On My Way

Naruto woke up and his eyes flickered as his gaze looked over towards the window in his room, getting a good look of the sky and the few clouds that hovered along it.

Turning over he then look up at the ceiling for a moment before he felt a familiar feeling between his legs. He looked down and groaned again when he saw his manly part was erected and making a sizable tent form from his covers.

It had been that way ever since he last met the Iwa girl Kurotsuchi. He blamed that quick kiss she gave him because since then he had not been able to get her out of his head. Every time he thought of her he could still taste the cinnamon from her lips and as well as feel how soft her lips were.

'What are these feeling towards her? I don't understand them.' He thought since just the thought of her and her light pink eyes made his stomach do a few flips and his heart flutter.

"Could I…could I have feelings for her?" He wondered since it sounded so stupid if he did. He had only properly met her twice and one of those times she was trying to kick his ass.

He did not dare speak to anyone about this. If someone he knew discovered he was developing potential feelings for a girl from Iwa, the granddaughter of Tsuchikage no less, it would bring trouble and he knew it would cause even more problems between him and his family.

His friends might accept it but he dreaded what his parents would have thought about it. Especially considering how Iwa thinks of his father.

Sighing and getting out of bed, he took a quick shower and dressed in some comfy civilian clothes since he had the next few days off.

At fifteen Naruto was now five foot eight and was now taller than his mother and the same height as Tsunade. His hair was kept short since if it got longer then he would just look like his father.

The main noticeable change was that now on Naruto's forehead was a purple diamond mark just like Tsunade has on her forehead.

Since the news of his battle got out with Raiga Kurosuki and that he was now in the Bingo Books as an A Ranked shinobi, Tsunade and others knew that Naruto would be targeted by bounty hunters, shinobi, and missing nin.

So Tsunade decided that to make sure he had a better chance of surviving an encounter with a potentially stronger opponent, she placed the Creation Rebirth seal on his forehead. That way Naruto could store chakra into that seal and if Naruto is injured to a point where he might die, then he could release it if stored enough chakra and heal all his wounds. Plus it helped that Naruto had some knowledge of medical jutsu thanks to his training with Tsunade.

Tsunade knew that the jutsu would shorten his lifespan as did Naruto if he ever used it but to her she would rather Naruto lose five years of his life then lose his life altogether. Kushina, Minato, Mikoto and Hiruzen all agreed as well and would give them some relief knowing he had the seal stored on him.

Wearing simple black shorts and a dark green shirt he walked out of his room and saw Anko and Itachi sitting around the table as Itachi ate his cereal while Anko was guzzling down a glass of orange juice.

"Morning sleepy head." Anko said as Naruto gave her a tired wave and Itachi a slight nod. The Uchiha boy just nodded back before going back to his breakfast.

"Busy I take it?" He asked as he put some toast in the toaster and waited for it to pop up. He saw Itachi dressed in his Anbu uniform while Anko was in her usual shinobi wear and was slipping her sandals on underneath the table as she drank.

"You know it, got three people to torture today. Oh the blood and the screaming. It just tickles me." She said as she mock shivered.

"You know you're never going to get a boyfriend if you keep scaring people like that." Itachi muttered but felt a swift foot kick him in the shin. Though it hurt he did not show it and instead just raised an eyebrow at Anko who was smiling happily at him.

"No man could ever handle my desires my wonderful Uchiha friend." She said ruffling the top of his head and making his hair go messy. "Beside as much as I like boys, you know I do like the women just as much."

"So you keep telling us." Naruto said since Naruto and Itachi discovered that their teammate and friend was bisexual. In all honestly they were not that surprised since Anko always seemed to look at girls behind and chests when they were not looking.

Plus it did not bother them since they both knew she had a thing for both sexes very earlier on and they accepted it easily and quickly.

"Then I guess I will warn the male and female population of Konoha and warn them Anko is looking for a good rutting. May Kami save them."

"True but maybe we could get around again. You did love it when we went at it that one time." Anko said wiggling her eyebrows at Naruto who shook his head.

That was something Naruto would never forget since it was only a couple of months ago. Naruto and Anko had been home alone and somehow the topic of sex had come up and how it led to them saying that since they were shinobi, they could die on any mission at any given time. Both mentioned that neither wanted to die a virgin.

So after some more talking and the eventually addition of some alcohol, Naruto and Anko lost their virginity to one another. It was not bad, if anything for their first time it was pretty amazing since Anko did things with her tongue that Naruto did not think was even possible. And Anko loved how rough Naruto could get when they were in the moment along with his stamina.

The next day after their night of passion, nothing really changed and they went back to being normal friends. Both were not that bothered by it and were happy that they had sex for the first time with a good friend and someone that they both enjoyed being with.

They did not understand why people thought sex would overcomplicate things. Before they were friends and now they were friends who lost their virginity to one another: nothing more, nothing less.

Though they both felt sorry for Itachi when he came out of his room looking dead tired and glaring at them; neither realized he had even come home and must have heard them going at it since Naruto did not put up silence seals around the room.

"I thought we agreed never to mention that again." Itachi said as the two chuckled before Naruto grabbed his toast and went to towards the door as he slipped his sandals on.

"Where you headed?" Anko asked.

"Just to the messenger tower. I have not checked it in a week so I thought I would do it now."

"Can you check mine please?" She asked giving him the puppy dog look making him roll his eyes before nodding. As thanks she blew him a kiss before getting back to her breakfast.

Leaving the apartment building Naruto walked at a leisurely pace as he greeted and waved to a few of the civilians and other shinobi.

He saw Kurenai and Asuma sitting with one another and talking quietly to each other. When they saw him they gave him a wave hello which he happily gave back.

As he walked down the path of the Leaf village, he stopped at a small café he made regular stops to and bought his morning coffee. As he walked out he sensed two small figures barreling towards him from behind.

Quickly turning around and opening his arms he held strong as two blonde blurs smashed into him and hugged him close.

"Naruto-nii." Mito and Eiji both called as they smiled up at their big brother who still held them and began walking with the two ten year olds, one in each arm.

"We haven't seen you in ages Nii-san. Where have you been?" Eiji asked while Mito was give him a mixture of a pout and a glare, wanting him to answer quickly.

"You better answered Nii-san or I'm telling Kaa-chan." Mito piped up making him roll his eyes.

"If you must know then I have been on a lot of mission over the last two months so I have not been home much. But now I have a few days off which if you want I am sure I can give up to spend the day with you two munchkins and Mina-chan."

"Besides why are you two not at the academyl at the moment? Last I checked Thursday was a school day."

"Iruka-sensei was not well and Mizuki sensei got pulled out do a mission. So we got the rest of the week off." Eiji answered as Naruto nodded.

The twins both nodded eagerly as Eiji hopped down from his brother's arms and walked beside him while Mito climbed up her brother and got on his shoulders.

"You comfy up there?" He asked as Mito nodded her head before the trio began walking again.

They talked and chatted happily as they asked him about what kind of cool missions he had been on lately and if he could teach them some new jutsu. Apparently they were getting bored in their class since Iruka just babbled a lot and lectured too much.

Though they did train from time to time with their parents, Kakashi and Jiraiya it was only light training and nothing cool in their own opinions. Naruto made it fun when he showed them a thing or two and would turn it into a game.

They eventually arrived at the messenger tower and when they got to the top, the twins went straight to petting the various birds that were kept up there and fed them little treats.

Naruto smiled at them as he collected his and Anko's messages.

He put Anko's away into his back pocket and took a quick look at his own. It was only two pieces, one of which was from a weapons dealer from Iron Country since he liked being kept up to date about the latest chakra metal weapons they developed over there.

He then looked at the second message and immediately he turned serious since on the front of the letter was the royal emblem for the Fire Daimyo. The fire emblem was not difficult to recognize and he knew if he was getting some kind of message from the royalty of Fire Country then it must have been extremely important.

Opening it, he quickly began reading it.

As he did the twins looked over and saw Naruto's face look gob smacked and suddenly have the need to sit down. Both went over to try and look at what the parchment said but Naruto kept it close so that no one else could read it.

The twins then resorted to climbing on his shoulder with their curiosity growing but Naruto then stood up making them fall on their butts.

"Oni-chan what does it say?" Mito whined while Eiji pouted both hating being kept out of the loop.

Naruto looked at it again for a few moments before looking at the twins.

"It is nothing to concern yourselves over. Do you know the way back home?"

They both nodded yes but still looked confused.

"Good you should both go home. I need to go get some advice about something. I will see you both later." He said patting them both on the head before he took off quickly.

Both the twins watched him go.

"Oni-chan is so weird sometimes." Eiji said as Mito nodded in agreement.

With Naruto

Naruto ran across the rooftops as quick as he could before he landed in front of the Uchiha clan compound and quickly ran forward.

He gave a quick wave or nod to the Uchiha members that knew him before he arrived at the main manor house. Approaching it he saw Mikoto sitting on a porch reading while Ria was by her feet coloring a picture.

Mikoto looked up and smiled when she saw her student coming towards her and placed her book down.

"Hello Naruto-kun, this is a nice surprise. I was not expecting a visit today." She said happily but looked at him in concern when she saw his serious but nervous look on his face.

She quickly sent Ria inside as Naruto took a seat next to her and showed her the letter that was in his hand. Her eyes went slightly wide when she saw the Fire Country emblem and already had an idea of what it might be.

She scanned the contents of it as Naruto sat quietly beside her. Since Mikoto was one of only two people he knew about that could relate to this, he valued her opinion highly in this regard.

After a minute Mikoto looked up at him looking both stunned and immensely proud.

"They want you to join the Guardian Shinobi Twelve?" She asked as Naruto nodded in his head. "Naruto this is such a huge honor. Oh I am so proud of you."

Mikoto leaned forward and hugged him in congratulation, which Naruto quickly reciprocated before they broke off.

"What should I do? I mean should I take it?"

"I don't see why you shouldn't to be honest Naruto. It's such an honor to be asked to join and very few people ever get asked. They only ask those that the royal family recognize as the best or will one day become the best. The fact that you have been asked means that they recognize you as someone who has and will go on to do great things."

"I guess." Naruto answered looking down at the letter. "Plus its says they just want me there for three years, possibly longer if I choose to stay on longer. I would be back by time I'm eighteen."

"Then what has you doubting it?" Mikoto asked her student.

Naruto was quiet for a moment before answering. "My life is here in Konoha; my family, my friends, my colleagues; not seeing them for three year kind of scares me a little. I know it sounds silly but I would be on my own if I go. When I am in trouble or need help then I have people here to fall back on. You, Itachi, Anko, Jiji, Tsunade sensei, Shizune Nee-chan…Kaa-san and Tou-san."

Mikoto nodded and she understood. Every time Naruto left the village for a mission, he was either with a team or with people he knew. Now if he went he would be going on his own. As strong as Naruto was the one thing he always hated was being on his own and Mikoto knew that.

"Don't use your head for this Naruto. That is the best advice I can give you on this." She said as he looked back at her. "If you use your head you will over think it and start weighing the pros and cons. Tell me Naruto, what does your heart tell you to do?"

"Do you want to stay in Konoha or do you want to go and join the Guardian Shinobi Twelve for three years. Know now that whatever you decide you have my full support as both your Aunt and your teacher."

Naruto nodded and sat there for a moment as Mikoto leaned back and just observed her student as he thought it over. In her own opinion, she wanted him to go because she knew it would be good for him. It helped her become where she was today as a shinobi and she knew that it would do wonders for Naruto.

It would start him on his path to becoming a shinobi that will rock the foundation of their world just like so few before him had done. He had the potential, it was one of the reasons she wanted to be his sensei. So she could say that he was her student and that she helped turn him into the great man she knew he would become.

Ten minutes past as the silence between the two was uncomfortable as Mikoto waited for his answer.

Then just as she sat forward, Naruto turned to look at her and gave her a small smile.

"I…I think I want to join the Guardian Twelve."

Mikoto had a look of pure happiness and from her eyes you knew she was proud. "Then you have your answer and I think you have made the right one. This is an offer that will only come to you once in your lifetime. So many before you have turned it down like your parents for example, Kakashi, Jiraiya and Tsunade as well and I always think they made the wrong choice. Leaving the village and joining the Guardians twelve for three year when I was seventeen was one of the best decisions I made because it helped me grow as both a person and as a shinobi. I know it will work for you as well."

Naruto leaned over and placed his head on his teacher/Aunts shoulder as she patted his head.

"Thank you Mikoto-sensei."

"You're welcome Naruto. That's what I'm here for."

Later that day

Since his talk with Mikoto, Naruto then went to Asuma since Asuma returned from being a member of the Guardian Twelve two year ago and Naruto could see how much Asuma had both matured and how much stronger he had become. He was now one of the strongest Jonin in the village.

Speaking with Asuma, the son of the Sandaime Hokage congratulated Naruto on being asked and spoke with him for about an hour as he told him his time in the group and how it was three of his best year as a shinobi.

He wished Naruto luck and told Naruto that he had made the right choice. Now Naruto had another job to do.

Tell his family.

Thankfully it was easy to do since his family were all having dinner at the Namikaze household. He told Itachi and Anko earlier that day and the two had both congratulated him and wished him the best of luck. He had their blessings which was a relief since he did not want his two best friends thinking he was just up and leaving them.

He was sitting besides Shizune as his family were all round the table. His mother had Eiji and Mina next to her on her right and Tsunade next to her on her left. His father was at the head of the table while he was sitting right at the end with Jiraiya, Shizune and Mito sitting to his left. Hiruzen meanwhile was at the opposite side of table. Kakashi had also been invited but he was two hours late so they started without him.

Minato was conversing with Jiraiya about trivial things while Kushina was speaking with Tsunade and Shizune. Eiji and Mina were talking to Hiruzen who was telling them old stories about his time as a Genin.

"Oni-chan are you okay? You are being really quiet." Mito asked as Naruto nodded.

"I'm fine Mito-chan. I just have a bit on my mind that's all."

"Is it about that letter you got today?" She asked thought said it a little loudly since everyone around the table heard ad looked towards Naruto.

"Letter? What letter is she talking about Naruto?" Kushina asked as she leaned forwards a little looking a little curious and worried.

Naruto looked around to see all eyes were on him. He sighed a little and stood up. He reached into his pocket and took the letter out. When everyone saw the Royal family fire emblem they looked a little surprised and already had potentials outcomes going through their head.

He leaned over and handed it to his father. Minato took it and began reading it over to himself for a moment before he looked at Naruto in surprise.

"They want me to join the Guardian Shinobi Twelve and I have decided that I want to go."

No one said a word as they let the information sink in. He was not surprised when the first voice he heard was his mother.

"No, no absolutely not. You are not leaving the village for three years to be some pompous man's body guard." She said with her voice raised high.

"Naruto this is a great honor. Well done." Shizune said as she hugged him just like Mikoto did earlier.

"It is quite an honor to be asked to join the Guardian Twelve Naruto. I know Asuma speaks very highly of the group and that it helped him grow as a person and as a shinobi."

"Yeah I ran in by Asuma-san and Mikoto sensei earlier to get their opinion on this since they are former members of the twelve."

"You told Mikoto before you told me? Before you told you family?" Kushina said not looking at all pleased.

"Of course I did. She is a former member of the twelve and she is my sensei. Who better to ask for advice on this?"

"I don't think that would be wise." Jiraiya piped up as attention was drawn to him causing Naruto's eyes to narrow at the man. He had very little respect for the perverted Sannin and viewed him with much contempt ever since the man showed that he cared very little for Naruto as if he cared at all. "Minato and Kushina have many enemies and Naruto being out of the village for three years would be bad idea. We don't need any unneeded attention from a fifteen year old trying to make a name for himself."

"Your family should come first in this and not your own selfish desires Naruto." Jiraiya said as Naruto and a few other frowned at how he put it.

'The fucks his problem? He should be pleased that I am out of his hair or not even really care.' Naruto thought looking at the Toad Sannin.

"Yes well to bad it's not up to you, you old pervert." Naruto said as Jiraiya scowled. "I have already chosen what I will do and I want to join for the three year contract. Mikoto-sensei, Asuma-san, Itachi and Anko have all given me their blessing and telling me I should take the offer while I can."

The adults all looked thoughtful while his siblings looked sad at the thought of him leaving for so long. Mina especially was barely holding her tears at bay.

"Well I see no problem with it. I think it would be a great experience for Naruto." Tsunade spoke. "I know I turned it down as did many of us here but that does not mean Naruto should have to. If he wants to join and protect the Fire Daimyo for three years then he has my blessing to do so." She then smiled at her student making him smile back at her.

"You already know my answer." Shizune said ruffling his hair making him pout a little before smiling again.

"And you already know mine." Jiraiya spoke not bothering to look up from his dinner."

"And you know mine. I don't want him spending three year out of the village allowing Kami knows who to try and hurt him." Kushina spoke firmly making sure everyone; especially Naruto knew what she thought about this.

Naruto then turned to Hiruzen who had a contemplative look on his face. After a moment of silence, he took out a small piece of paper, wrote something on it and handed it to Naruto. Naruto then looked it over.

Who is the King of the Hidden Leaf Village?

It was a question that he had asked Asuma before he left for the Guardian Twelve and a question Asuma had failed in answering. Now he wondered if Naruto would fall for the same answer or give the correct one.

Naruto looked it over before he wrote his own answer down and gave it back to Hiruzen who looked it over. Everyone else was looking in curiosity to what was being messaged between the two.

The children and the next generation of shinobi of the Leaf Village.

Seeing the answer and knowing it was the correct one Hiruzen smiled and nodded at Naruto. "You have my blessing to go Naruto."

"Thank you Jiji." Naruto said relieved that Hiruzen was okay with him going.

Turning around the then looked at the only person who had not answered yet. Minato sat in his seat and everyone turned to look at him waiting for what his answer would be.

Being Hokage he should have been use to being looked at in such a way and being used to the pressure. But since this was his son who the topic was mainly about, he could not help but feel a little nervous.

He knew that the disadvantage would be that Naruto might be targeted by his or Kushina's enemies as well as die protecting the Fire daimyo since there would have been hundred if not thousands of rogue shinobi or mercenaries that would want the head of the Daimyo.

The advantage though would be that Naruto would get to see more of the world, he would train with some of the strongest people in Fire Country and would be put in a positive light and gain the favor of the Fire Daimyo. Having a Daimyo on your side could only be a great boost for any shinobi.

He looked the letter over again quickly before looking up at his eldest.

"When would you leave? It has no specific date but would like an answer asap. I don't think the Fire Daimyo is one to wait." He said since after meeting the Fire Daimyo himself he knew the man could be a little impatient but overall was a pretty decent guy. He was a man that was worth protecting.

"I am thinking in two days time. I have already sent a return letter saying I would join. They will probably be expecting me to arrive by sometime next week."

Minato nodded and sighed. He scratched his head before answering. "I guess your mind is already pretty made up then isn't it?" He asked as Naruto nodded as he confirmed the statement.

"If it's what you want then I will not stand in the way." He said giving his son as small smile and was happy when Naruto returned one.

Though by the look on his wife's face she most likely was not happy with it still and would be giving him an earful later that night.

As everyone slowly began to talk and discuss again, Naruto noticed the chair where his baby sister Mina had been sitting was now empty. He could hear tiny footsteps making their way up stairs before he sighed and stood up.

"If you could excuse me for a moment." He said as everyone now noticed that Mina had snuck off at some point and guessed Naruto was going to go talk to her.

Mina's Room

Naruto walked up the stairs and walked towards Mina's room. On the door it had Mina's name written in pink and had little stars and glitter decorating it. He smiled because it just showed how innocent Mina really was.

As he knocked on the door, he could hear soft crying and sobbing coming from inside. "Mina-chan. Can I come in?"

He didn't get a reply and only heard more sobbing. Turning the handle gently he opened the door and stepped inside. Looking over towards his sister's bed, he felt his heart ache when he saw his little sister curled up in a ball as tears ran down her cheeks and her face looking red and puffy.

"Mina-chan." He said softly as he went towards her bed and kneeled beside her, going down to her level. He pushed a strand of hair out of her face and gave her a soft pat on the cheek. "Please don't cry my little Hime. It hurts seeing you so upset."

She sniffled as she ran her hand across her nose. Naruto pulled a tissue from a small tissue box on her bed stand and had her blow her nose before he wiped away some of the tear from her eyes.

As he sat on the bed, he felt her get up and crawl onto his lap. She put her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him as her little legs dangled off the side.

"I don't want you to go. I don't want you to leave me."

Naruto sighed and out his head on top of hers as he hugged her back.

"I know it might be weird without me around but it will only be for three years. Then I will be back and we will be together again. You need to understand Mina that this honor I have been given only comes around once in a lifetime. If I don't take it then I might always regret missing the opportunity."

She sniffled again but he felt her nod her head.

"Besides you know I would never leave you anyway. I'm always with you even when you don't realize."

She turned her head to look up at him with a confused look on his face. He just smiled as he nuzzled his nose against hers making her smile and giggle a little.

"I'm always right in here." He said tapping her chest with his fingers. "Just like you will always have a very special place in mine, a special spot that no one will ever take." Mina tapped his chest like he did to hers as Naruto nodded.

"You want to know a little secret Mina-chan?" He whispered into her ear. Mina nodded her head eagerly, wanting to know the secret.

"Out of all the people that I care about in the world, you are the person I love and care about the most. But don't let Kaa-san or Mito-chan find out or they might get jealous." He whispered in a hushed tone making Mina giggled again before she leaned up and gave him a big kiss on his cheek before she just sat with her big brother and enjoyed his warm cuddles.

Naruto sat there hugging his baby sister and he could not begin to realize how much he was going to miss not only her but Mito and Eiji as well.

"Hey now." He said getting her attention again. "How about tomorrow just you, I, Mito and Eiji spend the day together. It will just be the four of us and we can have a day of fun. We can all go to the park together, go up on the Hokage monument and have some Ichiraku's Ramen for lunch. Would that be nice?"

Mina's eyes gleamed happily and quickly nodded her head showing she liked the idea before the two decided to go back down stairs and enjoy their desert.

Next evening

Kushina took a heavy breath as she combed her hair in the mirror in her room as she wore her light purple nightgown getting ready for bed.

She was not ready to see her eldest son leave tomorrow, not one bit but she had eventually relented after she and Minato had spent a good two hours during the night talking about it with Minato finally convincing her.

The main convincing was how he described Naruto's feeling towards them both. After discovering how they unknowingly treated him for five years, Naruto was very distant and sometimes cold towards them. Not outright but he was rarely in the same room as them.

Now though some of that trust had begun coming back and Minato said he had noticed that Naruto was talking to them a bit more then he use to and he smiled more around them. It showed that things between the son and parents were slowly being rebuilt at a good steady pace which is what both parties wanted.

Realizing that, it helped her see that Naruto was not a baby or a little boy any more. He was a young adult and a shinobi of Konoha. One that could hold his own and protect himself when it came. He was a smart boy and he knew when things got to bad and when to bail. So eventually she gave him her blessing.

"You coming to bed Kushi-chan?" Minato asked as he put a book to the side and got ready to go to sleep.

"I will in just a moment. I just want to check that the kids are okay." She said standing up as Minato nodded.

Walking out of her room and into the hallway, she first stopped at Mina's room and peered in. However she saw that Mina was not in her room.

A brief bit of panic hit her as she went to look into Naruto's old room since the twins and Mina convinced him to stay with them for his last two days, something Kushina was so happy with.

Looking in once again she saw her children was not in the room.

Now even more panicked she almost ran over to the twin's room. She opened the door and was about to go in but stopped herself when she saw what or better yet who was in there.

The two beds that the twins slept in had been pushed together to make a bigger bed and in this new bed was all four of her children.

Naruto was lying in the middle and had Mina's fast asleep on top of his chest as her little head lay in the crook of his neck. Eiji and Mito had stationed themselves on his side and cuddled into him. Over them were Naruto's arms, which kept them secure against him.

Kushina had to bring her hand up to her mouth to stop little sobs from coming out. The scene in front of her was nothing more than perfection. The four people that she had carried, birthed and loved more than life itself all together in a peaceful sleep.

"I don't think I have seen them all together like that since they were little." Minato said appearing behind her and wrapping is arms around her. Kushina leaned into her husband as they looked at their children happily.

"It will be strange with Naruto gone for three years. I don't like the thought of one of my babies so far away from me but I can't keep babying them all forever. I have to let go eventually."

Minato nodded silently as they just stood there for a moment looking at their children.

At the same time they both noticed that there was a bit of space on the bed where Eiji was laying. Minato saw Kushina look at her children with pure unconditional love. He kissed her head.

"Stay with them for tonight." He said as she looked at him. "There is room for one more on the bed and I know you want to stay with them. Stay with our children tonight and I will see you in the morning." He said.

Kushina looked at Minato and smiled at him. She gave him a kiss on the lips before they broke apart. "Thank you." She said as Minato nodded at her before quietly going back to their room.

Closing the door behind her Kushina walked towards the bed and quietly tucked into the bed and laid on her side. She wrapped her arms around Eiji and felt her youngest son lean into her as she kissed his head.

She saw Naruto's hand just beside her and gently held his hand into hers. She felt him squeeze back slightly and not reject it making her happy. She leaned down on the pillows and slowly began to fall asleep.

She could spend any night in the same bed as her husband, but just for tonight she wanted to sleep beside her babies and keep them where she could see them.

Next Morning

Naruto stood in front of one of the Konoha's main gates with a rucksack slung over his right shoulder that had various clothing and some storage scroll contained inside it. The gates were wide open, ready for him to set off and make his way to the Fire Capital.

Behind him Minato, Kushina, Eiji, Mito, Mina, Tsunade, Shizune, Hiruzen, Mikoto, Itachi, Anko, Hayate, Yugao and Hana all stood there as they waited to see him off.

He first said his goodbyes to his friends as he shook hands and one shoulder hugged Hayate and Itachi while the girls gave him full hugs and a peck on the cheek. They reminded him to get stronger because when he came back to the in three year, they will have advanced forward a lot.

Next was Shizune, Mikoto, Tsunade and Hiruzen. He hugged all three of them as Hiruzen gave him some parting advice as well as a few elemental type jutsu for him to master. Hiruzen also told him that when he returned, he would be looking forward to a future spar with his surrogate grandson. Naruto was more than happy to accept.

Shizune gave him some healing cream and ointment that should last him a year, maybe longer depending how much of it he needed. She let a few tears slip as she kissed his forehead and reminding him to stay safe and not to get to overly confident.

Mikoto wiped a stray tear away as she hugged her student and kissed his forehead as she thanked whoever was listening that she got to be part of this wonderful young man's life.

Tsunade did the same and gave him a kiss on the head as well as pass over the Shodaime Hokage's necklace to him, which surprised everyone.

"I know you will be the first to break this curse." She said before she discreetly slipped a storage scroll into his cloak as she hugged him.

"That scroll contains some of my grandfathers Mokuton Jutsu. The time away will be the best time to begin fully practicing your bloodline."

Naruto nodded before he eventually got to his family. His father was first who brought Naruto in for a hug. Naruto accepted the hug as father and son stood there for a moment before breaking apart. Minato put his hand in his pocket and gave Naruto one of his three-pronged Kunai.

Naruto looked at him as if ready to say no but Minato beat him to it. "Just in case," was all Minato said. Naruto hesitated for a moment before nodding and slipped the kunai away into his cloak.

He knelt down to Eiji who sniffled a little. He put his hand on his little brother's head. "With me gone for the time being I need you to be the one to look after our sisters. Do you think you can handle it?"

Eiji quickly nodded and gave him a confident expression as he slipped his pinkie around his brothers making a pinkie promise to protect their sisters. The two brothers hugged for a moment before they broke apart.

Next was Mito who was teary eyed and Naruto quickly brought her in for a hug as she sobbed a little.

"I'm going to miss you." She said through her sobs as Naruto gave her a sad smile and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm going to miss you too. But it won't be forever. I will come back and when I do, I want to see how much my little sister has improved in her shinobi skills. Remember to practice every day and don't get lazy or sloppy." He said as Mito nodded and went in for another quick hug before Naruto turned to his littlest sister who had the hiccups as she cried.

"My little Mina-Hime. Don't cry. Remember what I told you." He whispered to her as she hugged him tightly around the neck. He felt her nod her head and poke his chest.

"In there and in here." She said as she tapped her chest as well making Naruto nod at her.

"That's right. As long as you remember that I will always be with you." He said as gave her a kiss on the head while Mina gave him a big long sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"I will write to the three of you when I can and I want you to tell me how everything at home is okay." He said to his three siblings who all nodded and were all brought in for a sibling hug as Naruto wrapped his arms around the three as they snuggled into him.

After a few more moments passed, they broke off and Naruto had just one person left to say goodbye too.

He moved over and stood directly in front of Kushina who was doing her best not to start crying and tried to be strong. But judging from the way her lip was quivering it was not going so well.

She opened her arms out as if asking if she could hug him and internally hoped he would accept. Naruto stood there for a moment before he smiled and moved in and hugged his mother. He wrapped his arms around her since he was now taller than his mother.

Kushina wrapped her arms around him as well and began speaking quietly to him.

"I know you are grown up now but as a mother I need to tell you these things. Remember not to stay up to late and to get plenty of rest. Remember to eat all three meals and not to overdo the ramen like we Uzumaki tend to do. Make some new friends while you are at the capital and never get to over your head in dangerous situations. Listen to your senpai's and don't overdo your training. I don't want you coming home in crutches or worse." By now Kushina was letting her tear flow. "But most importantly be happy and know that I love you so, so much. I know I have not been a very good mother to you and I have made some horrid mistakes but you are my first baby and I see how special you are now. You are my first child and therefore you are a piece of me." She sobbed as she kissed the side of his head. "Come home safe and come back to me."

Those who were close that heard her words smiled as they wiped some stray tears out of their eyes.

Naruto meanwhile listened to his mother's words and deep inside his heart the pain that was inflicted on him over those five years of loneliness and neglect finally began to show signs of healing properly.

He hugged his mother tighter, kissed her on the cheek and spoke four words that he had not said in so long.

"I love you….Kaa-chan."

Kushina let out a little gasp and she her body shook at hearing those words and hugged him even tighter as she stroked the back of his head while Naruto leaned into his mother, finally enjoying the warmth from her just like he did when he was a child.

Letting out a few sniffled they finally broke apart as Naruto gave her one last smile before he turned around. Two Anbu escorts stood patiently waiting as they readied to escort him to the capital.

Nodding to the two Anbu he walked towards them and made sure he had everything before turning back to look at everyone.

"I will see you all in three years!" He said as everyone waved back at him and said more goodbyes before Naruto and the two Anbu leapt into the tree's and left.

As the large group turned around, Minato comforted is wife and began walking back to their homes, they would have seen Naruto turn his head one last time to look at them, letting his tears run down his face, knowing he would not see these wonderful people for three years.