Student Vs Teacher

"Do you both have everything you need for this morning?" Naruto asked Mito and Eiji as he enjoyed his breakfast round at his parents house. It was not often that he ate breakfast at his parents' house anymore despite Kushina always telling him to be over every day.

The twins looked ready to burst into hysterics as both nodded eagerly, Mito especially and could barely contain her excitement. Next to him Mina ate her toast as she listened to her older brother and sister talk about all the cool things they were going to now that they were shinobi while Naruto just laughed at how the twins thought they were going to go out saving princesses.

'They are going to be heartbroken' Naruto thought since all genin had to submit to the torturous D ranks. It was like a coming of age requirement, especially that hell cat Tora.

Naruto got shudders at the thought of that cat.

"Are you sure you both have everything? It would not be wise to leave anything behind, especially on team assignment day," Kushina prodded repeating Naruto's question as she fought back a smirk. Only a few people were aware that Kushina was taking another team and Naruto wondered how Mito would take it. Since they were similar in fighting styles Mito would thrive under their mother's tutelage since now that she was a genin. She could really learn the good stuff now.

"We have everything Kaa-chan," the twins both said in unison thought it sounded like they were more annoyed since Kushina had asked them three times already.

"I'm just making sure it sinks in. I want my babies to be prepared for what's to come," she said as stood behind the twins and kissed the tops of their heads making them both pout.

"We are not babies anymore Kaa-chan," they said in unison again making Kushina laugh and Naruto and Mina smile.

"You are always going to be my babies no matter how old you get," she said stroking the tops of their heads making their pouts disappear as soft smiles now graced their faces.

"It's almost eleven. You two better get going. Remember be nice to your teammates, do not complain who you are with and do not disobey your sensei's orders, understand?" Naruto told them as both nodded and quickly hoped out of their chairs.

Both wore their uniforms from their day sparring with Naruto and had their gifts from him strapped to their bodies while they had their headbands wore proudly on their foreheads.

"Get going munchkins," he said as they both hugged him from his seat before going over to Mina who gave them both sloppy good luck kisses. Then after their hug with Kushina who held them both in a hug for nearly half a minute they both went towards the front door and left the house.

"They grow up way too fast," Kushina muttered since three of her four babies were now shinobi. She turned to look at her youngest.

"Don't grow up too quickly Mina-chan," she asked as Mina giggled and kissed her mother's nose.

"Okay Kaa-chan," Mina said making Kushina laugh and began to gush over her youngest before she sent her upstairs to wash.

Leaving just her and Naruto in the room she began making her own breakfast since she didn't need to be at the Hokages office until eleven thirty, giving her a bit of time with her eldest.

She sat down just off to the side of him and watched as he finished his breakfast and pulled out a little pocket book from his pocket. He pulled out a brush and began writing and drawing in it.

Kushina bit into her toasts and leaned over. "What are you doing sweetie? You look like your concentrating hard," she said trying to look at the page.

Naruto chuckled. "It's a little sealing book. It just has stuff on sealing and idea's of potential sealing jutsu I come up with. I'm currently working on one at the moment and hopefully it will prove to be a success."

He now had his mother full attention. Anything to do with fuinjutsu then her attention was yours.

"What's the idea? Let me see," she said trying to look at the page though Naruto kept moving it out of the way. Kushina pouted and started climbing over her son to try and get to the book.

Just to annoy her some more Naruto stood up and put the book above his head. Since his mother was not very tall she immediately growled in annoyance before she took a few steps back and used the chair to vault herself.

She slammed into Naruto and as she went down grabbed the book.

"AHAH," she said in triumph and quickly began looking at what he was currently working on while Naruto pouted besides her.

"No fair Kaa-chan," he said while Kushina stuck her tongue out at him.

As he sat back up Kushina's eyes began gliding over the page. It was peaking her interest more and more since she saw that the current seal design had traits of a trap seal along with an attack, defence and sensing seal incorporated into it. She tried to figure out what it was but she was coming up blank.

"What is this exactly?" she asked since she was very curious over it.

Naruto who finally sat up scratched the back of his head. "Well I know that for a kunoichi one of the worse traumas is rape while out on a mission. So lately I have been trying to develop an anti-rape seal," he said as Kushina looked at him in surprise.

Rape was the fear of every kunoichi all over the world. Having it taken from them by force stayed with them for life and Kushina knew many past Kunoichi that unfortunately had that unfortunate experience. It caused some to quit while others took their lives from the shame of it.

"It works like this," he said as he took the book from Kushina. "The seal has chakra poured into it and is then marked over the woman's virginal area. If an enemy shinobi tried to enter her forcefully then the seal will pick it up. With the sensing seal incorporated into it, it can sense whether they have good or bad intentions."

"If they have bad intentions then the attack and defence seal part of it will activate. The defence will create a thin layer of chakra to protect her womanhood while the attack seal sends out a sharp pulse of chakra which should in theory dismember him of his manhood," Naruto said as Kushina looked at her soon in amazement.

Her looks went from Naruto, to the seal then back to Naruto.

'This…this seal could be revolutionary for Kunoichi everywhere. This could change everything for us' she thought. 'How did no one think of this before? The concept is so simple and with the right skills in fuinjutsu it could be very possible."

She had to tell Minato about this later since he would be feeling the exact same thing towards him.

"What do you think?" He asked as Kushina gave him a proud look.

"This….Naruto this is incredible. You could potentially have a seal that protects women everywhere. This seal is simply incredible and it shows how far you have progressed in fuinjutsu. What level are you at because this work is as good as it gets?"

Naruto blushed a little at the compliment but answered her question. "I'm halfway through Level Eight," he said and once again Kushina was gobsmacked.

'Level 8? I only reached level eight by the time I was twenty. At this rate he is going to surpass both Minato and I when it comes to fuinjutsu,' she thought as the proud look on her face just grew even more.

"What else do you have in here? I would like to hear some more of your ideas," Kushina said as Naruto smiled at her and huddled closer as they went through the book.

Hour Later

Naruto walked down the path and wore his shinobi gear as he walked towards the Chunin exam arena.

He had gotten a letter from Hiruzen just after he left his parent's home telling him to come to the Chunin stadium at this time and to not be late. His interest peaked and Naruto was curious to what his jiji wanted.

He spent a good twenty minutes with his mother talking about fuinjutsu and he could see she was deeply impressed with his work and his idea's. She gave him some advice with a few of them and told him a few variant seals that would work better to create other seals, something he listened to closely.

When it came to seals, his mother surpassed even his father in that regard. She was a true Uzumaki when it came to fuinjutsu with the only person who could surpass her was Mito Uzumaki, the Shodaime wife.

She told him that if he ever needed help then he was always welcome to ask her for either help or to run ideas by her. Coming up with new fuinjutsu was like porn for an Uzumaki.

'She is probably at the Hokage office right now getting ready to welcome her new team,' Naruto thought since Kushina looked quite excited at the prospect of having a second team. Though he internally she was doing it to gloat that she had more teams then Mikoto.

Their rivalry was never going to end.

Approaching the chunin stadium Naruto went on inside through the open doors which he guest were left open just for him and began walking up the stairs towards the setting area.

Once he entered he saw the giant field in the centre of the stadium. It looked just like the training grounds and had a rocky terrain with tree's, grass and a pool of water in it making it an ideal training location.

Though he stopped in his spot and could not help but let a grin appear on his face when he looked down at the center of the field.

Standing dead center in the field was the Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi decked out in his full battle gear with a concentrated look on his face. Despite his age the man was intimidating as ever and Naruto could feel the power that radiated for him.

He jumped from the stadium and landed a few meters in front of Hiruzen.

"I take it you want that spar we promised one another now?" Naruto said as it was now Hiruzen's turn to smirk.

"It is. I want to see just how far you have come in these three years Naruto. I have been eagerly waiting for the moment to take you on one on one like this and I don't plan on taking it easy on you like I did when you were younger."

Naruto's grin stayed on his face as he took of his jacket and threw it to the side revealing his muscled and powerful arms.

"Jiji I would not have it any other way," he said as Naruto and Hiruzen began doing a few stretches.

Are both warriors ready a loud voice called out as Naruto looked over to see Tsunade standing in the Kage box with a grin on her face. She had wanted to see this match for a long time as well and hoped she would get her turn against her student in due time as well.

Naruto gave her a nod and thumbs up which Hiruzen gave her as well.

"In that case get ready," she said as Naruto and Hiruzen both got in their taijutsu stances and both now had a focused look on their faces as they examined each other's stances.

From up top on the stands two chunin Izumo and Kotetsu who were currently off duty saw the doors to the stadium open and went to check it out. They saw Sandaime Hokage and the son of the Yondaime about to square off with the Slug Sannin being the proctor of the match. They both had one thing in their minds.

"We need to tell everyone," they said before making a few clones each and began spreading the word of this to the entire village.

"I think we are going to have company," Naruto said as he quickly took a few kunai's with barrier tags stuck to the bottom and set them around the arena. A think blue barrier erected around the field to try and keep damage and attacks contained as best as they could.

Once up Naruto turned back to look at Hiruzen.

After a few calm and silent moments Tsunade's voice sounded out.


Both Hiruzen and Naruto shot off from their spots at extreme speed and slammed their fists against one another making a strong shockwave suddenly hit the area as the teacher and student began to battle.


Mito Uzumaki Namikaze sat proudly as she sat beside her best friend Ino Yamanaka and had her blade from Naruto resting in her lap. The two chatted about trivial things and listened as Ino began saying who she would like to be with team wise and hoping they were not complete baka's.

But she noticed her friend kept glancing over towards her brother. It was no secret; at least to Mito anyway that Ino had big crush on her twin Eiji who was unfortunately as dense as their father when it came to seeing that a girl liked him.

She looked around the room to see her other peer members.

Shikamaru Nara was sleeping and Choji Akimichi who was eating chips were beside one another as usual since it was rare to see one without the other. Just in front of them was her brother who sat with Kiba Inuzuka and his puppy Akamaru who rested on top of his head. Shino Aburame, the ever quiet member of class sat at the back with the shy Hinata Hyuuga beside him.

Then it front of them was Yakumo Kurama who was a nice girl but she did not know her much and a pale boy she did not recognize.

Then glancing at the table in front of her twins was where Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno sat with said girl trying to get the Uchiha's attention. Sakura Haruno was Sasuke Uchiha's number one fan girl and she got on Mito's nerves. They use to be friends before Sakura went all fan girl. She really did wonder how on earth she managed to pass.

Then there was Sasuke Uchiha. The boy was always broody and constantly miserable in Mito's eyes and caused her friendship with him from when they were younger to deteriorate completely. Now he enjoyed letting people know he was stronger than they were and that everyone should bow down to him due to being from the Uchiha Clan. He was nothing like Itachi who Mito liked since she had known him ever since she was little and was always nice to her.

But she stayed away from Sasuke since the look he gave her sometimes freaked her out. It was like he was going to walk over to her and drag her away with him and have his way with her. While she could hold her own perfectly, the way he looked at her made her feel uneasy.

As she shook her head Iruka walked in and everyone's attention focused on him.

They listened in boredom for a good twenty minutes until eventually Iruka got to the part they had all been waiting for.

"Now for the teams," he announced as everyone suddenly sat up straighter as Iruka began calling out everyone's names. After a few minutes of announcing the first six teams, he got too the main group.

"Team Seven will be Eiji Namikaze, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. Your Jonin sensei is Kakashi Hatake," he called as Sakura whooped loudly at being on her crushes team while Sasuke just grunted. Eiji meanwhile groaned at the thought of being with the emo and the fan girl. Kiba patted him on the back.

"Well at least it's with Kakashi ,"Eiji thought since he guessed that was not so bad. Though he and Mito were surprised they were not together but he guessed he could deal with it.

"Team Eight will be Shino Aburame, Yakumu Kurama and Hinata Hyuuga. Your Jonin sensei is Kurenai Yuhi." Said three genin looked at one another and nodded being happy with the outcome.

"Team Ten will be Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi and Kiba Inuzuka. Your Jonin sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi."

Ino quickly cried out in horror since she was stuck in her mind with the fatty and the kid with flea's. Choji didn't mind and gave a thumbs up to Kiba who happily gave one back.

"Team nine is still operational," he said before getting to his last team. "The final team is Team Eleven consisting of Mito Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara and Sai. Your Jonin sensei is Kushina Uzumaki."

Both Mito and Eiji had their jaws drop. 'Why Kaa-chan Mito's/my sensei?' the twins thought both clearly surprised as was the rest of the class. They all knew twin's mother was one of the best in the village that was on par with the Sannin. Sasuke seethed a little, both at not getting such a powerful teacher and not being on Mito's team.

Mito meanwhile looked around the room at her two teammates.

"Shikamaru I can work with though the lazy ass is going to need a push every five minutes,' she thought since she knew how lazy a Nara could be. But she was a little stumped at the pale kid with the eary smile on his face.

As they chatted amongst one another they all saw another chunin come into the room and whisper into Iruka's ear. Everyone's attention was on them since they saw Iruka's look of disbelief on his face.

"Right now in the chunin stadium?" Iruka asked as the chunin nodded vigorously.

"Iruka-sensei what's happening in the chunin stadium?" Ino asked as everyone's attention was peaking.

Iruka turned to them looking a little conflicted but the chunin beside him tapped him on the shoulder. "Come on Iruka, when are they going to see a battle like this again? It might do them some good to see it," he said before he left the room.

Iruka saw the eager faces on their faces and spoke up.

"I just got word that the Sandaime Hokage is in a sparring battle in the chunin stadium with the Hokage's eldest child and it seems to be getting quite heavy. Many of the shinobi are going to watch. Since your all genin now maybe it would be good for you all to see this battle," Iruka said and saw Mito and Eiji look at him in disbelief before they got excited looks on their faces and jumped out of their seats and ran out the room.

Quickly everyone else ran out of the room after the twins.

Hokage's office

Unknown to the genin the Hokage and many of the Jonins had been watching their reactions to the team assignments. Kushina got a little annoyed that only Mito was given to her but after hearing the reasoning she understood while the other jonins were happy with their charges.

But they also heard Iruka's announcement and look out the window to see many shinobi and civilian heading towards the stadium. The Sandaime was taking on the Hokage's eldest.

Kushina and Minato looked a little gobsmacked while Asuma whistled; clearly none of them saw it coming.

"Well I don't know about all of you but I want to see this. I want to see how strong little Naru-chan has become," Kurenai said since she always had a soft spot for the blonde and was the first to leave quickly followed by Asuma and all the other Jonin.

Kushina and Minato took a moment to process what they heard before Minato flashed them both out of the room and towards the Chunin stadium.

Chunin Stadium

"Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu!"

"Suiton: Haidoro Panpu!"

A huge blast of fire and water shot out of the mouths of Naruto and Hiruzen and collided into one another as the A ranked techniques fought for dominance over one another and steam began to pour into the air. The stadium got very warm all of a sudden from the attack.

From the steam Hiruzen jumped forward with his adamantine staff in hand having summoned it moments earlier and twirled it around in his hands.

Naruto watched the staff come down and dress Shigure from its sheath and stopped the powerful weapon where it was though he felt the attack in full force as his shoulder buckled a little. Naruto tried a leg sweep but Hiruzen saw it coming and quickly dodged the attack.

Seeing Hiruzen in midair Naruto quickly made more hand signs. "Futon: Daitoppa," he shouted and blasted as strong burst of wind at Hiruzen which slammed into the old Hokage and slammed him into the ground. However the previous Hokage burst into smoke.

A clone Naruto thought as did many others as Naruto began looking around.

"He not to my right, left, front or behind. No way would he try the air after that attack which leaves one place."

Chakra swirled around Naruto right fist before he slammed his fist to the ground causing a shock wave to hit the ground and making the earth all around him to explode upwards as well as causing cracks to form along the walls and barrier.

From the left of him Hiruzen was forced out of the ground from the attack but again he disappeared in smoke. Naruto was about to look right before a strong impact from the adamantine staff slammed into his head and threw him across the field and through a tree.

Naruto shook his head as he felt his brain rattle from that one and saw Hiruzen standing where he was previously standing. "You henged into a piece of rubble?" he said as Hiruzen nodded making Naruto chuckle. "After three years you're still taking me to school."

Hiruzen smiled and they both saw the stadium fill up with shinobi and citizens. Naruto saw the twins with their classmates with the twins having stars in their eyes at watching their brother battle. Up in the kage box he saw his parents with Kakashi, the elders and some of the clan heads.

"Since we have an audience let's take this up a notch," he said as Hiruzen nodded eagerly as Naruto lifted is sleeves up to reveal weight seals around his wrists and on his ankles.

"Kai," he said as they broke an immediately felt a lot lighter and cracked his neck.

"Let's go jiji," he said as both Naruto and Hiruzen leaned back before they sped toward each other speeds that only the strongest Jonin, clan heads and kage level shinobi could follow.

They watched as loud slams and felt shock waves hit the arena as they tried to follow Naruto and Hiruzen's movements.

After a minute they saw saw Naruto and Hiruzen appeared on top of tone of the wall by the edge of one of the barriers and watched as Naruto slammed right fist into Hiruzen faces and Hiruzen slam his left fist into Naruto's. They stepped back and then both did a high kick the connected with one another and caused the one beneath them to completely collapse.

For the next ten minutes everyone leaned forward in awe as they watched The Sandaime Hokage and the eldest of the Yondaime duke it out with one another as they threw fist after fist, swing after swing and jutsu after jutsu at one another.

His parents were barely able to comprehend what was happening. They knew he must have gotten stronger but to such a degree was just incredible. Tsunade grinned meanwhile knowing she helped create this fine shinobi in front of her.

In the stands the genin were all in awe as was the chunin and many of the Jonin and all the civilians. Mito and Eiji could stay in their seat since watching their big brother fight such a powerful shinobi was the most awesome sight they had ever seen.

"Naru-chan is incredible," Kushina whispered in awe as Mikoto stood next to her in a similar state.

Minato was lost for words as was Tsunade before Minato put his hand in pocket and pulled ut a bingo book and began looking for Naruto's page. When he did his eyes almost rolled out of their sockets. He handed it over to Kushina who had Tsunade and Mikoto look over her shoulders.

They read the page in front of them and looked ready to faint completely.

Name: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Origin: Konohagakure

Shinobi Rank: Jonin

Calibre Rank: S

Known Alias: Konoha no Tsubasa Akuma (Konoha's Blade Devil)

Known Clan Affiliation: Uzumaki Clan

Known Element Affinities: Fuuton, Doton, Suiton.

Skill List

Taijutsu: 4.5

Ninjutsu: 4.5

Genjutsu: 1

Intelligence: 4.5

Strength: 4.5

Speed: 5

Stamina: 5

Hand Seals: 4

Weapons: Katana made of black metal with a purple guard and black sheath. Katana with a flower shapes guard with a white and green sheath.

Physical Description: Stands at 6'3 and weighs 205 pounds. Golden blonde hair and violet eyes. Tanned skin and is known to wear traditional Leaf Shinobi attire with a red scarf and red cloak with black flames.

Special Abilities: Known to have Chakra sensor like abilities. Despite age he has enough chakra for two kages.

Known Family: Minato Namikaze (Yondaime Hokage, Kiiroi Senkou), Kushina Uzumaki (Benihime)

Other Information: Is known to have defeated and killed Seven Swordsman members Raiga Kurosuki and Kushimaru Kuriarare as well as Chukichi of Kiri and Gari of Explosion Release.

Bounty: 65 Million Ryo- Dead or Alive stationed by Iwa

65 Million Ryo- Alive stationed by Oto

60 Million Ryo- Dead or Alive stationed by Kiri.

Not only was Kushina, Tsuanade and Mikoto reading it but many of the clan heads and the elders were reading the bingo books they kept on them and began to realize just how much potential and how powerful this young man really was.

"He could be a real benefit to this village," Inoichi stated as Shikaku Nara and Choza Akimichi all nodded in agreement.

"His strength is indeed impressive. He would make a fine tool for this village," Homura said but did not see the glare from Kushina for the tool reference.

As they fought in the air both landed a strong kick to one another making them both fall towards the ground.

"How strong is this gaki Hiruzen?" Enma complained to his summoner though Hiruzen did not answer. He was enjoying the battle too much.

Naruto barely touched the ground before he pushed himself back into the air and with his hand on Shigure and his other hand on his wrist he swung down.

"Hiryu: Kaen," he called as he slashed down with so much force that a powerful slash of chakra rocket from the blade and towards Hiruzen.

"Doton: Doryūheki."

"Katon: Kakiryuu no Jutsu."

Hiruzen performed the two jutsu in rapid concession as a large boulder of earth formed from the earth to try and block the strike while from behind it a large dragon head made of fire shot over it and towards Naruto.

The striked destroyed the wall of earth showing how powerful it was but being weakened by the earth wall, Hiruzen struck the slash with his adamantine staff and destroyed it while the fire dragon was still heading towards Naruto.

"Suiton: Suijinheki."

Taking a deep breath a large torrent of water shot out of Naruto's mouth and formed a large wall encampment around Naruto, creating a strong shield of water to protect him. The dragon hit the water wall and the wall managed to do its job as steam was all that was left as the dragon disappeared.

As Naruto landed on the ground Hiruzen appeared next to him and did more hand seals. "Doton: Doryū Taiga."

The ground beneath Naruto suddenly became soft and clumpy and found himself skidding as mud now covered his legs. "Katon: Karyu Endan."

With another jutsu the dragon fire bullets shot forward and hit Naruto as his body engulfed in fire.

Many in the arena looked worried and thought it was over but watched as Naruto poofed out of existence, showing it was just a clone.

Before they could scan where he was they watched as Naruto dropped out of the sky with his right fist with chakra around it. He was coming down to fast and Hiruzen would never have been able to dodge it so with his adamantine staff Hiruzen blocked Naruto's powerful strike.

The amount of power was evident when a strong shockwave slammed into everything that was behind Hiruzen and destroyed was what remaining of one of the wall. Meanwhile Hiruzen noticed that a very tiny crack appeared in his staff.

'The fact that his staff is supposedly indestructible, it shows how strong that strike was.'

"Futon: Fukunai," Naruto said as kunai's made of wind formed around him and shot off towards Hiruzen at a very quick speed.

"Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu," Hiruzen said as the fireball engulfed the kunai's getting rid of them completely before Naruto shot forward and everyone that could see him move saw him draw at Shusui as he now gripped his two swords in his hands.

'Two swords huh?' many thought since they guessed Naruto must have picked that up during his time away. Hiruzen held his staffs in his hands as he readied for the blades to him but to his and everyone surprise Naruto did not aim at him and instead spun around him.

It was only as he watched Naruto spin around the he noticed his chakra and wind element were gathering.

"It's not meant to strike, it meant to push," Hiruzen suddenly realized but before he could get away a powerful gust of wind suddenly picked up and slammed into Hiruzen, throwing him high into the air as he spun around out of control.

"Taka Nami," Naruto said as he watched as the wind through Hiruzen into the air while Kushina looked impressed at them over.

"Using swords and rotation to pick the wind up and slam it into the opponent. It's very effective and very creative," Kushina applauded as everyone else nodded.

On the ground Naruto watched as Hiruzen went into the air and began to fall back down again. He jumped and landed on the wall and caused the familiar swirling sound of the rasengan to sound out. Everyone watched as the rasengan formed into his hand as Naruto jumped from the wall towards Hiruzen and slammed it into the old Hokage's gut.

"RASENGAN," Naruto called out as it hit its mark and threw Hiruzen from the air right into the wall back on the ground making a loud crash ring out as a small dust cloud formed.

"Woh," the twins both said as did many of the other students and civilians. The shinobi looked a little awestruck out how this young shinobi was fairing against a former Hokage.

Naruto grinned and landed on the ground but before he could do anything Hiruzen staffs suddenly extended and slammed into his gut, forcing him back and slamming him into the wall as well.

"That sucked," Naruto complained as he felt the wing get completely knocked out of him.

Everyone was on their feet as both shinobi were looking down at the arena.

"Naruto-chan and Hiruzen are really going at it. The arena is almost destroyed," Kushina said and looked down at the spot where her son landed.

"Well I am not all that surprised. Sensei has wanted to test Naruto ever since he left to join the Guardians. I know he has been looking forward to this spar for some time," Tsunade stated.

"I don't think we can really call it a spar since the stadium is almost gone," Shikaku Nara stated with many nodding in agreement.

"As expected," Itachi said as Shizuka, Anko and Hana all sat with him in the stands having heard about this match up earlier.

"He was bound to get stronger but to go against a former kage is nothing short of incredible," Kurenai stated as Asuma nodded his head with the other Jonin.

"Safe to say I think little Naruto has surpassed us all," Shizune said with many of the Jonin grumbling but knowing it was true. "I think there are only a handful of people that could beat him now and they are all in kage box."

They looked up at the kage box where Minato, Kushina, Tsunade and Mikoto were standing and they quickly all nodded.

The chatter quickly died down when they saw both Naruto and Hiruzen get out of the holes in the wall. Hiruzen helmet was gone as was the bit of clothing where the rasengan hit. A scorch mark was present on his stomach and had multiple bruises and cuts forming on his face and arms with a small trickle of blood going down his forehead.

Naruto was in a similar state with bruises and cut over his body but saw a large gash on the side of his face where he impacted the wall which was bleeding profusely and most of his shirt was gone, revealing his muscles body.

Many of the females in the stadium blushed at him physique while others winced at the gash since it looked like a nasty one as blood kept leaking from it.

"I think you should get that gash seen too Naruto-kun," Hiruzen said but Naruto shook his head.

"I will afterwards. If I tried to use the shosen in a real life battle then the enemy would not give me a chance to heal myself," he stated as spat a bit of blood out of his mouth. Many agreed with the statement since it was very true.

Hiruzen just nodded to him as Naruto sheathed Shigure and just had Shusui out. Quickly the two stormed forward and clashed again as the adamantine staff met the black blade.

"Ittoryu: Shishito." A single long slash pushed towards Hiruzen as Naruto swung his blade down but Hiruzen blocked the strike with his staffs and caused it to vanish. Hiruzen swung his staff around his head before his hands went into his pouches

"Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Hundred of shurikens suddenly appeared in the air and sped towards Naruto who knew there were too many to count. It was rare to find someone who could create clones of ninja weapons in such a way but then again Hiruzen was the professor for a reason.

"Futon: Dangekinami," he said slamming his hands on the ground as a strong shockwave of wind hit the arena and forced the kunai away as Hiruzen held his hands in front of his face. As he did Naruto appeared and kicked him in the guy sending him towards the wall.

However he landed on the wall and punched Naruto right where the gash was sending a strong wave of pain through Naruto's head and making him stumble back as more blood poured down his face. Hiruzen gave him a apologetic look but Naruto understood.

"In battle you use injuries to your advantage."

Hiruzen nodded as the two began a match between bojutsu and Kenjutsu.

As sparks flew between them for the next five minutes those Jonin or above noticed Naruto moves had gotten slower and saw his face had gone a little pale. The wound on his head was now taking its toll on him.

Though looking at Hiruzen they could see he had taken quite beating and with his old age he was beginning to slow down as well now.

"Hokage-sama we might want to stop them before one of them get badly hurt or before we lose the stadium completely," Shikaku offered as Minato nodded. Kushina looked at Naruto worriedly and she could see how nasty that wound on his head was.

Minato gave the word to Tsunade who nodded and held her arm up for everyone to see. "The match is over," she shouted as Naruto and Hiruzen's fists stopped just inches from one another's. "Since we have no victor or a loser this match is a draw."

The whole stadium was silent as the declaration but too Naruto surprise no one booed but instead cheered and gave a round of applause for the amazing match they just watched.

"ONII-CHAN IS THE BEST," he could hear from Mito and Eiji as well as Mina who was sitting with Shizune. He looked up to see his mother clapping whole heartedly shouting praised for her baby as was Mikoto while Minato was sending him a proud look.

He looked over at the Jonin and saw Kurenai give him a appraising nod and Asuma give him a thumbs up for being able to keep up with his old man. Gai and a mini clone of his were shouting about youth while Kakashi was too busy reading his Icha Icha.

Naruto sighed happily to himself as he let himself fall to the ground with him landing on his butt as he took a breather. The throbbing pain in his head was horrid and it made him feel like he had an Anko hangover with no sleep.

He felt Hiruzen sit down beside him as Enma changed back into his regular form and rub his shoulders.

"I don't think we have fought like that in nearly two decades," he said as Hiruzen quickly agreed with him before Enma returned to his home.

Naruto enjoyed the rest as he looked over at his jiji. "You weren't going all out were you jiji?" he said as Hiruzen shrugged and smiled at him.

"Maybe not but we both know you weren't either," he said referencing his Mokuton. Hiruzen was using a good seventy percent of his strength and Naruto was around the same. If the match had gone on any longer then Hiruzen would have been the victor due to having more experience and Naruto's head injury.

Despite that he was proud of his surrogate grandson since he had become a splendid shinobi and now knew without a doubt Naruto would surpass him very soon.

As they sat down talking Tsunade along with Kushina appeared in front of them as Kushina began fussing over Naruto and telling him how proud she was off him. She gave him lots of mother kisses which made him blush a little and those still watching to laugh.

Look at the state of you two Tsunade said shaking her head at both of them as both Naruto and Hiruzen just gave her a cheesy smile. She rolled her eyes before she looked over at Kushina.

"Let's get them to the hospital and get them patched up," Tsunade said with Kushina agreeing completely as she took her son right arm over her shoulder and helped him up while Tsunade did the same with Hiruzen before shushining away.

Later that day Naruto sat at Ichiraku's ramen with Hiruzen both covered in bandages in various spots as they enjoyed their ramen. Mito and Eiji were talking excitedly with Naruto and Hiruzen asking all about their match and if they could teach them some of their jutsu. Kushina was right next to Naruto with as she kept checking his bandages were secure with Naruto telling her he was fine.

She didn't seem to get the hint.

Minato meanwhile shook his head at his wife's actions as Mina was sat on his lap and peacefully ate their ramen together ignoring the overbearing Kushina and the awestruck Mito and Eiji. They left that too Naruto to deal with.