chapter 21

"I missed this bed," Naruto muttered happily as he laid on his large bed and rolled around on top of the covers as he wore his sleep wear. Since returning a few days ago he had been given some time off since he just returned from the Guardians and had been enjoying seeing everyone again.

Tsunade, Hiruzen, and Shizune had pretty much lock him down in the Sarutobi manor as they wanted to know everything that happened while he was away and all the new stuff that he learned. Though when they got to how his Mokuton was developing he simply tapped his nose.

"That is a secret."

After that he went to see Mikoto who hugged him near to death, having missed her student greatly and did the same with him that the others did and pushed him for information. He saw little Ria who looked exactly like Mikoto that it was frightening. Though Sasuke had seen him once and snorted before walking away towards his compounds training ground.

He guest Itachi's little brother still had that stick shoved up his ass.

Though he was a little bummed out that neither Anko nor Itachi were around. Both were out on missions as was Hana and Yugao. Both girls had advanced in his time away with Hana being a Jonnin now. Yugao joined the Anbu and was under Itachi's command.

Though when he asked Mikoto where Itachi was Mikoto just giggled into her hand and said he was busy with another personal matter and did not go into any detail.

Seeing it was around eleven o' clock and that he had slept in enough for one day, Naruto got up and went to enjoy his breakfast.

"Cereal or toast?" he wondered aloud before going with Cereal. With his breakfast in hand he sat down at the table. Just as he was about to take a bite the door slammed pen and two figures came barreling in.

It took every ounce of will power he had not to blush because what he was looking at was probably the hottest scene he had ever seen in his life.

Anko who had gown a little taller and was definantly more womanly then before had kicked the door open and was locking lips with none other than Hana Inuzuka who like Anko had grown taller, was more womanly and had grown out her hair into a long ponytail that went down her back.

Neither girls even noticed he was there sitting at the table since both were too preoccupied with feeling each other's bodies.

Anko threw her tanned coat off before she growled and ripped Hana's top off her body revealing white tape around her breasts. Anko quickly ripped those off before her hands began fondling the Inuzuka's breasts.

Hana moaned loudly before she felt Anko twist them around and pushed her onto the table where Anko then bit down on her breasts making a wave of pleasure hit her.

After a moment of playing with Hana's breasts Anko took her top off and began trailing down her body and was about to pull off her pants when Naruto finally voiced up.

"What do you know? Breakfast and a show."

Both girls stopped completely and snapped their eyes open. They scanned in front of them and saw Naruto looking at them with a smile as he raised a spoon full of cereal at them before eating it.

After a moment of not saying anything both girls screamed. One in shock and one in joy.

Hana got off the table and quickly wrapped her arms around her breasts, trying to cover herself before grabbing a cushion from the sofa. Anko meanwhile had lunged over the table and pressed herself against her best friend and hugged him tightly.

Naruto could feel Anko's wonderful assets practically smacking him in the face. Anko's still didn't know how to be subtle.

"You bastard when did you get back? You don't know how much we've missed you." she said as she leaned out and looked at him with a watery smile.

"Just a few days ago. I guess you guys were on a mission. Hello by the way Hana-chan."

"Hey Naruto," Hana said chuckling nervously as she scratched the back of her head.

"If I knew you were coming back I would have stayed. You should have told us," Anko said as she broke the hug but did not get off his lap.

"Sorry but I wanted it to be a surprise. My family was happy to see me as was sensei and everyone else. Now I'm just looking for that Uchiha we all know and love."

"Ahh yeah good 'ole Itachi; I'm sure you will see him at some point. He's not here much other than to sleep and when he is not at the Anbu station or on patrol then he would be at the Uchiha compound since he is the heir."

"Still as stoic as ever?" Naruto asked.

"Of course this is Itachi after all. Though you will be getting a surprise when you see him," She said making him look at her in confusion but knew Anko was not going to spill the beans. He was wondering what she and his sensei were hiding.

"So you two huh? Must admit Anko I am not surprised since I saw this coming but you Hana? I did not know you swayed that way."

"I didn't until a year ago. Anko got me drunk after a successful mission and we spent the night together. I remembered most of it and I found myself enjoying it. So we hooked up more and more until eventually we just decided to become girlfriends." Hana said as she took Anko's hand into hers making Anko smile at her.

"It's not a problem is it?" she asked as Naruto shook his head.

"No Hana-chan it's no problem. I am very happy you too found love with one another. How is your mother taking this relationship anyway?"

"She took it pretty well actually. Shocked at first as you would expect but she said as long as one day I can give her a grand pup to spoil by some means then she is all for it. In fact a lot of my clan are okay with it as are a lot of the other shinobi and we have not had many people act hatefully towards us which is very fortunate. The only person who is being a pain is my runt of a brother Kiba."

Naruto snorted. "That's probably because you landed a hot piece of ass like Anko where he didn't." he said as Anko grinned and game them a thumbs up.

"Damn right. So do you have a girl in your life Naruto? You must by now." Anko asked as Naruto shook his head.

"No not right now. There was a girl or two that caught my eye I guess you could say but nothing came of them." Naruto lied as Anko shook her head.

"Well hurry up and get one unless you were hoping to get a go on this again?" Anko said as she pointed to her body. "Sorry Naruto, but I'm Hana's now."

"I am heartbroken Anko-chan, but I think I will survive."

"Good now it's been great seeing you again and I am glad you are home but it's been a week since I last had sex and I got to get my desires out." Anko said as Hana yelped beside her as Anko picked her up in a fireman's carry before slapping her ass.

"You might want to leave since we won't be stopping until tomorrow morning," Anko shouted as she ran down the hallway and went into her room.

"And that is my cue to leave." he said as he quickly finished his breakfast, got a fresh change of clothes and left the apartment just as Hana's moans began to echo through the house.


With Naruto

Since he did not have much to do, Naruto made his way towards his parents' house where he knew the twins would be currently be. Since the twins both graduated they had a week off from the Academy until they had to go back to find out what teams they were going to be.

While both wanted to be with one another Naruto did not think that was a good idea. They both needed to learn to be independent and grow without the other always beside them. He knew for twins that was a difficult process and a hard one but it was necessary in the world of being a shinobi.

Walking up towards the Namikaze household he could sense that both his parents were out and that Mina was currently at the Academy.

"Mito, Eiji you guys here?" He called out and very quickly and a torpeded blond slammed into him.

"Nii-chan!" Mito called happily as she hugged her brother while Eiji came out of the kitchen at a more sedated pace.

"Well you seem happy to see me. What's the occasion?"

His sister looked up at him with sparkles in her eyes. "Kaa-chan has been teaching me some really cool techniques with the sword you got me."

"Really? Well that is good. How are these kunai coming along Eiji?" He asked as his little brother gave him a thumbs up.

"Good. Tou-san is showing me how to use them in his spare time. I think I am getting the hang of them."

"That's very good as well. I'm glad you are both using the gifts I gave you. If you are not doing anything, do you two want to go to one of the training grounds with me? I want to see just how far along my cute little brother and sister has come in their shinobi skills. Unless you're scared to battle me that is?" he said taunting them a little and internally grinned when he saw Mito and Eiji get a passionate fire in their eyes.

"HELL NO, WE CAN KICK YOUR ASS NII-SAN!" both twins shouted at him as they raced up stairs to put on their shinobi uniform and gather their equipment.

"They are too easy…" Naruto muttered but smiled all the same.

They might have been twins, but you could see how different they could be when you watched them closely. Eiji was the calmer of the two and was more of a thinker just like Minato was. Meanwhile Mito was a little hot headed but very spirited just like Kushina.

Though those two combined and you could have a strong little duo on their hands.

Leaning against the wall he waited a few minutes as he listened to Mito and Eiji get ready as both shouted out what to bring with them and what not to forget. It was not very stealthy of them.

Since they were both now thirteen years old and were among the oldest in their year since few others were still only twelve. Mito and Eiji now had separate rooms. Eiji kept their original room while Mito was given his old room.

After a few minutes both twins came barreling down the stairs equipped and ready and proudly wore their new headbands on their heads.

Eiji was wearing dark blue pants and black shinobi sandals while wearing a gray mesh top and a whitish gray jacket over it. He had his kunai holder strapped to his right leg that contained his new three pronged kunai. On the side of his jacket was the Uzumaki symbol

Mito meanwhile had her long blonde hair tied into a braid while her bangs framed her face. She wore black shinobi sandals with black bottoms along with a dark orange shirt with black outlines with a light mesh shirt underneath. On her back was her new katana along with the Uzumaki symbol.

"Orange? Interesting color." Naruto commented since it was certainly a bold color to go out in.

"Don't you start too; I like it and that is how it will stay!" she pouted and Naruto put his hands up as a sign of surrender.

"It's fine. It looks very nice." he said as he opened the door and ushered them both out.

"Nii-chan, won't you need your gear?" Eiji said since Naruto was only wearing civilian clothes.

"Don't worry Eiji, I won't be needing it." he said playfully which only made the twins want to kick his ass even more.

As they walked all the civilians smiled as they watched the twins tell Naruto how badly they were going to beat him while Naruto just let a little grin stay on his face the entire time.

Training Ground 11

"Here we are this should do nicely." Naruto muttered as he looked around at the spacious field as Mito and Eiji stood a little in front of him. No one else was using this training field so it meant they could use the entire width of it.

"Now are you both ready for this?" Naruto asked as both nodded. "Well since you two have just turned genin to make this a bit fairer I will only use taijutsu and Kenjutsu. You two though can use whatever tricks you want," he said as both nodded again.

"I want you both to treat me like an enemy. If you don't come at me with the intent to kill then you might as well walk home now." he said in all seriousness as both gulped but muttered a small yes.

"Good," he spoke as he went to his right hand and unsealed a katana neither of the twins had seen before. It had a green handle and a guard with a four-petaled design while the sheath had green on one half and white on the other.

"I have never seen that one before Nii-chan. Is it new?" Mito asked as she looked over the blade with curious eyes.

"That's right. It was a gift the Fire Daimyo had made for me just before my time as one of the Guardians was up. As a way of thanking me for my service and for protecting his family he presented me with this katana he had made from Iron Country just like your weapons and my Shusui. I have had some practice with it, but I think it would be better to use now then Shusui. Trust me when I say Shusui is not a blade you two are ready to go against yet." he said as both gulped.

"You both ready?" He asked as both Mito and Eiji got in their fighting stances and Mito few her sword out while Eiji readied two tri pronged kunai in his hands. The wind breezed through the field as Naruto stood there with one hand in his pocket while the other was clutching his new blade Shigure.

He smiled as Mito and Eiji narrowed their eyes at him.


Not surprisingly Mito was the first to go forward and came towards him at high genin level speed. She swung her blade down at Naruto who easily side stepped out of the way. She swung at him again, but this time he ducked the slash and stepped out of the way again.

The next strike though Naruto spun and went behind Mito and gave her a light whack on the back of the leg with the sheath of Shigure. Mito stumbled forward a little when he did. Moments later he sensed Eiji coming from behind him with his kunai poised towards him.

Naruto easily moved out of the way and grabbed his younger brothers arms before throwing him in the air in the direction he was aiming it. Eiji though managed to flip in the air and land on his feet. Eiji threw a few standard kunai at him, but Naruto easily blocked them with his blade which at this point was still sheathed.

Sensing Mito coming from behind him he jumped into air, dodging a sword strike before landing next to her, grabbing her shoulder and throwing her over to Eiji.

Eiji now threw a couple of shuriken at Naruto who simply caught the shuriken in between his fingers. Meanwhile Eiji caught his sister in his arms and set her on her feet as Mito huffed out in annoyance and rubbed her shoulder.

"Together?" Eiji asked his sister who nodded.


Now both twins came at him as they went in and out in a zigzag pattern, obviously trying to confuse him about who was going to strike first.

He was not surprised when he saw it was Mito first who again tried to take him down with her blade. Naruto though sent a smirk her way before blocking the strike with the sheath of his blade and twisted her around before he poked her in the back pretty hard with the sheath making her tumble forward again.

Grinning at his little sister as she fell to the ground and pouted at him, he quickly saw Eiji appear a couple of meters above him, making a few hand signs.

"Raiton: Raikyu!" Eiji called as a ball of lightning about the size of his fists formed in-between his hands. He stabilized the jutsu quickly before he fired the ball of lightning towards Naruto.

'Lightning affinity huh?'Naruto thought since he expected Eiji to have either wind or water but he guessed that was not the case.

Eiji and Mito grinned thinking they had their older brother but the look was quickly wiped away when they saw an aura of wind wrap around their brother katana before he made a single slash towards the ball of lightning. The slash cut the ball in half and caused it to dissipate.

As Eiji was coming down Naruto appeared in front of him and landed a strike to his gut with the handle of his katana causing Eiji to become winded.

Before Naruto could lay another strike on him Mito appeared behind now with her katana sheathed and about to engage him in taijutsu. "Alright little sister, show me what you can do."

Mito focused on her older brother before she began throwing punches and swift kicks towards him. She aimed for the point that her mother had told would do the most damage, which was the head, stomach and chest areas.

However she became increasing frustrated when Naruto either dodged the strikes or caught them

"Stop dodging all the time!" Mito said getting more and more frustrated without noticing that her strikes were getting slower and sloppier. She was getting so mad that she did not notice Naruto setting up a wire strap around her.

"Mito pay attention to what he is doing," Eiji called since he just noticed what Naruto was doing.

"What?" Mito called in confusion before suddenly she became weightless and was hanging upside down in a tree.

As she tried to attack Naruto she did not notice that he had led her over towards a tree and was subtly wrapping a ninja wire trap around it.

"Oh so that's what you meant…" Mito said as she gave a nervous grin as she scratched the back of her head.

"You need to pay more attention to your surroundings." Naruto said as he poked his sister in the stomach causing a small giggle to come from her.

"Meanie." she said as she crossed her arms before her eyes widened when a flurry of shuriken suddenly came out of nowhere and struck Naruto in the back making him fall forward.

"Onii-chan!" Mito called out as she watched her brother fall to the ground as Eiji looked a little gobsmacked. He did not think that it was actually going to hit.

However before either could do anything Naruto suddenly poofed away revealing that it was just a clone.

"A Bunshin?" They both said realizing that it was a trick.

"Yep and you fell for it little brother," Naruto said appearing behind Eiji. His little brother reacted as quickly as he could as his tri pronged kunai surged towards his brother. However Naruto quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him and pinned him to the ground as he sat on top of him.

"You did not think it would be that easy did you?" He said as he patted his brother head as Eiji gave him a pout and a small glare. It only made Naruto chuckle more.

"Not bad for the first round." Naruto said as he got up freeing Eiji and throwing a kunai towards where Mito was strung up. The wire snapped and Mito fell comically to the ground, making her yelp.

"ONII-CHAN!" Mito shouted angrily as she glared at him as a bump appeared on her head.

"The Kaa-chan flows strong in this one…" Naruto muttered making Eiji laugh and Mito to glare at him more.

Eiji quickly went back over to his sister as they tried to formulate some kind of plan against their brother. Well at least they have teamwork down he thought as he began unsheathing Shigure and revealing to Eiji and Mito the cold hard steel of his blade.

"Right you two. Since round one is over, let's go on to round two," he said as both Mito and Eiji gulped as they readied themselves.

An Hour later

"I can't feel my legs." Eiji called out as he lied on the ground beside Mito looking exhausted with a few bruises and cuts covering his body and with a few tear marks in his clothes. Mito was in a similar state. Despite being Uzumaki's and having amazing stamina their brother was too much like their Kaa-chan when they trained with her.


They looked up to see Naruto looking the same as he did earlier not even looking winded and without a scratch on him as he grinned down at the twins.

"We hate you." they both said as Naruto laugh.

"Well, I love you guys too!" he chirped as sat down right in-between them and placed his hands on their heads. They watched as Naruto activated the Shosen jutsu and began healing them. Both felt a lot better than they did moments ago.

"So how did we do?" Mito asked nervously as Naruto looked at her critically before smiling.

"You two did pretty good actually. You lasted longer then I thought you would and your skills are definantly up to genin level. You both have a decent sized jutsu arsenal for ones your age and while your taijutsu and kenjutsu could use some work, I think you two are well on your way to being great shinobi," he said making both of them smile at him for the praise."

"But I do have some advice for you. Eiji try not to over think every situation. If your gut is telling you to do something then most times its right. Sometimes you need to take risks instead of always playing it safe." he said as Eiji nodded since Kushina had told him the same thing some time before.

"Mito you need to work on that temper of yours. The more frustrated you get the slower and sloppier your moves get. Try and stay calm even if someone is taunting you." he said as he flicked her nose before said girl smiled up at him.

After a few minutes Naruto stopped the Shosen jutsu and both twins stood up. They still felt exhausted and could not wait to just go to bed and rest, but they looked fine now so he would not get chewed out by Kushina.

"You guys want me to walk you both home?" he asked but both shook their heads saying they knew the way and that it would not take long.

After saying their goodbyes and a few hugs Eiji and Mito left the area and headed home. As Naruto watched them go and saw them disappeared from sight Naruto turned around.

"You can come out now."

He felt a fast approaching familiar signature heading straight towards him. Gripping his blade tightly, Naruto spun around and intercepted the person as a tanto struck forward. Shigure lay in-between them as it blocked the strike.

The person was an Anbu with a raven mask and long black hair that was tied into a thick ponytail behind him. It was not difficult for Naruto to figure out who it was.

"Nice to see you have not got sloppy while I was away…Itachi."

"The same could be said for you…Naruto." spoke in his usual monotone voice though there was an edge of happiness to it at seeing his long time friend.

Unlocking weapons Itachi took his mask off and an older Itachi was looking back at him. The only difference was the tear shaped marks on his face were a little deeper than before. The two smiled and hugged one another.

"I heard you have been back for a few days. I saw Kaa-san a few hours ago and she told me about your return."

"Yeah, Mikoto-sensei was one of the first I went to see too. Little Ria has grown up well. She looks just like sensei." he said as Itachi nodded happily.

"Ria-chan has grown up beautifully just like Kaa-san. I am afraid I may end up beating away boys with a stick." Itachi said as he did not like the fact that boys would gain interest in her in a few years.

"Ahh don't worry. I'm sure Ria will be tough enough to keep them away. Besides I am the one with two sisters here, both of which are going to be beautiful as well. Two sticks will be required."

"Though, I see little Sasuke's mood has not changed." Itachi just sighed as he shook his head about his little brother.

"I don't know what to do with him. He has clearly taken after my father more than my mother and his obsession with one day defeating me and taking over as Clan head has become his life goal now. He says that the Uchiha needs to be feared and everyone must bow down to us like we are royalty. He has been getting out of hand lately."

"How is he towards Ria?" Naruto asked since he remembers before he left Sasuke was very hostile towards his younger sister.

"It's not too bad now since Ria mostly stays away from him or myself and Kaa-san are close which stops him from trying anything hostile towards her. He rarely speaks to anyone and doesn't have many friends due to isolating himself."

"Though from the few conversations I have had with Eiji, Sasuke may have a bit of an obsession with Mito."

"You don't say," Naruto as his eye narrowed as Itachi nodded a little reluctantly.

"Eiji has told me that he stares at her a lot in class as well as out of the academy. At home Sasuke mumbles about needing a strong wife and children one day and about marriage contracts. I think he has Mito in mind as a future spouse."

"No offense here Itachi, but if the only reason Sasuke wants to marry a girl, especially my little sister because he only wants a strong wife and someone to pop out children for him than he and I are going to have a problem."

"Yes I know I will make sure he knows those are not good reasons to go into a marriage. Kaa-san is too soft with him sometimes since she wants to think he is just her little baby still. But someone needs to be tough with him. If he steps out of line again then I may have to be the one to push him back."

"Makes sense," Naruto said as they walked beside one another as they chatted about what they had been up too and the topic of Danzo came up briefly. While the old war hawk had not tried anything yet, Itachi had been keeping a very close eye on him and the minute he slipped up he would act.

"ITACHI UCHIHA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" a loud voice called and Naruto saw to his surprise Itachi go a little pale and gulp. Naruto turned around as did Itachi a little reluctantly to see a young woman standing behind them.

She was a fair skinned girl around average height with green eyes and waist-length black hair in a hime-style cut tied in a high ponytail with short bangs and chin-length strands framing her face. She was wearing regular clothing with dark grey pants and a light green shirt that matched her eyes. Though Naruto could tell she was a shinobi by the way she held herself.

"Oh kami, how did she find me?" Itachi whispered.

"I have been looking for you everywhere. Stop running off all the time. You and I are taking Ria to the park remember and then we are getting ice cream?" she said closing the gap between them and to Naruto's complete shock she grabbed Itachi by the collar and kissed him. Naruto almost dropped to the ground in surprise.

He watched Itachi kiss back a little before they broke apart. Itachi turned to look at his friend who was looking at them with a WTF face.

"Dude the hell was that and who is this?" Naruto asked as he wondered if this was what Mikoto and Anko had both meant earlier.

"Naruto allow me to introduce you to Shizuka my girlfr…"

"His fiancé and future wife." Shizuka said proudly as she stuck out her hand to greet Naruto who shook back in a daze as he just looked at Itachi who had a tinge of red on his cheeks.

After a few seconds of silence Naruto quickly broke as laughter came out of his mouth and he fell to the ground laugh and pointing at his friend.

"The emotionless Itachi Uchiha who always said he would not get a girlfriend until he was 25 is now engaged at 18," Naruto laughed as he struggled to breath. Shizuka raised an eyebrow while Itachi gained a tick mark on his head.

"SHUT UP NARUTO!" Itachi shouted which only made Naruto laugh more.

Grumbling about blonde haired baka's Itachi grabbed Shizuka's hand and the two walked away as Naruto chased after them after he finally stopped laughing so he could get the whole story.

That Evening

Walking towards his apartment and hoping Hana and Anko had finally stopped their love making, Naruto mused over his day and could not help but smile at his friend Itachi.

The story went that Itachi was out on a mission six months ago and he came across Shizuka who challenged him to a battle. Itachi tried to get away, but Shizuka left him with little choice. They fought and Itachi won. It was only afterwards that Shizuka dropped the bombshell on his that she was from the Nadeshiko village.

Since Itachi defeated her, their law depicted that Itachi had to marry her. Not knowing what to do, he went back to Konoha with her to get this sorted out. He went to Mikoto who immediately began questioning the girl but to his annoyance an hour later Shizuka and Mikoto were laughing and drinking tea with one another with Mikoto telling him to marry this girl right now. Not only that but even Ria and the other Uchiha's that remained liked the girl since she was very spirited and could lay down the law.

Seeing no way out of it Itachi came up with a compromise. Since they were too young in his mind to get married, he said that he and Shizuka would be in a relationship with one another for at least a year to get to know one another and to see if that spark was there. Shizuka was skeptical but went along with it; though after the months despite Shizuka being a very confrontational kind of woman, Itachi began budding feelings for her and vice versa.

Naruto was happy for his friend for finding love in the most unlikely places or situations. Plus he liked Shizuka. She was very bubbly though could be a little clingy to Itachi. She was a strong kunoichi and was a Jonin in her own right. Plus apparently his father and the village were okay with it since it meant the heir of the Uchiha found his future wife and the relationship would better relations between Konoha and the Nadeshiko village.

All in all he thought it would be a good fit since with every strong man was an equally strong woman to keep him in line. His own parents were fact of that.

Speaking of his father he could sense his father still in the Hokage office. Since it was unlike him to be there this late, Naruto shunshined and arrived in the Hokage office. He found Minato sitting at his desk as he had a roster of Jonin and the new genin in his hands.

Minato looked up and smiled at his eldest. "Hey Naruto, what are you doing here so late?"

"I was actually going to ask you the same thing."

Minato held up the two rosters." I'm trying to finalize the new teams for the genin. Something just does not sit right with me about them."

Naruto quirked an eyebrow up. "You want some help?" he asked as Minato looked at him in surprise before nodding.

Pulling up a chair he looked the team over. The first half were the civilian born who he knew would most likely not be passing the genin secondary exam. With the amount of clan heirs there were this year he knew the council would be pushing for them to pass.

He looked them over and stopped when he saw his mother's name. He showed it to his father who just sighed.

"Your mother was very adamant about this. She said with the whole masked man being out there, Mito needs to be safe at all times. She wants to be the twins Jonin sensei for that sake."

"And what do you think?"

"I'm not against the idea but putting them both on the same team would make it look like we are playing favorites. Your mother is one the strongest kunoichi in the village, rivaled only by Tsunade and Mikoto."

Naruto bit his lip as he looked them over. He guessed he could see the logic in that but again he did not think the twins always had to be with one another. They needed to learn how to act separately rather than always being together.

"Can I make suggestion?" he said as Minato nodded.

"By all means do; it would be nice to get a second opinion on this."

"Then I think you should split the twins up." he said as Minato looked a little surprised. "They might be twins but their fighting is much different. Eiji is a more technical fighter while Mito is a head on close combat type. Mito is a mix of a brawled and Kaa-chans style while Eiji is like a mix between you and Kakashi."

"This is what I think you should do…" he said as he began mixing some of the names around n the roster.

For about an hour Naruto and Minato sat discussing the teams as well as mixing them around. All from whether or not the second gen Ino-Shika-Cho trio was a good idea and who they thought could survive Kushina which made them both laugh.

They were both so into what they were doing that neither noticed Kushina peaking through the door and laugh and gaze adoringly as her husband and eldest bonded before she quietly sneaked off back home.