebody close by to where he was.

It felt a little familiar and decided to go and investigate who the signature was coming from.

The signature felt young like him though he could sense it was quite strong. He trekked through the forest for about five minutes until he found who he was looking for.

In a small clearing in the forest there stood a boy who looked about the same age as he did wearing a light blue top and greys pants with shinobi sandals. He had raven hair and had a small beginning of a ponytail at the back. Though the most notable feature was the long, pronounced tear-troughs under his eyes. On the back of his shirt was a red and white symbol of a fan.

An Uchiha Naruto thought as he watched what the boy was about to do. He watched as four kunai appeared in his hands and then jumped in the air and flipped. As he began coming down he released the kunai from his hands and flew towards a bunch of targets that were scattered around the small clearing.

Naruto eyes shot wide open when he noticed that they all hit the targets right in the center. "Woh he is really good."

As the young Uchiha landed gently on his feet he turned over to where Naruto was watching.

"Who is there? Come on out," he said lightly but with a slightly threatening tone to it.

Naruto stepped out of his hiding spot and walking into view of the Uchiha boy.

"My apologies Uchiha-san," he said bowing a little. "I did not mean to spy. I was in the area and I felt your chakra and came to investigate. My name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, it is nice to meet you," he said introducing himself.

"It is nice to meet you too Namikaze-san. My name is Itachi Uchiha," he said reciprocating the bow.

Naruto nodded and smiled. "How did you get all the kunai on the bull's-eye? I am surprised someone my age was able to do such a thing."

"My tou-san and my clan taught me from a very young age though a lot of it is self study and a lot of practising. I just taught myself until I could do it without blinking."

"So you have been learning to be a ninja since you were young then?"

"When I was four I began. Though my Kaa-san was not happy about it but my Tou-san talked her into it saying we Uchiha had to learn at a young age."

Naruto nodded a little as Itachi collect his kunai form the targets. While he was doing so, the young boy also noticed Naruto's ninja pouch strapped to his side.

"You are training to be a ninja too?" he asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice and watched as Naruto rapidly nodded his head.

"Yeah I have been training since I was five but maybe not as much as you have though."

Itachi nodded his head and put his Kunai's back into his small pouch which like Naruto was on the side his pants.

"What sort of stuff have you learnt so far?" Naruto asked since he wanted to compare himself to someone else his age.

"I have studied and practised the Uchiha style of taijutsu, shuriken jutsu, and fire jutsu. As well as a little bit of genjutsu," Itachi answered telling Naruto what he had learnt so far as well hoping to learn what Naruto has learnt as well.

"Woh he has learnt that much already," Naruto thought but then again he had been taught that the Uchiha were not only one of the founding families of Konoha but also one of the most powerful with their families strength being comparable to the Senju clan.

"May I ask what you have learn since I have told you mine?" Itachi asked as the two seven year old walked back into the center of the clearing.

"Sure," Naruto answered happily. "I have learnt two chakra control exercises, the leaf and the rock balancing exercises while I also practise fuinjutsu. Also my parents tell me I have a sensor ability."

Itachi nodded but was a little intrigued by the sensor ability he mentioned. "What is your sensor ability?" he asked.

Naruto shrugged though. "I am not too sure. My Nee-chan and jiji tell me I can just feel people's chakra as well as what they are feeling like if they are happy or if they are sad or angry."

"That sounds like a beneficial ability to have. Though who is your nee-chan? I was unaware that the Hokage and his wife had an older daughter?"

"She is not really by nee-chan but I just call her nee-chan since she is like one and she thinks of me as her little Outouto."

"Ahh my apologies for the mistake," he said while Naruto waved it off. Naruto took a good look at Itachi and narrowed his eyes at him.

"You look familiar. Have we met before this?"

Itachi shook his head. "Perhaps when we were babies but not since then due to our mothers friendship/rivalry. My mother is Mikoto Uchiha," he said as Naruto looked in surprise.

"Mikoto obasan? So that why you look familiar. I think I remember her saying your name before. And you have a little brother right?"

Itachi nodded. "My younger brother Sasuke, he is the same age as your siblings Mito and Eiji I believe."

The two took a seat in the small clearing and slowly began to talk to each other.

They both asked each other what they did for hobbies which was not surprising to each other when they both answered with training.

Though they both found out quickly that the other had a very strong desire to protect their family and village, especially when it came to their siblings and mothers.

Since both were the same age, they would both be going to the academy together at the same time. Normally they would have enrolled at six but one of the first things Minato did when he became Hokage was increase the age bar for when a child could become a shinobi since they were not in a time of war and he wanted the children of the village to have more of a childhood before they were entwined with the working of the shinobi world.

With Naruto it was of course known to all how much he adored his mother since before the twins were born, he was the apple of her eye. While Itachi felt a strong connection to his mother due to her being one of the few that wanted Itachi to have something of a normal childhood and would heal his injuries if he ever overworked himself.

Itachi described that his father Fugaku Uchiha was a very militarized man who above all else respected power. Since Itachi had shown at young age such promise in the ninja arts he made sure that Itachi would one day become the best in the village though Itachi always felt it was just so he could bring more power to their clan.

Naruto meanwhile described how after the Kyuubi he felt so useless when he found out his other was hurt and dedicated himself to getting stronger so that he could protect her, his tou-san and his siblings form any further hurt.

Though Itachi was surprised when Naruto told him it was the third Hokage that was teaching him to how be a shinobi and that he was the one who was teaching him fuinjutsu.

Though he knew that the Hokage and his wife were seen as the best with fuinjutsu. It made him wonder why they were not teaching it.

When he asked he noticed his new friend had avoided the subject and moved onto another topic.

Also when Naruto asked whether he could really do nay elemental ninjutsu since he heard it was very difficult for someone of their age to perform such as feat, he watched with slightly widened eyes when Itachi performed the Fire Style Fireball Jutsu which engulfed he area in a large fireball.

The two boys sat there for what felt like a couple of hours until the sun slowly began to come down and both knew they had better get home before their families got worried.

Saying goodbye and saying they would try and meet up again the next day, the two new friends made their way home.

At that time no one would realize that at that moment, two of Konoha's future greatest legends had just met for the first time.

Uchiha Clan Compound

Itachi walked into the clan compound and slipped his sandals off before making his way into the kitchen.

Arrive inside he saw his mother his mother sitting around the table with Sasuke strapped into his high chair while she tried to feed him his mushy pea's though he looked like he did not want any if the tiny glare on his face any indication.

"No," he said making Mikoto sigh before smiling and looking towards her eldest.

"Hello Itachi. How was your day?" She asked as little Sasuke spotted his big brother and gurgled happily at him.

"It was fine Kaa-san. I just practised my shuriken jutsu today," he said as sat on the other side of the table as noticed Sasuke was trying to get his attention.

"Hello Sasuke, are you being a good boy for Kaa-san?" he asked softly as Mikoto watch the two interact.

"Yuh I good," Sasuke gurgled out making Itachi smile a small smile while Mikoto laughed at her youngest son.

"Now why do I get the no's while your big brother gets the smile?" she asked Sasuke who just swung his arms around in response.

"Come on Sasuke be good for Kaa-san otherwise you will have to eat the mushy apricots," he said and internally smirked as the two year old boy had a look of disgust appear on his face indicating he did not want the apricots.

Mikoto tried again and moved the spoon towards Sasuke's mouth and unlike this time he took a big bite out of the food and chewed on it with a yummy expression on her face.

As she fed her youngest Itachi looked around saw that once again his father Fugaku was nowhere around. "Where is Tou-san Kaa-san?" He asked wondering where his father was.

Mikoto sighed. "Your Tou-san is at the Uchiha Police Force Station along with Yashiro. Apparently they will be pulling an all nighter again," she said as she did wish that her husband would spend more time at home.

"But then again when he is home all he does is focus on Itachi," she thought a little bitterly since Fugaku was becoming a little obsessed with bringing in more power for the clan which unfortunately focus on Itachi.

"I see," Itachi muttered as he watched his little brother happily munch away on his foot and watching is mother laugh at the funny faces Sasuke was making.

"I made a friend today," he said as he stared outside the window not seeing his mother turn her head to look at him in surprise.

"Really?" she asked not wanting to hide her joy since Itachi did not have any friends outside of the clan. "May I ask who?"

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," he said and watched in slight amusement at the delighted look that quickly appeared on his mothers face as she clapped her hands together.

"Ma-ma?" Sasuke said watching at his mother become suddenly very happy that made him turn his head in confusion.

"Oh that is wonderful Itachi-kun. I was wondering when the two of you would become friends. Oh you will become just like me and Kushina, I just know it."

"I think I would like that Kaa-san," he said as Mikoto smiled at her eldest. "I am going to go to my room. I feel a little tired."

"Okay, I will see you later Itachi-kun," she said kissing her sons forehead truly happy that he made a friend. Though Itachi was use to his mother giving him affection, he rarely showed that it had any effect on him. Though for this time, the young Uchiha let a small smile appear on his face.

Just as he left the room and without his mother looking, he put his hand in one of the draws by the door and pulled out a few blank slips of small paper.

As Itachi walked down the empty corridors of his clan compound he stopped for a moment at a mirror that was hanging on the walls. When he did he closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again.

However this time instead of his onyx colored eyes looking back at him, it was instead a pair of red eyes with two tomoe in each eye.

With Naruto

"Is anyone home?" Naruto called out waiting to get an answer as he stepped into his home.

"In the kitchen Naru-chan," he heard his mother's voice call. He walked in and saw his mother by the stove with the twins both in their high chairs looking up at the ceiling. Though when they saw him both giggled a little and waved their arms at him.

He waved back at them. "Where is Tou-san?"

"Your Tou-san will be home in a few minutes. Just some last minute work he had to finish. Go up and get washed for dinner," she said not taking her eyes away from the stove.

"Yeah, okay Kaa-chan," Naruto answered as he walked away and went upstairs. He looked back to see his mother had now moved from the stove and was now playing with the twins. It made Naruto feel a pang of sadness in his chest but he shook out of it.

As he walked home he had wondered about elemental ninjutsu. He knew he was not ready for such a big step yet but seeing his new friend Itachi use the fireball jutsu earlier that day, it made him want to try as well and it sparked something inside of him. He was amazed at how far Itachi was in his studies and had mentally decided he needed to catch up. He decided he would have to up his training with Shizune and Sarutobi the next time he saw them which was in two days time.

Deciding to wash up in a moment, he quietly made his way to his father's office and delicately turned the handle.

Walking into his father's office he looked over to the giant bookshelf. The bookshelf was a giant store of various jutsu's his parents had mastered as well as documented. His main attention though was on elemental ninjutsu.

He remembered his father had told him once that he had a wind element which was rare in Konoha while his mother had water element. Looking at the shelves his eyes stopped at one that read c ranked water ninjutsu.

He took it and opened it and stopped at the first page. On each page was a name of a jutsu while a small containment seal lay beneath it. He looked through the first few pages before one stuck out for him.

"Water Style: Water Bullet Technique," he read aloud and figured that would be perfect. Thank to his studying fuinjutsu and completing level one already, he pressed his hand against the seal and in small puff of smoke a small scroll lay on top of the page.

He quickly put the book back where it was and hid the scroll under his shirt before quickly leaving the office and heading to his own room.

He doubted his parents would know since they did not check the books over often and he would put the scroll back soon. He would quickly copy the contents of the scroll onto a blank scroll he had in his room and then put the original back where it belonged.

Next day

Naruto followed along the path towards the open space in the forest that he had met Itachi at with his shinobi pouch strapped once again to the side of his pants while on his left was two scrolls. One contained his little seal making kit that he practised with almost every day. The other one had the copied contents of the water jutsu scroll that he took form his parents water scroll.

He put the original back into the storing book and put it back where it belonged when his Father had left for work while his mother was feeling the twins. He knew he might be in trouble if his parents ever found out but he figured what they did not know did not hurt him.

"Plus it is not like Tou-san or Kaa-chan really spend time with me anymore," he thought to himself. Though he did not hate his little brother and sister and did in fact love them both dearly, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous towards them. Since they were born just over two year ago his parents focus was mainly on them. He wished Kushina and Minato just made some time for him, no matter how little that might be.

Shaking his head of the negative thoughts and following the path he took the other day, he felt Itachi's energy signature just like yesterday and he knew the Uchiha was close by.

Walking into the small area he saw Itachi standing in the center of the opening with his back to Naruto.

As Naruto walked towards him, Itachi picked up on his footsteps and turned around. When he spotted Naruto he nodded at him.

"Morning Itachi," Naruto greeted happily as Itachi nodded back towards him.

"So what were you going to work on today?" Naruto asked while Itachi was about to speak before he saw the scroll strapped to Naruto's side.

"What are the scrolls for?" Itachi asked with his eyes gazing towards the two scrolls in curiosity.

"Oh well," Naruto said as he began scratching the back of his head in slight nerves. "This one contains my fuinjutsu equipment since I was thinking of getting some practice in," he said as Itachi nodded his head. One of the thing Naruto had told him about was that he wanted to surpass his parents in fuinjutsu so he knew how much Naruto would have to practice to do such a thing.

"And this other may be a water jutsu that I may have taken from my dad's office," he said biting his lip as Itachi looked at his friend with a slightly amused look.

"So you stole it?" he asked with an eyebrow raised on his face. For a seven year old he could be oddly serious.

"Not stole, borrowed. But I did put it back."

"Then how is it strapped to the side of your pants pocket?"

"I may have copied everything inside on a blank scroll," he said scratching his chin as Itachi shook his head. He had a feeling hanging out with Naruto as going to lead to some interesting situations in the future.

Shaking his head Itachi reached into his pouch pocket and pulled out two pieces of paper and handed one over to Naruto who took it and looked at it oddly.

"Urm what is this for?" Naruto asked looking it over. It was just a slip of small paper that was completely blank on both sides.

"Do you know what these are?" Itachi asked his new friend.

"I think so. I recognise it since I think my jiji told me about them once but I forgot the name. They help tell you something about your chakra right?" Naruto said staring at the blank piece of paper.

Itachi nodded his head. "My Tou-san called them chakra paper. They help us find out what our element affinity is."

"Element affinity? So it tells us which of the element jutsu's we can do and can be best at right?" He said as Itachi nodded.

"That is how I understand it too," he said." I thought you might want to find out your element or elements since you showed interest in them the other day."

"Definantly. It's the main reason I took this water jutsu since I wanted to be able to do it too. Though how does the paper tell us?" He asked as Itachi explained.

"My Tou-san said that it differs from each element. He said that if its burns it is fire, water then it gets soggy, earth it crumbles away, wind it splits into two pieces and then lightning if it crinkles."

"Cool. So do you know what yours are?" Naruto asked since finding out what element he was, was definantly something he wanted to do. He had asked his jiji some time back which is where and found his jiji was Fire and also found out that Minato was wind while his mother was water. It explained why they had so many wind and water jutsu's stored away.

Itachi nodded and Naruto watched as a faint blue glow appeared around the paper as the young Uchiha poured some of his chakra into it.

Naruto watched in fascination towards the slip of paper and then watched as Naruto got his answer. On one half the slip of paper set alight while on the other half water got damp thought it was only a little before it completely set alight.

Before Naruto council answer Itachi did instead. "My main element is fire which is not surprising since my clan is known for our strong affinity to fire. However I was surprised when I discovered I had a minor affinity for water which is extremely rare for my clan."

"So is that why you could do the fire jutsu so easily?"

"In a way. The fireball jutsu is a rite of passage for all Uchiha members. Meaning everyone in my family had to learn it by the time they were my age," Itachi explained while Naruto nodded. He had to admit that Itachi's clan sounded pretty cool. He also wondered if his family had some kind of rite of passage they had to go through or any of the others clans in Konoha.

"So cool. Man I am so pumped I have to find out what mine is now," Naruto said grinning eagerly at the piece of paper in his hand.

He closed his eyes and gripped the slip of paper tightly in his paper. He pouted his chakra into the paper making it glow a faint blue.

Itachi stood just in front of it waiting to see what the end result was going to be. When Naruto opened his eyes the two got their answer.

Though it was an answer neither had been quite prepared for.

The paper had split right down the middle, shaving the two equally in half. On the left side the paper completed crumbled away while on the other slip of paper, it became all soggy and wet.

"Woh," both Naruto and Itachi said at the same time as they observed the small spectacle in front of them.

"Amazing," Itachi said not fully believing what he just witnessed.

"Urm what exactly does that mean?" Naruto thought as he looked at the slips of paper in his hand.

"Does this mean I have three elements?" he said to himself aloud not entirely sure he believed him with what just happened.

"It appears that is what just happened," Itachi said finally wrapping his head around it. It is surprising since my mother once said that it was very rare for someone to have even two affinities since it usually indicates that they have a bloodline. Though I Was unaware your family had one."

"Well I know neither side of my family as a bloodline of those sorts. My Kaa-chan's side is that is has strong life force along with naturally high stamina and chakra. At least I think that is what it was. So how did I get three?"

"I do not know. I guess it was just one of those one in a million happenings," Itachi said with Naruto nodding.

"Wind, Water and Earth. I can get so strong if I master them one day. But what would everyone think if I tell them? Plus Kaa-chan and Tou-san may find out I took a jutsu from their library without asking," he though as he bit his lip.

"Then jiji, nee-chan and baa-chan might get angry that I am doing this without telling them," he thought since he really did not want a skull bashing by either Shizune, Tsunade or even worse both. The two were crazy strong. Plus he dared not think what his mother would do. She was known as the Red Hot Habanero for a reason and even Naruto knew not to cross his mother when she was in one of her moods.

"Hey Itachi," he called getting the boy to look at him. "Do you think we could keep this between us for now? No one knows I am looking into elemental ninjutsu and they would probably tell them I am not ready for it yet. So could we maybe keep this between us for now?"

Itachi raised an eyebrow at the question but shrugged and nodded indicating that it was not a problem. Naruto thanked him and the two got to their training. While Itachi went back to practicing his shuriken jutsu, Naruto began looking over the water scroll with a new burst of life and energy.

Now that he knew he had water element, it made him want to tackle this jutsu and get it down even more so then before.