Comeback Of A Hero

Two Years Later

The sound of footsteps echoed through the empty forest as a lone figure covered in shadows walked at a steady pace. Though his body was shrouded in the shadows, his eyes could be seen clearly. His violet eyes flickered all around before they locked onto a building that stood in front of him.

It was barely standing and looked to be some kind of old shrine. The front of it was half elevated while the rest had crumbled to the ground with one of the red pillars broken off in the middle. The rest of the building was cracked and had moss growing all over it.

The most striking feature though was the numerous Uzumaki symbols that decorated it. He wondered how his mother had never know about this shrine but guest that since it was some miles away from the Leaf village and with the destruction of Uzu, he guest she must have thought it no longer existed, if she knew it existed in the first place.

Slowly he walked up the ruined steps of the old shrine and stepped into the main hall where he stopped and looked at the giant wall in front of him. At the top of the wall were three Uzumaki spiral in a triangle formation.

Beneath the symbols were three rows of masks each with nine masks that resembled the shinigami hanging there. Beneath them was a pit of black fire that flickering wildly.

He wondered just how long that fire had been burning.

Then he closed his eyes and sensed the masks for any residue of chakra. His eyes flickered from beneath his eyelids before his eyes snapped open and his violet pupils zeroed in on the shinigami mask that was on the second row and sixth mask across from left to right.

Not being able to pick up due to the black fire, the figures unsheathed a sword that was strapped to his back and used the sword to knock it off the wall before managing, with great skill, to balance the mask on the tip of his sword.

Once in his hands he re-sheathed his sword and looked at the mask. It did look a little frightening and wondered if that was what the shinigami really looks like. The long teeth made it look like some kind of beast or demon.

"Power like this should not be left out in the open just like this. In the wrong hands this could be used to conquer entire villages and countries. I have to make sure that this mask stays locked away."

"I pray I never have to use this mask and its abilities." he muttered before he sealed the mask into a spare storage scroll, he had before sealing that scroll into a seal on his wrist.

Looking around he felt the history of his old clan in this room and wondered what would have happened to it if Uzu was still with them today.

Taking one last look at the room he turned his back and left the building. Once outside he looked back towards the old shrine and did a few hand signs before slamming his hand on the ground.

All around the area new trees began growing out of the earth and create a new dense cover and wall around the shrine, completely hiding it from view.

Grinning at his work he then ran up the tree and stood on one of the top branches. Just a little ways off in the distance he could see light and buildings lay beside a familiar looking mountain he had grown up with.

"Home," he said before he ran along the tree tops. Though before he could go much closer he stopped when he felt a familiar chakra signature he had not felt in three years.

'Mito-chan?' He thought before he then sensed two others with her. One he could tell was hurt while the third had a vile chakra about him he could feel the other chakra singiture's intentions.

His eyes narrowed before he suddenly shot off from the ground.

Few miles outside of Leaf Village

Mito had never been so scared in her entire life. Sure she had been in some scary situations before like the time she and Eiji called Tsunade an old hag and then got chased around the village by the enraged Sannin for a good half a day before their mother eventually saved them.

Then there was the time when she was four and she got stuck in a tree. After calling out for help eventually her brother's friend Anko appeared and got her out.

Now though she was stuck and alone. She had passed the genin exams earlier that day with all her friends and her twin and they were going to go celebrate when Mizuki-sensei pulled her over and spoke to her about an extra credit assignment.

She had to steal the forbidden scroll from her father's office. She was not sure of it at first but she had been stupid enough to believe Mizuki. She should have told her parents but did she? No she did not.

Despite her father being in the office she used a stupid jutsu Eiji had made up called the Sexy Jutsu. The image of a naked girl was all it took to knock her Tou-san out with a nosebleed. She felt a little disappointed that her father was a closet pervert but she could always just tell her Kaa-san later.

It was only later when Iruka caught her outside the village that she realized she had been tricked. She knew the village like the back of her hand so she knew a few secret entrances that the kids used to get in and out of the village.

Now though her teacher Mizuki, who turned out was a traitor had her cornered against a tree while Iruka was on the ground with a giant shuriken sticking out of his back.

'I have never felt so stupid before' she thought before Mizuki took a step towards her with a grin on his face.

"The little fox girl trapped in a corner. You were so easy to trick it wasn't even funny. How delightful!" he said as he saw Mito looked confused by the statement.

"Oh you don't know, do you? You don't know the secret your family has kept from you for so long do you? How about I enlighten you?"

"Tell me what you know about the fox attack thirteen years ago," he asked as Mito looked at him in confusion.

"The Nine tails attacked and my dad managed to beat it and send it away."

Mizuki laughed before smiling evilly at her. "No, no little girl, your dad did not defeat it like everyone thinks he did. Did you know the only way to stop a tailed beast is too seal it away? Seal it away into a person?" he said as Mito had a sense of dread hit her.

"Don't you think it's ironic you and your brother were born just moments before the fox attack. Where do you think you got your whisker marks from?" Mizuki said as Mito began to leak tears as she shook her head.

"YOU ARE THE NINE TAILED FOX GIRL!" Mizuki spoke as he laughed easily as Mito sank to the ground and held her knees in front of her face.

"Mito," Iruka muttered but could not speak much with the weapon stuck in his back.

"And now I will do the world a favor and take you out of it." Mizuki said as he took a short sword from his back and ran towards Mito who was too stunned to move.

Mito's body shook as she felt this was the moment she was going to die and that she could never make up for this mistake she had made. However before Mizuki could strike her a loud growl ripped through the air.

Mizuki stopped in his tracks as Mito opened hers and both looked to their right. From the shadows a pair of green cat eyes zoned in on Mizuki. Mizuki gulped and was about to throw some shurikan at it when an enormous white tiger leapt out of the forest and sank its jaw into Mizuki's shoulder and making him drop the sword.

"AHHHHHHH!" Mizuki screamed as the tigers fangs sank even deeper into his shoulder. Mito looked fearful since the tiger was enormous and towered over Mizuki. It was animal that could kill you in seconds.

The tiger then began dragging Mizuki away into the shadows of the forest as Mizuki was kicking and screaming to try and get loose. His screams continued until a sickening crunch was suddenly heard and everything went quiet. Even Iruka looked fearful and hoped the tiger did not come back for them.

Mito looked towards the spot where Mizuki was dragged away and quickly shut her eyes when she heard footsteps coming towards them.

"No, no, no go away. Kaa-chan, tou-san, save me please!" she whimpered as she felt the footsteps getting closer towards her. After a moment she suddenly felt a hand gently lay on her head.

"Open your eyes Mito-chan."

Mito's eyes snapped open when she recognized the voice. The hand on top of her head was gently stroking her long hair. She looked at her savior and thought she thought at first it was her dad before getting a good look at him.

His hair was much too short and had no bangs framing his face but was the same shade of blonde. His eyes were violet like her mothers. He was wearing a Jonin shinobi uniform with with short sleeves. He wore a dark red jacket with black flames flickering at the bottom similar to her father's jacket with a small red scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Who are you?" she whispered and watched as he smiled at her.

"My little sister has forgotten me after three years. You wound me Mito-chan."

Mito gasped as she looked at the young man in front of her and put her hand to his cheek.

"Onii-chan?" She asked as watched Naruto nodded. Immediately tears leaked out of her eyes and quicker then she had ever been before she hugged him and wrapped her legs around him. She buried her head into the crook of his neck.

Naruto stood up and gently comforted his little sister as she cried both from seeing her big brother again and from the scary experience she had been through. He kissed the top of her head as he held her tightly to him.

Naruto looked over at Iruka who was now out cold and quickly made a Kage Bushin.

"Take him to the hospital." he said as the clone nodded, picked Iruka up and shunshined the entire way back to the village.

With Iruka gone Naruto focused on Mito gently rubbing her back and whispered comforting words to her.

"It's okay Mito-chan. I'm back now and I won't let anything happen to you," he said as Mito smiled a little at her brother words.

"I've missed you so much." she sobbed as Naruto and Mito just stood there for a few moments as the brother and sister just enjoyed being with one another again after so long.

Slowly she detached from him as Naruto looked down at her with a happy smile on his face. "My little sister has become such a beautiful young woman now. I am going to have to scare the boys away with my blade now." he said as Mito blushed a little.

"Baka, Onii-chan," she muttered making him laugh before she noticed the giant tiger from earlier come back out from the woods. She immediately tensed up but Naruto put a hand on her shoulder to ease her.

"It's okay Mito-chan. Kiara is with me. She is my summon." he said as Mito-chan nodded dumbly as Kiara came closer.

"Thank you for getting rid of him for us Kiara," Naruto said before he put Mito in front of him. "I would like you to meet my little sister Mito."

Kiara looked down at Mito who only barely came up to Naruto's chest and sniffed the small girl. After a moment of silence she licked the girls face quickly making Mito laugh and pat her nose.

"Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome young one. I am your brothers familiar therefore it is only right that I help protect his younger sibling. Just be more careful next time," she said as Mito nodded.

"I will see you soon Naruto," Kiara said as Naruto nodded before she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Since when do you have a summon?" Mito asked looking up at her brother. He was so tall now.

"I have had a summons for a long time now. I just never told anyone," he said as Mito nodded before she looked down sadly and looked ready to cry again.

"What's wrong Mito-chan?" he asked worriedly.

"Onii-chan…am I the Kyuubi?" she asked before her nose twitched when Naruto flicked it. "Ow what was that for?"

"For asking a stupid question." he said before his voice went soft and gentle.

"This is something you need to talk to Kaa-chan and Tou-san about. You are not the nine tailed fox but you are connected to it in a way. They will explain it to you." he said as Mito nodded sadly before yelping as Naruto picked her up bridal style.

He was surprised they had not explained it to her yet, but guessed they had been putting it off.

"Now let's head home and you can explain why you were out here." he said as he took the forbidden scroll and strapped it to his back. Mito nodded and explained what happened as Naruto walked back to the Leaf village as he listened to his little sister.

Namikaze Household

"Ow Kushina stop!" Minato whined as Kushina slap him all over with an enraged look on her face.

"How could you be so stupid that you get taken out by that stupid jutsu our son created? I should have known I married a pervert."

"She took me by surprise that's all," Minato said as Eiji and Kakashi watched from the sofa as Minato got slapped by his wife. Eiji looked just like his father when he was his age and wore blue bottoms with a white shirt that had mesh armor underneath it. He looked so much like Minato that those in his family called him mini Minato.

"You are telling me that the Hokage got taken by surprise by a twelve nearly thirteen year old with a perverted jutsu? I think you are losing your touch."

"We will find her. I have my Anbu already looking all over the village and outside the village for her. They will find her I promise." he said trying to comfort his wife.

"But what if he is out there Minato? What if he gets to Mito," Kushina whispered since that was what terrified her with her eldest daughter being missing. Hell she still did not know of her burden.

"He would not dare. Not with so many powerful shinobi in the village. We would find him in an instant otherwise."

It did not make Kushina feel any better about the situation. Kami was she going to scold that girl when she got back. Whatever made her steal the forbidden scroll like she did, it would not be enough to stop her from being grounded for the rest of her life.

"Don't worry Kaa-chan; nee-chan will be fine. She is my twin after all and if anything happened to her then I would know about it." Eiji said hugging his mother round the waist. He came up to just below her shoulder.

Kushina sighed as hugged her youngest son before smiling a little. "I know but it doesn't stop me from worrying. I have had to worry with your big brother being away for so long, it does not help that Mito goes and does this."

Eiji was about to speak but everyone heard the front door open and Mito's voice sound out.

"Kaa-chan, tou-san," she called as her footsteps got closer to them and she appeared in the doorway to the living room with the forbidden scroll in her arms.

"MITO-CHAN," Kushina yelled in relief as she lurched forward and hugged her daughter tightly before Minato sighed and went to call off the Anbu and taking the scroll before quickly returning. Kushina fussed over her daughter before the two parents looked at Mito sternly.

"Mito you had better start explaining why you did what you did." Minato said to her with a stern expression. Mito gulped and began to recount that Mizuki had tricked her and that she just did it because she wanted to make them proud.

"Sweetheart we are proud of you, but what you did was foolish. You could have been hurt or worse." Kushina said gently as she wiped a few of her daughter tears from her cheek.

"Your mother is right Mito-chan," Kakashi said speaking up. "It was very irresponsible of you. You should have checked with your parents first."

"Mito where is Mizuki now?" Minato asked since he needed to have a very long and painful conversation with the silver haired chunin.

"He's dead; Onii-chan took care of him." Mito said surprising everyone in the room.

'Onii-chan?' they all thought before the sound of new heavy footsteps appeared. They all turned towards the living room doorway and immediately Kushina felt like crying as she saw a familiar blonde haired boy standing in the doorway.

Naruto stood at the entrance and looked at everyone in the room. Kakashi had not changed at all while he noticed Eiji looked exactly like his father. His father looked the same as well though he had a few greys in his hair now that weren't there before. But his mother looked like she had not aged a day. She still looked like she was in her mid-thirties despite being forty one.

His parents were stunned as they looked at him. Gone was the boy of fifteen and returning to them was this handsome, strong young man that was the perfect mix of them both.

"Hey Tou-san, Kaa-chan…" he said looking at his parents. He could see his mother was ready to burst into tears so he just walked forward towards her. By the time he was halfway Kushina had already leapt forward and grabbed her eldest in a tight hug. Naruto just smiled as he rested his head on his mother's head as she sobbed away. He was taller than her by quite a lot now and he never realized how tiny his mother was.

"I missed you Kaa-chan. I missed you a lot," he whispered and it only made her sob harder and cling more to him.

"Our baby is back Minato. Our oldest has finally come back to us," she muttered as Minato then came in and hugged his son as well muttering how happy he was too have his eldest son back home. Eventually Mito and Eiji all joined in as well as the four hugged the return of Naruto. "You are never going away for that long ever again."

Naruto wondered where Mina was but he stopped worrying when he felt her asleep upstairs.

As they broke up Kushina put her cheeks on her sons face. "Let me get a good look at you," she said as she looked him over. The first thing she noticed was his height. "Oh Minato look at him, he is even taller then you are now."

"Well it was bound to happen eventually," Minato said chuckling at his sons six foot three frame before noticing the jacket Naruto was wearing. He gave him a praising nod. "Good choice on jacket."

"Guess the design grew on me after all the time I wore your jacket when I was little," he said as Kushina continued to fuss over him.

While the father and son duo spoke Kushina was just awestruck with her son. 'Is this really my Naruto? Is this young man really the little boy I use to carry and push on the swings?'

"Come on over here Eiji I want to see what my little otōuto looks like now," he said as Eiji grinned and hugged his brother just by himself this time as Naruto patted his shoulders. "You look just like tou-san. You been keeping up with your training, I hope."

"You bet. I bet I can kick your butt soon!" Eiji while Mito chimed in the same making Naruto laugh and Minato and Kushina to look at the scene in humor.

"Kakashi," Naruto greeted as he just nodded his head towards the older shinobi. Kakashi just gave a polite wave and his trademark eye smile before returning to his book.

"You have to tell us what it was like Onii-chan? Did you go on cool missions? How strong did you get? Did you fight strong people? Where did you go?" The twins asked in tandem while Naruto tried to usher them to tone it down.

"Eiji-kun, Mito-chan your brother has probably had a long journey and will want to rest. You can ask your questions tomorrow." Minato said as Naruto look at his father in thanks. He was not that tired but he would have been if he started explaining it all to the twins who would just ask more and more questions.

Seeing the twins talking to each other he stepped over to his parent's sides and ushered them to speak with him. When they both leaned in he spoke in a hushed tone. "Mito knows about the fox. Mizuki somehow knew and told her. Iruka tried to protect her, but got hurt. He is at the hospital now."

Both Minato and Kushina eyes widened wondering how the hell Mizuki knew about the Kyuubi before realizing he must have been a spy for someone. Most likely a certain snake.

"This is not how we wanted to tell her, but I guess we don't have a choice now but to explain it to her." Minato said as Kushina nodded sadly.

"I think you should explain it to Eiji as well. He should know what his twin carries just as much as Mito should know." Naruto said since the twins had always been close to one another. This could be something that Eiji could help his sister with.

His parents both nodded and looked at the twins sadly. "Mito-chan I think we have some explaining to do." Kushina said as Mito quickly recognized what she was referring to. When she looked down at the ground Kushina put an arm around her daughter and kissed her head before leading her to the dining room.

"You too Eiji, you should hear this as well," Minato said as Eiji looked a little confused before nodding and followed after his mother and sister.

"Naruto are you coming?"

Naruto shook his head. "I have another little sister to surprise." he said as he took his jacket off and headed towards the stairs.

Naruto tip toed up the stairs and when he got to the landing he went towards Mina's room. Gently he pushed the door forward and looked inside. When he did he smiled when he saw that Mina was under her covers with a nightlight on underneath it, obviously reading a book.

Naruto coughed loudly to get her attention and saw her stumble a little.

"Tou-san I swear I was about to go to sleep," she said making Naruto chuckled.

"And what makes you think I'm tou-san, Mina-hime?" he said as watched in amusement as Mina's head snapped to his direction as the room fell quiet.

He watched as she pulled back the covers and eventually uncovered herself. Naruto looked at her in amazement because she looked exactly like their mother. The eyes, the hair, the skin tone, everything. Her hair was even longer and not in pigtails anymore. It went down just past the midpoint of her back.

He saw her lips quivering madly and tears already building up in her eyes, even her little hands shook as she looked at him.

"Onii-chan?" She whispered as Naruto nodded and went across the room.

Just like his mother earlier he got halfway before the little girl jumped from her bed and latched herself to him, putting her head in the crook of his neck as she sobbed. He kissed the top of her head and held her tightly to him.

A few tears of his own even began making their way down his face as he quickly wiped them away.

Out of the people he missed back in Konoha, he missed Mina the most.

"I missed you," Mina cried out making a few more tears slip out of Naruto's eyes. He kissed her head again and playing with long red hair as she sat down on the edge of her bed. He placed her in his lap where she still refused to unlatch from him and gently rocked her.

"My baby sister is now ten years old. Look how big you have gotten," he whispered as Mina's face left his neck and looked up at him with those big beautiful violet eyes that she shared with him.

He smiled at her which made her smile back at him which made her giggle a sweet laugh that Naruto had missed.

"You look just like Kaa-chan now. Your hair has even got a lot longer, just like hers." he admitted as he played with her hair.

"Lots of people keep telling me that and say I look pretty with my hair like this. Mito and her friend sometimes like to play with it too."

"Well they are right. You are going to be the most beautiful girl in the entire Leaf village." he said as Mina gave him a big smile and a kiss on the cheek. Not the sloppy kind she used to give him but a much gentler one.

"Are you back home for good? You're not going to go away again are you?" She asked looking a little panicked. She did not want her big brother to leave so soon again.

"No hime. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay this time. My time in the capital is over and I have finally come home for good now." he said making Mina smiled even bigger at him before hugging him again. Naruto closed his eyes.

He had missed this.

Later that evening

It was ten o'clock by the time his parents and the twins left the dining room and he could see that by their red eyes that all four of them had cried. When Mina who was sitting on his lap asked why they were so red, Naruto told her she would find out when she was a little older.

It only made her pout and give him a glare. Naruto though found it cuter then scary and just chuckled.

"Mina-chan shouldn't you be in bed?" Kushina asked putting her hands on her hips. Mito and Eiji sat on the sofa with them as Naruto noticed his little brother was remaining very close to his sister and had their hands holding one another's.

"But I wanted to see Onii-chan," she said as she gave her mother the puppy dog look. Minato fell quickly but Kushina had an Iron defense against that look.

"It's okay Kaa-chan. I want to see my littlest sister so much that I could not wait another moment." Naruto stated as he gave Mina a raspberry against the cheek which made her laugh from the sensation.

"Besides you don't think I would be gone for so long without bringing presents back did you?" he said before all three of his siblings dog piled on him on the sofa.

"PRESENTS!" they all shouted as Kushina and Minato laughed at the three youngest before Kushina settled them down and got them to sit around Naruto while she and Minato sat on the sofa opposite them. They watched in fascination as Naruto pulled out two scrolls.

"Let's start with you Eiji and we will go from left to right," he said as Eiji grinned at getting his first wile Mina pouted since she was at the end on the right.

Rolling the scroll open, a small puff of smoke covered the scroll and moments later Naruto was sitting there with a wooden box adorned with leaf designs around the edges. He handed it over to Eiji who eagerly took it.

"Open it up," Naruto pushed as Eiji nodded and open the box up. His sisters and parents leaned in to see what was inside. When it opened they all looked very surprise while Eiji looked like Christmas had just came early.

Inside the box was two rows of five three pronged kunai just like the type used for his Hirashin. The only difference was the whole in the center was diamond shaped instead of a circle and the hilts had a white handle with blue flames flickering around it.

"I saw how much you liked playing with Tou-sans three pronged kunai so I thought you might like a set of your own. The metal is chakra metal so adding chakra to it will make them stronger. Also it has a blood seal on the bottom of each set so later you can add a bit of blood to each one so that only you will ever be able to wield them."

Eiji not keep the grin off of his face and hugged his brother for the gift; Minato and Kushina looked at the gift and admired the fine work. They figured it had to be either Iron Country work or Artisan work.

"Thank you Onii-chan." Eiji said as Naruto patted his brother's head.

"No problem. I'm sure tou-san will teach you how to use them." he said as Minato nodded and patted Eiji on the head as well getting a happy smile from the younger Namikaze.

"Now Mito-chan," he said as Mito looked eager to find out what he got her. "Are you still training in Kenjutsu like you said in the letters you sent me?"

She nodded her head. "I am, but I'm not very good at it. I still don't have a sword yet," she said looking down as Kushina stroked her hair.

"Some people just take more time to learn Kenjutsu then others Mito-chan. I was the same like you when I was your age." she said as Mito gave her mother a tiny smile.

"Well I'm sure myself or Kaa-chan can help you with your Kenjutsu whenever you need help but I think I have the sword problem sorted." he said getting a wide eyed look from Mito and Kushina who both leaned in.

Naruto took the other scroll and another puff of smoke engulfed him. When it quickly died down Mito had stars in her eyes while Kushina examining and nodding at the blade that was in his hands.

The sword had a pure-white hilt with a circular hand-guard and along the side was pieces of diamond shaped bronze metal. The sheath was pure white just like the hilt that if it fell into snow, they probably would never find it.

Wow was all Mito could say as Naruto gently placed the blade into her hands. She began to feel the blade all over and gripped the hilt in her hands. She smiled brightly because it felt perfect in her hands. She knew this sword was meant for her.

Kushina took a look at it as well and felt how heavy it was but was surprised that it felt so light. It was a little lighter than her Kitetsu and much lighter than Naruto's Shusui.

"This is a fine blade and it's been beautifully made. Iron country?" she asked Naruto who nodded.

"I get most of my supplied imported from there since it's the best in my opinion. I had one of their blacksmiths make Mito's sword and Eiji's kunai. This is chakra metal as well so you can put your chakra or affinity into it if you want."

Mito was about to unsheathe it but her mother gave her a stern look. "Not in the house. You can unsheathe it tomorrow." she said making Mito pout and groaned before she quickly thanked Naruto.

"Thank you Naru-Onii-chan."

"You're welcome. Every swordsman should have a decent blade to wield." he said as Mito just kept fawning over her new katana.

"And finally little Mina". Mina quickly smiled big as she could not wait for what her gift would be.

"Tell me Mina can you mold chakra now?" he asked as Mina bobbed her head up and down. "Good then this gift will be good for you."

"Am I right in thinking Mito and Eiji have or will have the toad summons?" Naruto asked his father as Minato nodded his head, wondering where this was going.

"Then this is perfect," he called as he bit his finger and placed his hand on the floor. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu."

A cloud of smoke engulfed the room as everyone heard furniture getting moved around and the walks creek a little.

As the smoke died down, they all looked a little gobsmacked when they saw Kiara sitting in their living room with a giant scroll at her feet.

"Whoa," the twins said in unison as their parents played with kunai they had hidden in their clothes.

"Yo, is it time?" Kiara asked as she yawned and gave everyone a full look at her massive jaws and pearly white teeth.

"Yep this is my little sister Mina. She is the one you are here for," he said as pushed Mina in front of him as the little girl looked nervously at the big tiger in front of her.

"Mina this Kiara, my familiar and member of the White Tiger summons. She is here because we would like to know if you would like to become a one of their summoners." Naruto said as this family looked at him in surprise.

"Me?" She said squeakily. She knew what summons were and that her father and Pervy grandfather had the big toads.

"Yes little one. Naruto has managed to convince my mother to allow just one more person to sign the contract. Two is the max we will allow for someone to summon us and we would like to make you our second summoner."

To make her feel more comfortable Kiara leaned down and stroked her head against the little red haired girl. She guessed it worked since Mina giggled a little and stroked her head.

"Naruto where did you get your summons?" Kushina asked since neither she nor Minato had ever heard of a White Tiger summons. They doubted even Jiraiya knew and he knew most of the summoning types out there.

"When I was twelve I found Kiara by accident. We became friends and her mother let me sign their contract. I am the first person to ever become a summoner for the White Tigers. And now hopefully Mina will become the second if she wants to."

Naruto turned to look at Mina as did everyone else as they waited for her answer. After a few moments Mina gave him a big smile and nodded her head.

Naruto smiled back and took the scroll from Kiara and opened it up in front of Mina. "Okay Mina-chan I need you to make your index finger bleed a little so you can write your name in this column beside my name. Then have a bit of blood on each finger tip of the hand you want to summon with and put the handprint under the name."

Mina nodded and bit into her right index finger. She quickly wrote her name and then bit each of her other fingers and made the hand print on the scroll. When she was done the scroll glowed a little before poofing away.

"And there you go. Now I will show you how to do the hand signs for it another time since we want to make sure you have enough chakra to summon your familiar. I can do that for you now though." Naruto said before summoning another tiger as a little puff of smoke appeared on the floor.

Mina's eyes were like sparkles when she saw a small tiger cub that only came up to her knee on the floor in front of her. Its big blue eyes blinked as it looked at its new surroundings.

"Mina this is Kovu, Kiara's little brother and he is now your summoning familiar. Treat him well."

"Hello," Kovu said in a squeaky voice as Mina gently picked him up into her arms. The two stared at each other until Kovu started licking Mia's nose which made her start laughing at how ticklish it felt.

'Why do we have to get stupid toads? Tigers look so cool,' Eiji and Mito said crying anime tear inwardly as Kushina and Minato were smiling at how happy their youngest daughter looked.

As Kiara returned to the summoning realm Mito, Eiji and Minato went to Mina who was happily playing with Kovu and greeted the new young summon while Kushina stood beside her eldest and kissed the top of his head.

"Thank you."

"They are my little brother and sisters. There is nothing in the world I would not do for them and that includes you and tou-san."

"I know I never really said it before I left so I will say it to you now." he said as he took his mother's hand into his while Minato looked at them from the corner of his eye.

"It's okay Kaa-chan. I forgive you and I hope I can have a better relationship with you now. This is why I want to give you something."

Kushina eyes shot up in surprise as did Minato's as they watched Naruto pull out one last scroll. She wanted to hug her son to death for finally saying the words telling them that he forgave them for their foolishness.

"Know that I am giving you this Kaa-chan because I want you to finally make peace with yourself," he said as unsealed the object inside the scroll. When the object appeared Kushina immediately threw back her hands to cover her mouth as uncontrollable sobs began to sound out making everyone look at her.

Minato went to support his wife while the younger three children stood beside her. They all looked down and saw what Naruto was holding. It was a katana with a dark purple handle with bronze diamonds going down the side of it and a circular hand guard.

"Ryujin Jakka…" Kushina whispered as Minato's eye went wide at now realizing that this was her father's blade.

"Where? How?"

"During my time with the Guardians the daimyo gave me a week rest since we had been having a rough few months from attempted attacks on him. I decided to go visit Uzushiogakure since its where our ancestors are from. Jiji told me about Oji-san and about your argument with him before he passed."

"When I visited Uzu I went into what looked like some kind of Kage building since it looked similar to the one we have. At the back office there was a trap door underneath the desk. When I went down I saw seals placed around a cabinet. When I managed to break the seals I found Ryujin Jakka. Apparently after the fall of Uzu some of the Uzumaki survivors went back and buried their dead. Oji-san was buried by a tree that he apparently proposed to Obaa-san at while his sword was sealed in a stasis. Only an Uzumaki could break the seals that were placed on it."

Naruto stood up and then held it out towards Kushina.

"I know I never met him but I think he would want you to have it. Now your peace with him can finally be made."

Kushina just sobbed harder as she listened to her son. She reached forward and took the legendary sword in her hands and clutched it tight to her. It was the last thing she had left of her father and in a way Naruto had given a piece of him back to her.

She then surged forward hugging Naruto close as she cried and showering his cheeks with her motherly kisses.

"I love you, I love you, I love you so much." Kushina said over and over again not being able to thank her son enough.

"I love you too Kaa-chan, and I always will," Naruto said as he hugged his mother in a happy embrace.

He motioned for the others to come over and very quickly Minato, Eiji, Mito and Mina, who was still carrying Kovu, all wrapped their arms around Kushina and had a family hug.

As they hugged Naruto closed his eyes and felt the chakra signatures of the people of Konoha.

"I'm home."