Chapter 26

Naruto sat on his knees in Tsunami's home with Shusui placed on his lap, currently sheathed but he did have one hand near the hilt ready to be used if it was necessary. He was fine and completely unharmed, wearing some light clothing. His violet eyes looked as hard as steel and his body was ready at a moment's notice.


Sat in front of him staring right back at him was the Demon of the Mist, Zabuza Mamochi who had a couple of extra bandages covering his body after his fight with Kakashi. The Kuchibocho was resting against the wall beside him with Zabuza's hands close to the hilt in a similar manner to Naruto.

To everyone relief and soon to be Kiri's joy, Zabuza, along with Haku, agreed to return to Kiri knowing now that the destruction Yagura had been causing their country was over and was now being rebuilt. With their original goal now ceasing, there was no better time than to return to their homeland.

With Zabuza returning to Kiri, their strength would increase and the future generations of Kiri would have a strong mentor to look up to. A new generation of Seven Swordsman would soon be born.

Around the room everyone else could feel Naruto and Zabuza sizing each other up as only two swordsman would do. Their overall aura around them was clam and peaceful for the moment but any moment they could change and begin fighting like two alpha lions proving who was the top predator around.

Haku was close to her mentor, sitting only a few feet away with her senbons underneath her sleeves, ready at a moment's notice. She had heard about Naruto of course through the bingo book that Zabuza would regularly get updated. With proven abilities as well as being responsible for the death of two members of the Seven Swordsman in the past.

It made a scared feeling surge through her. This young man who was only a few years older than her was easily stronger than her mentor, a strong A Ranked shinobi.

Such power for one so young.

Hana and Hayate observed from the other end of the room drinking tea Tsunami had served them just moments before. The triplets were sitting around Hana who gently stroked the top of their heads as they ate some treats she had brought with her. While Hayate would have liked to have been a part of the two swordsman sizing one another up, he knew he didn't have the strength nor power to match Zabuza as he was. He wasn't that good yet.

Team Seven, however, were currently out with Tazuna who wanted to stay as far away from Zabuza and Haku as he could, not feeling comfortable with the two shinobi hired to kill him living under his roof. Sakura had remained unharmed since none of the bandits nor Zabuza and Haku had paid any interest to her or Tazuna during the fight. Kakashi had only minor wounds with his fight form Zabuza while Eiji and Sasukes's were a little more extensive given the amount of ice senbons that had stabbed them.

Either way Naruto and Hana had patched them up and they would be fine by the time they got back to the Leaf Village, albeit with a couple of tiny scars returning with them.

"I hear your pretty good with that blade of yours." Zabuza muttered, bring up some tea to his lips as he pulled down his bandages. He wouldn't let his guard down, not around this kid in front of him.

"I hear you're the same. The Demon of the Mist. Such a violent title." Naruto expressed while doing the same.

"Like Konoha's Blade Devil is any better. I dare say your reputation is even greater than mine. After all you have killed two of my former comrades in the last five years."

Naruto's hand twitched momentarily before laying the cup down on the ground. He pulled Shusui out of the sheaf slightly, showing just a tiny amount of metal that still managed to glint light into the eyes of most.

"Is that a problem with you?"

Zabuza barked out a loud laugh that surprised most, even making the ninken jump into the air. "If anything you did me a favor. I couldn't stand those two fools. Raiga thought far too much of himself despite being the weakest of the seven while Kushimaru was far too quiet and secretive for my liking. Even for a shinobi the man creeped me out."

"Interesting that you should say Raiga was the weakest. Of your generation who was the strongest." Naruto asked. He knew of many of the Swordsman and previous swordsman. But there was one in particular who had always alluded Konoha and never had much info on.

A dark look quickly formed on Zabuza's face at the mention of the strongest. Even Haku beside him gulped and looked rigid as the question was asked.

"That title kid belongs to only one man...Kisame Hoshigaki. The Strongest of the Mist Swordsman by a large margin."

"How large of a margin are we talking?" Naruto asked wanting as much information on the man as he could in the chance he ever met him in the future. He did seem to attract the Mist Swordsmen like moths to a flame.

Zabuza quietly snorted while his hands clenched. "He wields the strongest of the Seven Kiri Blades, Samehada. A living sword that grows stronger by feeding on the chakra of the person that wields it. Only a handful of people have even successfully wielded it due to the amount of chakra it takes."

Naruto noticed Zabuza avoid the question and asked again. "How powerful is he?"

Zabuza took another sip of his tea as the others in the room all waited and listened to his words.

"I'll put it this way. The man's chakra is so dense and powerful that he is more like a tailed beast then a man."

Naruto could hear Hayate and Hana take a big gasp of air while Haku looked away. Naruto gripped Shusui hard in his hand. The very thought of someone with that much chakra was unbelievable. Very few people in history had ever acclaimed to that level of chakra on their own. Not even some Kage had ever reached that level.

However, Naruto couldn't help but notice the venom in Zabuza's voice as he spoke. It meant Zabuza and Kisame had some kind of history.

"You have some kind of vendetta against him? By your reaction to just speaking his name?" Naruto asked as Zabuza nodded.

"Kisame Hoshigaki is responsible for killing my mentor, Fuguki Suikazan, the previous wielder of the Samehada. And then afterwards he fled like a coward. He has rarely been seen since. Remaining out of sight since then."

Zabuza rubbed a spot on his chest. "We ran into him once. It didn't end well or in our favor." He muttered while Haku rubbed her left shoulder.

"Any advice if I should ever run into him in the future?" Naruto asked while Zabuza looked at him with full seriousness.

"Yeah. Run and don't look back. He doesn't cut. He shreds you to pieces." Zabuza answered back before the member of the Seven Swordsman got up and left the room with Haku quickly following after him.

"Well wasn't he cheerful." Hana muttered. Naruto and Hayate both nodded before Naruto noticed Hana was looking a little red faces and were very subtly rubbing her thighs together. A smirk appeared on his face that caught Hana's attention.

"Why are you smirking?"

"I didn't realize you were missing Anko so much. She must take good care of you." he told her before winking at her coyly. It didn't take Hana very long to realize what he was insinuating and had figured out.

Her face even more red then before while her eyes turned angry with her pupils turning into slits. As Naruto began laughing Hana lunged at him with the blond narrowly avoiding her sharp nails.

"Sorry Hana-chan but I can't service you like that. For shame for betraying sweet Anko-chan." Naruto taunted before he began running around the house laughing while Hana chased him from behind, swearing up a storm as she tried to make her friend pay for his teasing.

"Here they go again." Hayate whispered while the triplets watched their owner and partner in confusion with their heads tilted slightly to the side.

"NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!" Tsunami shouted at the two teenagers, a broom in one hand and a frying pan in the other. She would not have two shinobi destroying up her house, especially not waking up her son who was napping after the long events of the week.

While Naruto did stop, Hana did not and quickly pounced on the blonde boy. The two tumbled on the ground before they ended up with Hana on top growling and snapping at Naruto while said boy was trying to keep her at bay. Naruto was laughing despite the situation while Hana was becoming increasingly annoyed.

Hayate though blushed at how sexual their position was. Though he kept quiet since he didn't want Hana to try and attack him too.

"Ahh you stupid blonde bastard."

"I love you too Hana-chan."

Before anymore could happen Hana yelped in surprise as a frying pan hit the back of her head, making her see stars and tumble forward. Tsunami stood behind her glaring at them in annoyance while Naruto scratched the back of his head in nervousness.

"Hehe sorry Tsunami-chan."

Tsunami humphed before she turn around and walked away.

As Naruto sat up a small puff of smoke appeared next to him, revealing a tiny white tiger kitten that he could easily pick up with his one hand.

"Hello Naru-sama." the little kitten called out before showing Naruto a small scroll attached to her back. She purred and rubbed her body along his leg before allowing his access to the small scroll. "She sent me here to give you this."

Naruto knew who the she was and quickly took the scroll and opened it up to begin reading it, his eyes going over the words written in black ink. While he read the scroll he gently patted the little cubs head ad ticked her tummy, making her roll around on the ground in delight.

The triplets looked annoyed at the cat but did nothing. She would grow to be bigger then all of them put together.

Once he was done reading it, he looked at the clock on the wall before looking back to the little tiger cub. "Thank you Miki. You can head on back now."

"Bye bye Naru-sama." she called before she disappeared back to the realm of the White Tigers.

Hana who was sitting up and was rubbing her head, finally noticed what he was doing while Hayate was just staring over in confusion. "What's that you have there?" Hana asked.

"Oh this? It's nothing. Just something from my summons." he lied before he stood up and slipped on his sandals. "I'm going to run a boundary check on the area. Make sure none of Gato's goons have tried their luck now that Gato is gone."

"I'll come with. I need to run off some steam now anyway." Hana replied back and went to stand up before she was stopped by Naruto.

"Don't worry Hana-chan. I got it. It won't take me long." Naruto enforced as he patted her shoulder while heading towards the door. Both his teammates watched him go with Hana turned to look at Hayate in confusion when Naruto had left the room.

"Well that was weird. What do you think that was all about?" Hana asked but saw Hayate just shrug his shoulders.

"No idea. It was no weirder than usual." He coughed out before lifting his cup to Tsunami for more tea, who happily did so. Hana huffed before looking in the direction Naruto had left in.

Just what had her friend suddenly left so quickly over?

Forests of Wave

Naruto couldn't help but walk at a brisk pace as he avoided sharp branches and bushes. His footsteps were silent despite his movements and had his sensory abilities on alert as he kept checking his surroundings.

He had not seen the woman he was looking for in over six months and it had been killing him almost every day. Their last meeting was very memorable since some special words were spoken as well as shared a very special night together. They had never been together for more than a day in over 2 years, but he savored every single moment and remembered every single glance at her.

Over 2 years they had managed to meet a couple of times. With the help of his summons they were able to message each other on a constant basis which helped keep their relationship alive and keep it progressing. A couple of pictures, gifts and mementoes were traded as well.

"I know your here somewhere." He whispered before he stopped at the base of a large tree that was significantly taller than the others.

He stood at the base of the tree and stood there for what felt like hours, though it was only about ten minutes.

Before long he felt a blip on his sensors and could feel a chakra source coming towards him. It was strong. Jonin level at best and was coming straight towards him and at a rapid speed.

He turned towards the direction it was coming from before he readied himself for the incoming person.

It didn't take long before a slim figure in a grey cloak bounded forward through the tree's and lunged off from the top of a branch. The figure shot straight towards him and quickly barreled into him, knocking the two of them to the ground. Naruto wrapped his arms tightly around the figured as they rolled across the ground, knocking away a couple of rabbits that were passing by.

Once they stopped rolling across the ground Naruto found himself on the bottom while the cloaked figure straddled the top of him with their legs tightly by his side. Before Naruto could say or do anything the figure leaned down and he felt a pair of warm lips begin attacking his.

Instead of looking surprised Naruto happily began to reciprocate the kiss back while his hand came up to the hood and quickly pulled it off.

Her hair had grown out a little now reaching just down to her shoulders but was still shorter than most. Her pink eyes glinted in mischief and her body had become even more womanly then before with shapely hips and a butt that Naruto couldn't help but let his hands wander around. Her chest while not nearly as big as Hana or Anko but it gave her a beauty that added a sexual look about her.

Kurotsuchi of Iwa sat happily on top of her leaf shinobi lover before being moved to his lap as Naruto began to sit up, making sure the woman on his lap didn't try and leave. Their lips were still together and were hungrily reciprocating each other's pent up feelings.

Since their meeting two years ago at the Fire Daimiyo's palace they had been meeting up whenever they could months at a time. Feelings quickly began building up between one another before they soon became boyfriend and girlfriend. Though neither told their families for obvious reasons.

A Konoha ninja dating an Iwa Shinobi. Both villages would prefer Hell to freeze over.

"Kami I've missed you. It's been way to long." Naruto said in between kisses while Kurotsuchi's hands began running through his blonde hair.

"It has. These last six months have taken their toll on me. I've lost count how many times I wanted your summons to bring me to you in Konoha. Or you to Iwa."

Naruto grinned as he momentarily broke the kiss, his violet eyes staring into her pink ones. "I can't imagine our families would be too happy about that. My mother has already began trying to find me a nice girl to settle down with lately. And I know once I go back home she will hound on me about it."

"Oh I can imagine." Kurotsuchi whispered back into his ear, bringing her head forward and taking gently nips on his ear. "But do you really want to talk about our families right now or just enjoy the moment we have together?"

Naruto smiled as his hand gently cupped the side of her face while his thumb gently stroked her cheek. How long do we have?"

"Not long. An hour at most. My unit will be wondering where I am if I'm gone any longer than that."

"Then let's stop staling and just enjoy the hour we have together." Naruto responded as their lips quickly reconnected and their hands began unclothing the other. Their clothing dropped to the ground before the sound of moaning and gasps could be heard from their section of the forest.

Tsunami's House

"Onii-chan, we're back." Eiji called out as he ran into the bridge builders home in search of his older brother. The day was pretty boring now that they didn't have a crazy missing ninja and his apprentice trying to kill them. Well they were still around but at least they weren't trying to kill them anymore.

Eiji ran into the living room expecting to see Naruto, but instead found Hana and Hayate alone with a recently returned Haku. Said girl was in the middle of pinning up her hair with a par of senbons and saw Eiji walk in. Behind Eiji Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura and Tazuna walked in.

Tazuna was looking very pleased with himself with the work on the bridge. Many of the other builders in the town had begun returning to work on the bridge now that Gato was no longer around. In fact with Gato gone life in Wave Country was slowly returning back to normal.

Wave had been through hell but it was now finally beginning to heal.

"Naruto went out to do a patrol check Eiji-kun. He'll be back in a while." Hana told the younger Namikaze before patting the spot next to her, making Eiji cross the room and take a seat next to the older Inuzuka.

"When will he get back? Do you think he'd be up for a spar later?"

Hana laughed at ruffled his hair. "I'm sure he will. Aren't you all worn out yet?" she asked but saw he blonde boy shake his head negatively.

"Nahh I got too much energy. I don't feel tired at all." Eiji responded before a challenging look appeared on his face. "Do you want a spar Hana-nee?"

Hana couldn't help but let a feral smirk appear on her face at the challenge. She guessed she could humor him a little. She was a Jonin after all. "Alright gaki I'm game. But don't go crying to your brother if I beat you up too bad." she warned.

"It'll be the other way round. I'm going to send you crying back to Anko nee-chan." Eiji shot back before the two rushed outside to get their spar under way.

"I better make sure she doesn't go overboard." Hayate muttered while patting his chest, thankful he wasn't experience another coughing fit. They all watched him leave and noticed Haku follow too.

"And where are you going?" Kakashi asked looking at the black haired girl.

"Too watch them." was she said before leaving the room and following after Eiji and Hana.

Back with Naruto

"That...was...fantastic." Kurotsuchi muttered breathing hard as she fell backwards and landed on top of an equally out of breath Naruto while her hand ran through his blonde hair. Their body was covered in sweat as their love making eventually came to an end. Their legs were tangle together as Naruto's arm lay spread out through the cool grass.

"" He grinned before he began rubbing circles into her side. "Your stamina has gotten better. You were able to keep up with me this time."

He got an elbow in the ribs but saw her grin back at him. "I won't be defeated by that Uzumaki stamina you're all known for. I'm sure your mother keeps your father on his toes in the bedroom." She laughed when she saw him go a little green in the face.

"Please never mention that again. I really don't need the image of my parents doing that in my mind."

The two sat there for a good five minute as they basked in the afterglow of sex. They just stared up between the trees while Naruto kept his arms wrapped around her and keeping her close to him. Their clothes lay scattered across the ground though somehow Kurotsuchi's bra had ended up in the trees by some means.

"I should get going. My squad will be wondering where I am if I stay any longer." she muttered as she sat up add and left her lovers embrace, noting how cold it was without his skin touching hers.

Quickly though she felt him appear behind her and rewrap his arms around her waist and bring her back to his chest.

"I hate all this sneaking around." He whispered into her ear before lowering his head onto her shoulder. He heard her sigh and felt her nod her head in agreement

"I know. I hate it too. It doesn't help that our two villages are so far from one another. And that's on top of how much they hate each other." Kurotsuchi responded back. "I hate not being able to see you every day."

"We each have our own duty with our villages. Not to mention our families. Kami I wish life could be so much simpler."

"So do I." The two stood and stared at one another as they pressed their foreheads together, closing their eyes and enjoying each other's presence. "When...When do you think we can see each other next?"

"I don't know. I do know that the chunin exam will be taking part in Konoha this year." Naruto told her. "Do you think your grandfather will let a team go?"

"I really don't know. I've told you what he's like. How stubborn he can be." She replied back.

They were silent as they parted momentarily to put their clothes back on; neither felt the hill on their bodies form the cold air. Once they were clothed again they turned back to look at one another and joined hands together.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Promise you will write and let me know what your grandfather decided about the chunin exams." Naruto asked her. If she was going to be in Konoha then he wanted to know. Even if it would be difficult he wanted to make as much time for them to be together as possible without prying eyes.

She nodded before a coy smirk appeared on her face and placed a finger underneath his chin. "How do I know you're not just using me to gain intel on my village?"

Naruto smirked back. "How do I know you're not just using me for the same." he asked back before the two met together for one last kiss, their arms wrapping around each other tightly. Both savored the last kiss they would have for likely some time.

After a full minute of being connected they broke apart. Naruto stood still as Kurotsuchi gave him a sly wink before she took off. She jumped up into the trees, hopping along the thick branches before she quickly disappeared.

Naruto stood still for a couple of minutes, sensing Kurotsuchi's chakra signature before eventually turning around and heading back towards the bridge builders home.

He needed a long shower. The last thing he wanted was Hana smelling a woman's scent all over him. Something he knew she would likely pick up on.

Days Later

"Home sweet home." Naruto muttered as he, Hana, Hayate and Team Seven walked through the large red doors of Konoha's southern gate. He turned his attention towards the gate guards saying my squad and team 7 have returned from our respective missions."

"Thank you Naruto-san. The Hokage already told us of your expected arrival earlier. Head on straight to the Hokage building." They told him getting a confirmed nod from the blonde.

"Will do. Thanks." Naruto replied before turning to team 7 and his teammates. "Glad to be back home Eiji?"

"Yeah definitely. Wave was cool and all but I'm just glad to be home. I just want to go home and go to bed." Eiji admitted having missed his comfy bed more than anything. Seeing his home he couldn't help but feel some of the stress and worry he had been carrying since the mission began slowly wash away. Only now that he was home did he finally relax knowing it was over.

"Yeah I know what you mean. There's nothing better in the world then home. What about you Hana-chan? You glad to home?" The tone he spoke in made Hana give him an annoyed glare, understanding what he was referring to. Or should she say who she was looking forward to seeing now that she was home.

"Don't make me bite and scratch you."

"Shouldn't you be saving that for the bedroom?" he whispered though Hana heard him and let a growl come from her chest which only made him chuckle while Eiji looked at them in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't worry. You'll understand in a few years."

Eiji pouted at his older brother as they began making their way towards the Hokage building. Though before they could go too far they had to stop as a dust cloud began speeding straight towards them with no signs of slowing down. They all squinted their eyes and all saw a two human shape's right at the front of the dust cloud that must have been the one's making the commotion. All the people in the street were knocked out the way causing a lot of groans.

"Uh-oh." Naruto gulped when he noticed one had familiar red hair and the other dark hair. Eiji and Sasuke both quickly noticed it as well and had panicked looks on their faces.

They forgot all about what their mothers were going to think about their C ranked turned A-ranked mission.

Hana, Sakura, Hayate and Kakashi all stepped out of the way and watched as Kushina and Mikoto barreled into their youngest son's, somehow managing to keep themselves standing and bringing them both in for a tight and lung crushing hug. Both boys were looking a little blue, trying to speak as they were being crushed.

"Oh Eiji-kun you have no idea how worried I've been. Are you hurt? Do I need to take you to see Tsunade?" Kushina rambled on while Sasuke was getting something similar from Mikoto. Both boys were trying to fight out of their mother's grasp but it was all to no avail as they simply tightened their grip. "Tell me what happened?"

"I'm fine Kaa-chan. I'm not hurt." Eiji managed to say before he felt the air come back as Kushina finally began to let up. "The mission was a success. We kicked some serious ninja butt. You should have seen us."

Kushina's expression though turned from was of relief to one of annoyance. "Eiji Namikaze you have no idea how much trouble you're in. You too, Kakashi! Don't think I can't see you trying to sneak off." Kushina hissed out while grabbing the collar of Kakashi's shirt. "I've already dealt with Minato who has spent the last week sleeping on the couch. You will be getting something much worse."

"But I was just following orders." The masked ninja squeaked out but Kushina was clearly not having any of it. Nor was Mikoto who now shared the same look as her friend and took a hold of her son's collar now that he was released and grabbed Kakashi's with her other hand. The two Mother's soon turned around with all three male members of Team 7 and began dragging them towards the Hokage building.

"NARUTO GET MOVING!" Kushina yelled not forgetting about her eldest.


Naruto looked downtrodden before slowly and silently following the two Mother's while putting his hands in his pocket. "What did I do wrong?" He whined while ignoring the groaning of the civilians that were still on the ground.

"I think this is where you should run home before they try to punish you too." Hayate whispered to Sakura who quickly complied and ran off. She had no desire to be punished by her teammate's crazy mothers.

Hana who watched with a smile at seeing the loving mother's treat their son's as if they were still babies felt a tap on her shoulder along with a familiar scent hitting her nose. She only turned her head slightly to the right before a pair of lips connected with her own. She melted into the kiss a felt a pair of arms snake around her waist.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." Anko muttered out as she tried to keep their lips connected.

"I know what you mean. Let's go home. We're taking a long hot shower."

"We're?" Anko grinned with Hana giving her a knowing look before the two girls left as quickly as they could. Once out of sight it left only Hayate who was starting to feel a little left out that no one came to greet him. He didn't dwell on it too long before he went in the direction of his own home, thinking about maybe visiting Yugao if she was in.