The Leaf Boy and the Rock Girl

Naruto's feet skidded along the ground before he managed to halt himself. His arm came up and wiped away a dribble of blood that ran down his chin and spat out some more to the ground.

"I knew this was going to be a good spar. It not often I can let loose like this and really push myself." he said as he eyed his sparring opponent from the other side of the field.

His opponent was an interesting looking man who had the appearance of a monk. He was a bald man with dark eyes, and very thick eyebrows. He wore the standard attire of the ninja monk which was a white long sleeve shirt and pants with a black one shoulder top going over the top. He wore the sash which represented the Twelve Guardia Ninja group and went barefoot.

The man's name was Chiriku and was a senior member of the Twelve Guardian Shinobi. He had been there since Asuma had been an active member and had been the one too show Naruto the ropes as well as became Naruto's Senpai.

Sparring with Chiriku was doing wonders for Naruto's training since the man was easily high Jonnin level and from what Asuma had told him about Chiriku, the ninja monk was easily on par with Asuma who was one of the Leaf's best. He might not use Ninjutsu or genjutsu like other shinobi, but Chiriku's taijutsu was very powerful and was quite knowledgeable in fūinjutsu.

"Pretty good Naruto, I really have to keep on my toes otherwise I don't think I am going to last much longer." Chiriku praised as bruises covered his arms and face as well as a few cuts from Naruto's blade.

"Well I have a good sparring partner. I am just glad I can have a good match with my Senpai."

"Come." Chiriku said calmly as he and Naruto sped forward and met in hand to hand combat in the center of the field.

For ten minutes the two just fought hectically and so fast that anyone who watched would just see blurs. The ground they sparred on was beginning to crack from the pressure of the pure taijutsu fight.

The two met in the idle [middle] again and both landed a hit on one another face making each feel the powerful blows of the others fist.

"Prepare yourself Naruto." Chiriku said as he got in a new stance and an idol of a Buddha appeared behind Chiriku.

"Raigō: Senjusatsu."

Naruto remain calm as a so many golden aura like arms appeared around Chiriku and were beginning to sail through the air towards him at a very high speed. He had seen his technique multiple times before and no matter how much he dodged he always ended up getting hit. Asuma had told him about Chiriku's greatest taijutsu technique and now he understood why it was so fearsome.

It was great in both offence and defence.

Naruto readied himself before he began dodging the multiple arms sent towards him. He jumped, he skidded, he ducked, he rolled and used anyway possible to dodge the attacks.

One attack skimmed his face while another managed to sail just an inch form his shoulder.

"I wonder if there is any way to recreate this technique? It is definantly something worth having when thing go bad." He thought though, he knew Chiriku would never teach him the technique.

The technique was only taught to those who were monks at the Fire Temple. If you were a monk then you could learn it if strong enough. If not then you did not learn it.

Chiriku was regarded as the strongest shinobi monk in Fire Nation and one of the main reasons why he was part of the Guardian Shinobi Twelve. Many looked up to him as teacher and the unofficial leader of the group. Though there were only a few others of the Guardians and not the initial twelve like most thought, he was a powerful force to be reckoned with and many thought twice before fighting him.

At first he was doing well but eventually a hard hit slammed into his shoulder and Naruto went down on the ground. As he did the other arms slammed into him making a dust cloud from their impacts.

"Not bad Senpai, though you will have to do better than that."

"You will have to try better young comrade." Chiriku said with an uncommon grin on his face as his leg swept Naruto from underneath him and drove him to the ground. His palm then extended and aimed at Naruto's chest.

However Naruto managed to grab his wrist before the strike could land and brought his legs up to wrap around his arm and shoulder and brought Chiriku down with his arm locked in an arm bar.

Chiriku tried to wriggle out of it but found Naruto's grip was solid and his arm would not be going anywhere. He began to feel pressure and pain engulf his arm before he eventually realized he was beaten.

He tapped his hand on the ground which Naruto saw and let him go.

Naruto stood up with a happy grin on his face as he put a hand out to Chiriku who happily accepted the gesture.

"I believe that is now 14 victories to me and 12 for you."

"For now but experience has its rewards." Chiriku answered before the two began to make their way back to the compound they stayed in before heading to the temple. The other members of the Guardians were watching over the Fire Daimyo so Naruto and Chiriku took the time to spar and refine their skills.

They had a rotor to when who would protect the Daimyo at specific times and when they all needed to be there. The only times they all were requires was during meeting with clients and other important people that did not come from Fire Nation.

As the two returns to their room and changed, a messenger arrived at their compound and reported they were to go directly to the throne room as the Fire Daimyo wished to speak with them both.

After giving their answers both hurried to changed and look presentable to the Fire daimyo.

Since Naruto finished with ten minutes to spare he sat down at a desk in his room and began writing a letter to Mito.

Since he joined a year ago he messaged Mina once a month updating her and everyone else on how he was and that he missed them and hoped to see them soon. Mito was jealous of all the cool things her big brother was doing and made sure he knew it.

In retuned Mito would write back telling him what had been going on in the leaf village, how the family was and how the twins were doing in the Academy. He laughed since it was always the same answer.

It was boring and they wanted to fall asleep which apparently the class Nara boy was doing.

When he was updated on his two best friends he was happy to find out that Anko had been promoted to full time Jonnin while Itachi became an Anbu Captain. No surprise there since Itachi was quickly becoming one of the strongest in the village and one of the best shinobi they had ever had.

Mina would also write back comments or reply from his parents, namely his mother. Kushina wanted him to know how much she missed him and that she was praying every night that he come home safe and sound. His father just spoke about how proud of him he was and that he looked forward to the day he returned home.

Finishing his letter and attaching the sealed note on the back of a messenger hawk, he opened his window and let the hawk fly to Konoha where he would probably get a reply by the end of the week.

Wearing his shinobi gear which was a simple gray shirt with black shinobi pants and sandals with his Guardian twelve sash currently around his waist, he left his room and made his way to the throne room.

Throne Room

Entering the throne room Naruto saw the seven other companions already standing in a line none saying a word as they waited for the arrival of the Fire Daimyo. They were currently looking to fill the other four spots on the Guardian force but so far had come up short. He knew they sent many to Konoha but those from Konoha almost always turned it down.

Naruto could not fathom why people would turn up such a chance and like Mikoto and Asuma had told him, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The throne room was the definition of grand and fancy. Its walls and floors were pure white and made of marble with multiple tapestries all hanging around the room all so beautifully made it was like the pictures were alive. At the end of the room were four white pillar two to a side next to a golden red throne with four steps that led up to it. Behind that was a giant symbol of the Fire Kanji.

He got in line and nodded to his other members who all nodded back before waiting patiently for the Daimyo.

They did not have to wait long as five minutes later the giant doors to the left of them opened up and the Fire Daimyo walked in with a few guard around him and took to his seat while his guard stood at the side of the steps.

He was a thin man with a gaunt looking face and beady black eyes. His was quite tall and had slightly tanned skin though much lighter then Naruto and his families. He had bony cheekbones and wore his traditional royal clothing and head piece.

While Naruto though the man was a very fickle and indecisive man who could be swayed very easily, he was not as stuck up and pompous as Naruto had once believed or how his mother described him. He was actually a pretty nice person and had taken a shining to Naruto since the Daimyo was fully aware of parentage and personally wanted him to be one of his guards for a time.

The room was silent as the Daimyo slowly fanned himself with a small fan he always carried. His family was probably elsewhere around the palace while his wife was most likely chasing around that demon cat of her Tora.

That stupid feline gave every shinobi in Konoha the shivers.

"Afternoon everyone and thank you for coming." The Daimyo said as the Guardians all bowed.

"Hai Daimyo-sama," they all said in unison before they stood back up to listen to the announcement that the Daimyo had for them.

"In one week the Earth Daimyo of Earth Country will be making his way to my palace for a meeting of a possible alliance between Fire Country and Earth Country. It is to help set up some trade roots and to see if we can calm the tension between our respective shinobi villages."

The Guardians all nodded before the Daimyo continued.

"The Earth Daimyo will be coming with a guard of Iwa shinobi that I have been told will be led by the Tsuchikage's son Kitsuchi. I also hear his granddaughter will be coming as well."

"Now since I know the relationship between Iwa and Konoha I expect all of you to be on your best behavior and anything less than that will not be tolerated. You are here to protect me from those that wish to harm my family and myself."

Again they all nodded while Naruto felt his stomach suddenly become a little uneasy and nervous after hearing that Kurotsuchi would be coming again. He did not think he would ever see her again and if they did then it would be in battle.

His feeling towards her if anything had gotten stronger and he was still trying to figure them out; No other girl he thought about made him feel this way.

In the back of his mind he wondered if she felt anything for him after their brief kiss though he kind of doubted it.

"My full family will be here to welcome the Earth Daimyo into our home and our meeting will occur during the next three days. I will want four of you to watch myself during these meetings whilst the other four of you will watch over my family. Is that clear?" He asked scanning the face of his guardians.

"Hai Daimyo-sama!" they repeated again as the Daimyo nodded.

"Good, very good; there shinobi will be housed in the quarters around the Earth Daimyo, so be warned not to start or try anything with them and do not cause any unnecessary trouble."

The Guardians all nodded and began to walk away. "Naruto a moment please," the Fire Daimyo called as Naruto stayed behind as the rest left.

As the doors closed only Naruto and the Fire Daimyo with his samurai like guards remained.

"Tell me Naruto will the Iwa shinobi be causing a problem for you given the…distrust your parents have for them as well as the hatred Iwa shinobi's are noted of having for your father?"

Naruto was surprised that the Daimyo asked, but quickly shook his head. "No Daimyo-sama it will not cause a problem. I have personally had no problem with Iwa shinobi so as long as they do not start any trouble with me then nothing will happen between them and me."

"Very well, I was going to possibly send you home for the week if there was a problem, but since you have assured me there will not be one then I will expect you to be on your best behavior when they arrive next week."

"Yes Daimyo-sama. You have my word nothing will happen during the Earth Daimyo's stay here."

The Daimyo nodded before waving his hand and giving Naruto the okay to leave. Naruto did just that and headed for the throne room doors as the Daimyo got up as well and left via the doors he came through with his samurai like guards with him. Naruto could sense two of his fellow Guardians protecting the Daimyo form the rooftops as they did their jobs while Naruto had a few hours off before his watch was on.

Naruto walked in his room and lay down on the bed as he took a book out of his desk that read Fūinjutsu Level Seven.

Opening up he began reading before he internally sighed at the thought of the following week.

"Next week is going to one long week…" he thought before he began to read.

One Week Later

Naruto stood beside Chiriku as all the Guardians watched over the Fire Daimyo from both of his sides as the Fire Daimyo stood at the front of his family with the palace servants all to the side as they watched a convoy head towards them with a large carriage directly in the centre and being protected by Iwa shinobi that could be seen as clear as day.

"Here they come," Naruto whispered as the others all nodded.

"Let's hope this visit stay peaceful." Sora spoke. Sora was a monk from the Fire Temple that arrived to join the Guardians just four days ago. He was a little younger then Naruto but was quite formidable in the temples teaching and used various wind jutsu's. He had the same attire as Chiriku, but had a full set of light blue hair that went down to his chin.

Naruto glanced at the Iwa shinobi and already spotted the Tsuchikage's son since he was a good head taller than the other shinobi and was a lot wider. He looked poised and focused as if ready to take someone's head off with just a moment's notice.

It was not until they got closer that Naruto saw that behind Kitsuchi was none other than Kurotsuchi. His cheeks reddened a little since she was more beautiful in his opinion, then the last time he saw her. Her hair was a little longer as well but not by much and Naruto could not help but noticed her breasts were a little larger too.

When the convoy arrives, the carriage stopped and out came the Earth Daimyo. He was an older man with a very prominent, grey beard and moustache and his eyes have dark marks underneath them, his face was further accentuated with creases running from his eyes. He wore the standard attire of the daimyō.

"Welcome my friend. I hope your journey here was without problems." the Fire Daimyo asked as he shook the hand of the older Daimyo.

"It was fine. A few bandits thought they would try their hand at killing me but my guards made short work of them." he said as the Iwa shinobi stood proudly behind him.

"Then I thank your fine shinobi for getting you hear safely. They have my thanks." The Fire Daimyo spoke as he nodded to the Iwa shinobi as Kitsuchi nodded towards him in acceptance.

"Come you must be tired from the journey. I think some tea in the garden is in order." The Fire Daimyo then led the Earth Daimyo away into the palace while his family introduced themselves and followed behind.

Kitsuchi followed as well as did another Iwa shinobi while the others were being led by one of the servants to where they would be staying. Chiriku and Sora did the same while the other Guardians went about their own duties.

As Naruto walked away his eye crossed over to Kurotsuchi and found she was staring at him. It was the previously looks she gave him where it looked like she was trying to study him or when she narrowed her eyes in their battle. This was more curiosity as if she was internally fighting over something.

When their eyes met he saw a very think bit of red appear on her cheeks before she shook her head and walked away.

As she walked away Naruto's teenage urges kicked in and could help but watched as she walked away and swayed her hips a little as she did.

'Kami, that's just cruel,' he thought to himself before he shook his head as well and went in the opposite direction. He was on night duty to guard the Fire Daimyo tonight so he planned on getting as much sleep as he could until then.

Plus it was always the most boring of all the shifts. That and he thought it was weird to watch over someone when they were sleeping.

Next Day

"Moku Bushin no Jutsu!" Naruto called out as he slammed his hands together. On his shoulder wood suddenly began to sprout out from his shoulder and began to form and take a human shape beside him. After a few seconds the wood clone was complete and Naruto took a good look over it.

He walked around it checking the features were all correct before he nodded and smiled. "Alright that's pretty good. No flaws in this one. I think I am finally getting this jutsu down. What do you think Kiara?"

From the side the large form of Naruto's White Tiger familiar. Kiara was no longer the small cub he could put on his hand and was now a head taller than he was and was longer then a horse. Her green eyes were still as mesmerizing as before and her large teeth shined as she gave him a toothy smile.

"It's about time. You spent long enough on the jutsu."

"Well Mokuton is not exactly an easy element to master. It is probably why only one person has ever done it before." He muttered as Kiara yawned and lay on her side.

"Wake me up when something interesting happens."

"Lazy feline," Naruto muttered before he checked over one of the scrolls Tsunade gave him. He put a little tick next to the Mokuton Bushin before he turned his attention to the Mokuton: Mokujoheki.

"Alright let's try this one out…" he said as he memorized the hand seals before sealing the scroll away onto his arm. He dispelled the Mokuton Bushin.

Loosening his shoulders up he was about to slam his hands together when his eyes snapped to the side and suddenly jumped out of the way.

He landed a few meters away and saw on the ground where he had been previously standing was now a large glob of lava. He rolled his eyes and turned to the side where he saw a familiar Iwa kunoichi sitting on a tree branch

"Was that necessary?" He asked as Kurotsuchi grinned at him and jumped over towards him.

"Well I had to make sure you had not been slacking."

"So am I up to par?" Naruto asked as he crossed his arms while Kurotsuchi smirked.

"For now maybe but it's still early. Besides we have a score to settle. Remember I said we would have some kind of rematch the next time we see one another."

"The Fire Daimyo already warned me not to start any trouble."

"The Earth Daimyo told us the same thing, but we are not causing any trouble .We are just sparring with one another. No kill shots though."

"Fine no kill shots." Kurotsuchi agreed before she jumped away while not even paying attention to the giant white tigress that sat up looking at the two of them in an odd manor before smiling a toothy grin. She guessed this was the girl Naruto had told her about before and who he had developed some kind of crush on.

The two sparred for a lot of the afternoon and Naruto had noticed she had improved a lot. Despite being chunin he guessed she was closer to being a Jonin. He put her on par with Anko while maybe a little stronger thanks to her Yoton. Her Yoton jutsu had also expanded and he had to do a lot of dodging and running to avoid melting.

Kurotsuchi meanwhile was breathing a little hard. Once again Naruto had gotten stronger then he was before and she was barely able to keep up with him. It infuriated her to know that the gap between them was so large still, but she was resolute that she would catch up to him eventually. She would not allow herself to be taken down so easily.

As the Iwa kunoichi ducked a punch from Naruto she noticed his legs were a little too wide for comfort. Kurotsuchi grinned just as Naruto saw what she had planned. She entwined her legs with his and tried to force him down to the ground.

Naruto thought used his weight to support him and managed to use his superior physical strength to push her back.

However the two stumbled and Kurotsuchi fell to the ground and landed on her back while Naruto landed on top of her. The fall caused the two shinobi's faces to suddenly become only inches apart, their noses even grazed one another.

Both Naruto and Kurotsuchi had blushes on their faces and both found themselves suddenly leaning in towards each other.

Before they could kiss though they finally realized what was about to happen and both stopped and leaned back away from one another.

"Oh urm….I'm sorry, that was my fault." Naruto said as he got off Kurotsuchi and sat on the ground beside her. Kurotsuchi then sat up and looked away, not wanting him to see her blush anymore.

"It's fine. It was a sparring match so something like that happens from time to time." Kurotsuchi said as she tried to get her blush to fade.

Naruto nodded and only now noticed that the sun had begun to go down and evening was beginning to fall in. There sparring match must have lasted a long time since they had started at sparring at four in the afternoon.

"Do you have guard duty?" Kurotsuchi suddenly asked as Naruto shook his head.

"I have already done my shift today. I'm not guarding again until tomorrow morning."

"Oh okay. I have the same. I guess I might see you then since the Daimyo's have another meeting in the morning. Urm….goodnight," she said as she got up off the ground and started to walk away. However she did not get far since Naruto's hand grabbed her wrist. His hold was firm but it was gently as well. She was surprised how soft his hands were.

"Have dinner with me?" he blurted out as his mind began to process what he just said. 'Oh god did I just ask that?'

Kurotsuchi looked as shocked as he felt since she was not expecting him to ask her that. Her blush was beginning to return. 'Have dinner with him? B-But this is so sudden. W-What do I s-say?'

She began weighting the pros and cons in her head, as well as thinking what on earth her father and grandfather would say if they discovered she went on a date with the son of the man Iwa hates the most in the world.

She was not sure if it was the right choice but instead of listening to her head, she followed her heart.

She saw Naruto look at her with a pleading look before he smiled a little when he saw her nod.

"Okay. I…I could get some food right now."

That evening

Naruto and Kurotsuchi sat beside one another as Naruto enjoyed his miso ramen while Kurotsuchi ate her shrimp ramen. Both eagerly ate their meals while they made light conversation.

"So how did you parents take you joining the Guardian Twelve? From how the Benihime is described In Iwa she sounds like she is very protective of those close to her and wants them kept in her sight."

"Yeah that does sound like Kaa-chan, but then again mothers are like that." Naruto said. "She was against it at first but eventually she accepted it. She just realized I was not a baby anymore and that I could look after myself."

"It sounds nice."

Naruto nodded. "What about your mom?"

Kurotsuchi shrugged. "I don't know much about my mom. From what my tou-san tells me she was a shinobi of Kiri that my tou-san had a fling with. They were together for a while and they had me about a year later of getting together. But then the bloodline purges happened and my tou-san took me to Iwa since I had the Yoton Bloodline."

"So you got it from your mom then?" He asked as she nodded.

"She is still alive from what I am told but my tou-san said that the welfare of Kiri had to come first and that she had to help put it right. Apparently she was young as well when she had me; barely eighteen years old while my tou-san was twenty-three."

"Did he ever tell you her name?" Naruto asked as he took a piece of pork in his mouth.

"Only her first name. My mother's name is Mei."

"Mei huh? That's a pretty name. Do you think you will ever meet her?"

"One day hopefully as long as the rebellion wins and takes over from the Mizukage. I always wondered what it would be like to have a Kaa-san. I love my tou-san and even my grumpy old jiji but there are something's that only a daughter can really go to her Kaa-san with. I just hope I get the chance to meet her one day."

Naruto nodded. Though his relationship with mother had been strained until he left, when he had a problem that needed a woman's opinion he would have gone to Tsunade or Mikoto. Mikoto since she was like his aunt and Tsunade because she was like a second mother to him.

"So do you have any goals? Being a kunoichi you must have a dream." Naruto asked as he pushed his bowl away and out his head in his palm as he listened.

Kurotsuchi tapped her chin before she spoke. "Not really to be honest. Just to one day become a well renowned kunoichi and then maybe have a little family of my own one day. What about you?"

"The same to be honest, become a well know shinobi, be strong enough to protect those I love, maybe aim to be Hokage one day since the job kind of appeals to me; then a little family of my own.

"Well you are already in the bingo book so you are already well known. You can mark that off the list." Kurotsuchi commented.

"Oh I know. I think I have your grandfather to thank for that." He said as Kurotsuchi looked a little sheepishly at him.

"I am sorry about that. I tried to reason with him, but while he was thankful to you for saving me, he also recognised that you were getting stronger as a potential threat. He was just following what other kages or shinobi would have done."

Naruto sighed. "I guess, but it was a bit of a horrid way to say thank you."

Kurotsuchi went a little silent since she knew he had a good point. After a few moments of silence she stood up.

"I should probably get back to my room. We both have early shifts after all." she said as Naruto nodded and got up as well.

"I will walk you to your place of residence. It's the least I can do as a gentleman." He said as the two began walking side by side with Kurotsuchi giving him a small smile as thanks.

They walked in silence as they wondered around the capital before they made their way back onto the grounds of the palace. They walked in a comfortable silence since both were just enjoying the night air and the sounds that nature was making.

As they made it to where Kurotsuchi was staying she briefly turned to look at Naruto. "Thank you for the meal. Today has been quite nice." She said as Naruto nodded.

"I was thinking the same."

"Well I guess this is where we part ways." She said as she turned to walk away, but stopped when a small burst of courage hit her again like it did two years ago. She bit her lip but leaned towards Naruto to kiss him on the cheek.

However Naruto turned to look back at her and her lips planted themselves on his lips. They stayed like that for a few seconds before they broke apart as both looked a little shocked from what just happened.

Neither said anything as they looked at each other in shock at what just happened. After staring at one another for a few seconds, they did the most logical thing they could think of. Kurotsuchi jumped him and slammed her lips into his lips while Naruto picked her up by her legs and leaned her against a wall.

"Oh god you don't know how long I have wanted to do this." Kurotsuchi said as her hands went through is hair. Naruto was no better as his hands were in her hair and going along her thigh.

"That kiss you gave me two years ago has been the only thing I could think of since then. God I have wanted to kiss you so badly since then."

They stopped talking for a few minutes as they just kissed and just enjoyed the moment. Eventually after ten minutes they broke apart and Naruto settled her down.

"Oh god that was amazing…" She said as she could still feel his dominating lips against her own and how good it felt. As she revealed in what just happened, what had just happened eventually began to hit her. She just made out with a Konoha shinobi, not only that the son of the Yondaime.

Naruto was to gobsmacked to really talk. "I should go." Kurotsuchi said but before she could go Naruto grabbed her wrist again.

"Have dinner with me again tomorrow. I…I want to go on a date with you. A real date." he said as Kurotsuchi tried to find the words to use.

The damage had already been done in a way and Kurotsuchi wanted to feel those lips of his again. Though she was open with her family, perhaps there was somethings she could keep to herself.

"Okay." she said before giving him a quick kiss again before she left for her room.

Few days later

Naruto stood beside the Guardian shinobi twelve. He watched as the Earth Daimyo shook hands with the Fire Daimyo before getting into his carriage and began to make his way back to Earth Country with his shinobi walking from the sides of the carriage.

As they began to leave Naruto's eyes caught Kurotsuchi's just like they did when they arrived at the palace over a week ago. Naruto grinned a little when she saw Kurotsuchi give him a wink and blow him a quick kiss while no one was looking.

He winked back before mouthing 'see you soon.'

'Look forward to it.' She mouthed back before she turned away and focused on the mission at hand.

"Something you want to tell us, Naruto?" Chiriku asked while Naruto shook his head.

"No Senpai, absolutely nothing." He said as he covered a small hickey that was on his collar bone.

Kurotsuchi meanwhile did the same thing as her father noticed she was wearing a light pink scarf around her neck that he had never seen before. Kurotsuchi did not feel like explaining where the hickeys came from since she and Naruto had made out every evening when they could.

"Something you want to tell me Kurotsuchi?" Kitsuchi asked but saw his daughter smile and shake her head.

"No tou-san, nothing at all."