Chapter 27

Mito Namikaze was not a happy camper.

Not one bit.

Her family were dining at the Akimichi barbeque for the evening, a suggestion Minato had made since they had all had Ichiraku Ramen the day before. It had been 2 days after her siblings had returned from Wave Country after Eiji's supposed C rank mission had changed into an A ranked mission and got to face off against a world renown shinobi and his apprentice. She had watched for day's as her mother paced around their home waiting for the news that her youngest son had returned to the village and had a shadow clone keeping look out over all four of the gates.

By then Mikoto Uchiha had joined her and the two family matriarchs had not been the most pleasant of women to be around. Even after Minato had informed them that Team 7 had survived an encounter with Zabuza Mamochi and got to Wave safely it had not dampened their worry. When they were told Naruto, Yugao and Hayate had gone as well they felt a breath of relief but their worry remained. Their youngest son's who had only been genin for 3 months were facing a shinobi of an A Ranked caliber.

Mito while being worried about her twin brother couldn't help but feel green with envy and made sure to hide it since her parents didn't need more problems. Her poor father was already sleeping on the couch. Not only that but since Eiji had come home Kushina had been keeping a very close eye on him, making sure there were no after effects from the mission. She wanted to know everything that had happened on that mission.

Mikoto had been the same. Despite anything he tried to say, Mikoto would not let Sasuke out of her sight or out of the clan compound other then for team meetings and training. It was annoying the boy and had tried to set his mother straight which led to a long argument between mother and son. Eventually Itachi had to step in since he and Shizuka could hear them from the Uchiha training grounds. He had calmed Mikoto down, who in turn sent Sasuke to his room while placing seals around his room the make sure he didn't try to leave for midnight training sessions.

The mother and youngest son were not on the greatest of terms right now with Sasuke avoiding Mikoto.

But Mito couldn't help but think how lucky they were to have experienced a mission like they did. Battling powerful shinobi and saving an entire country? It was like something out of a fairy tale. To say she was jealous was putting it very mildly.

"It's still not fair." Mito chorded as she bit into a piece of her barbecue ribs, ripping the meat straight off the bone and not caring about the mess it was making around her mouth. "Eiji got to go on one. Why can't I?"

Minato groaned as he enjoyed his meal really wanting to put the negative feelings to rest over the Wave mission incident. Kushina had only just let him back into their room the night before. He really didn't want to go back on the couch since it wasn't great for his back. He'd never admit it thought since he didn't want people to start calling him old.

"Mito you know why. It was a mistake on my part and Kakashi's. I should have delved deeper into Tazuna-san's request and I definitely shouldn't have allowed Team 7 to continue with the mission. It was a mistake on my part and it's a mistake I hope to never make again." Minato informed getting a stern look from Kushina as well as a nod.

"A mistake that could have gotten your brother killed Mito." Kushina reminded as she wiped Mina's face with a napkin, getting an irked look from the ten year old. She wasn't five anymore. "If it wasn't for Naruto being on the delivery mission to Kiri and getting to Wave then the mission could have taken a very bad turn, one that results in someone's death."

"But you'll be with us Kaa-chan and you're even stronger then Kakashi" Mito reasoned. "Which means it's even more unlikely that anything will happen to us."

"It doesn't matter who goes with you or how strong one person might be. A mission can go wrong at any point in time. This has been a learning curve for both your father and I...though mostly your father." Kushina explained as Minato lowered his head in shame, a depressed air around him.

"I said I was sorry already."

"Sorry doesn't change what happened girly man."

The depressed air got worse while Kushina ignored her husband and focused on her eldest daughter. "We will take a C ranked mission in time since I feel the team has built up enough to do so but any chance of a mission ranked higher is a long way off. I'm not letting you or Eiji go onto anything higher then a C rank until you're both at least a chunin."

"But...but that's not fair." Mito tried to reason but was quickly cut off by Kushina.

"Mito it's the end of this discussion. You know our feeling's about this and I will not hear anymore of it." Mito's face puffed up like a squirrel with too much food in it's mouth and turned to her silent older brother who was sitting next to her. Naruto had been listening in for most of the conversation while enjoying his dinner, choosing not to say anything until being spoken too. His Father, Kakashi and younger brother were already in hot water with Kushina and he had no desire to join them.

"Onii-chan you think I'm ready right?"

Naruto finished on the piece of meat in his mouth before deciding to speak, noticing his Mother's eyes had turned to him as well waiting for him to answer from the corner of her eyes.

"I think...I want a second helping. Oh miss!" He got the attention of their waitress and placed another order while ignoring the annoyed look's her sister was giving him. He felt her hands on his arms and begin shaking him.

"Onii-chan don't avoid the question."

"Yes Naruto don't avoid the question."

'Why me? I should of taken Yugao up on her offer to train.' He thought before turning back to them once his order was done. "Mito I don't think you're ready so you should stop asking."

"What! Why?"

"Because Like Kaa-chan said you are not ready for it. You're no where near ready for a mission of that caliber yet."

"And Eiji was?"

"What about me?" Eiji asked, returning from the bathroom and seeing his twin's red face. "Oh the Wave mission."

"It's not fair!"

"You're just jealous I got to Rasengan someone and win a battle." Eiji said smugly, further infuriating his twin. Mito went to punch him but was stopped by Naruto's hand while Minato gave her a stern look. He wasn't going to let his children fight when they were out for dinner. Naruto brought her fist back and settled it on the table before he gently turned her head to look at him.

"Eiji made a mistake. His intentions were good yes but he didn't think it all the way through." Naruto told her. "He should have thought about the consequences of continuing on with the mission and should have come straight back to the Leaf Village. We're lucky that he wasn't hurt or far worse. You should just be happy that he came home safe and not envious of him."

"But you were there to save him."

"Only by chance. If I wasn't there with Hana and Hayate then who knows what could of happened. If you want to go on a higher class mission so bad then focus on your training, go on the missions that you're given and be patient. Good thing's come to those who wait." Naruto told her while his parents both nodded in agreement. "Besides would you want scrub the house from top to bottom like Eiji has had to do in the last few days."

Mito shook her head while Eiji shivered. Kushina had not been kind in her punishments.

"Would you like to get placed on guard duty for a month like Kakashi?"

Mito shook her head again and finally began getting the message. "Do you understand me Mito?"

"I guess so." Mito muttered before feeling a miss on her forehead form Naruto, letting a small smile appear on her face. Their parents wore smiles of their own at the little action before the family of six went back to their meals in a comfortable silence. Naruto second helping eventually arrived and thanked the waitress who looked a little red face and flustered before scurrying off, an action that was not lost on Kushina. It brought up the small conversation she had with Naruto before he left for Water Country.

"You know Naruto. That waitress has been smiling at you the entire time we've been here." Kushina told him as she wiggled her eyebrows. The only response she got from her son was a groan before starting with his next meal, ignoring the laugh from his father and the pout on his Mother's face.

Next Day

"Naruto-san what an honor this is. What can I help you with?" Mebuki Haruno asked with a look of surprise evident on her face. The blonde haired Haruno was not expecting the eldest son of the Yondaime to be knocking on her front door at the 9 am of all things and was a rare treat for to be able to talk to a member of Konoha's famous family.

The parents of Sakura Haruno were both shinobi like their daughter that were at the rank of chunin. Both were quite content with the level they had reached and the lifestyle they got from it was enough to make them happy. Naruto had met the patriarch of the family, Kizashi Haruno a couple of times in the past while he was on patrol on the outer walls of Konoha and found the man to be pleasant to talk to. He could see where their daughter had inherited her pink hair from.

Naruto bowed to the woman wearing his everyday attire of a simply blue long sleeve shirt and black pants and sandals. His swords as always were sealed on his arms and his forehead protector was tucked away in his pocket. "I'm sorry for disturbing you Haruno-san but I was hoping I could speak with Sakura. I have something I would like to speak with her about."

Mebuki looked surprise but nodded. "Of course. She's still asleep right now but I'll go wake up. Please excuse me for a moment Naruto-san."

Naruto waited patiently and could hear a commotion coming from the top of the stairs which sounded like Sakura was too pleased about being woken up. The short argument was stopped when Mebuki mentioned Naruto name's before he could hear rushed footsteps and cabinets being opened. A moment later Mebuki walked down with small look of annoyance before regaining her smile as her eyes made contact with Naruto.

"She'll be down in a few minutes Naruto-san."

"Thank you Haruno-san. I appreciate it."

Like she said five minutes later a disheveled looking Sakura came bounding down the stairs whilst in the middle of putting her ninja sandals on. She stopped right in front of Naruto while pulling out a hairbrush from the cabinet beside the door and straightened her hair. She looked nervous as she looked at Eiji and Mito's older brother who simply stood their waiting for her to finish. From the next room she could see her mother shaking her head before she went back to her breakfast.

Sakura gulped and put the hairbrush down before meekly asking "Hello Naruto-san. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to speak with you. Come with me. There's somewhere I want to take you." Naruto answered back before he began walking away. Sakura stood their surprised for a moment before saying goodbye to her mother and walked out of her home. She jogged up to Naruto and settled in beside him and started walking at a similar pace.

They were silent for five minutes as they made their way through the center of the village and not taking any notice of the civilians and the market vendors that were occupying the streets. Sakura had to try her best not to look at the clothes that were presented on many of the market stalls, some of which had caught her eyes and had made a note of too check the prices for later. Already her mind was wondering if Sasuke would like her in said clothes. When she looked up at Naruto she saw he was just looking at the path in front of them and not acknowledging her, as if ushering her to speak first. She bit her lip before deciding to take the first step.

"So what did you want to talk about Naruto-san?" Sakura stopped when Naruto stopped and watched him turn to face her. They were on the edge of the market now and were not that many people around. There were a few shinobi though no one that she recognized.

"Sakura I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me as honestly as you can." Naruto asked and Sakura looked put off before nodding her head. "Why do want to be a shinobi?"

The question caught her by surprise but Sakura answered immediately without thinking about her answer. "Because my parents are shinobi and I want Sasuke to like me." Her hands went up to her mouth and stood surprise at her answer. It was the reason she had told herself over and over again that she didn't realize what other people might think to her reason.

"If that is truly your reason to want to be a kunoichi then you should give up and drop out of the ninja program." Naruto told her harshly and made her take a step back in surprise. "The reason you just gave me is an insult to kunoichi everywhere in the world. Do you think being a shinobi is a game?"

Nervously she shook her head.

"That's right and right now your making a mock out of it. It's reasons like this that end up getting people killed. Not only yourself but the people around you. Do you want the guilty conscience of knowing you got your teammates guilt because of what a dead weight you were?" Again she shook her head. "Not only are you doing yourself a disservice but your making a mockery of the very shinobi that protect you and everyone in the village."

Naruto looked down at the younger girl and could see his words were hitting her. Her eyes were beginning to shimmer and despite feeling horrible for what he was saying to her he knew it needed to be said. She needed to wake up and see reality. "Sakura what I saw in Wave was completely and utterly disappointing. I had thought more of you and yet you let me down big time. Your skills are no where near the level of a genin and if anything I think you should be sent back to the Academy. The Academy's three basic jutsu are not going to get you very far in this world."

He gently ushered Sakura over to a nearby bench and sat her down. By now the tears had broken free and were running down her face while her hands were clenched in her hands tightly. Her sobs could be heard and it hurt Naruto to see anyone like that.

"Sakura look at me." He asked as Sakura sob ridden face looked up at him. "I know how much you like Sasuke. Heck I've heard Mito and Eiji go on about it in annoyance. Plus I have known Sasuke since he was a toddler. I know this hurts but since I imagine that he your first crush right?" Sakura nodded her head.

"Sasuke has alot of issues that go very deep. His issues with his clan and his brother have made him hateful and unkind. He's a good looking boy sure but as he is he is not good for you. This fixation you have for him needs to stop and you need to start focusing on the real world and not the one you have created in your head."

"But I really like him." Sakura sobbed and her eyes met Naruto's blue ones as a comforting hand rested on her shoulder.

"I know and maybe in the future Sasuke may change and finally begin letting people in. But until then I think you need to let him go. Be his friend by all means but don't expect anything to come of it. For now you need to let him go and focus on you." He wiped a stray tear away from her cheek and gave her a warm smile. "Can you to that for me?"

He watched Sakura think long and hard and they sat in silence for five minutes. He gave her the time to think and watched her eyes flicker as thousands of thoughts ran around in her head. It was hard for one as young as Sakura give up on something she believed in. But Naruto and everyone else knew it was not healthy for her to keep going down this road. No one wanted to see Sakura die at a young age.

"I can try Naruto-san."

"That's all I can ask for Sakura-chan." He responded back and patted her shoulder as a tiny smile appeared on the pink haired girls face. "Now if I ask you again why do you want to be a shinobi?" Again Naruto sat back and waited for Sakura to give him an answer. The girl really want to prove herself to her peers which was a good thing. She had determination and Naruto and her jonin sensei Kakashi wanted to bring that out of her more then anything. Without focusing on Sasuke all the time she could do very well as a kunoichi.

"Naruto-san I know what I want." Sakura said quietly as she gripped her dress tightly with Naruto leaning in to hear her answer. "I want to make my parents proud and show everyone I can be a great kunoichi. That's why I want to be a shinobi." Sakura watched Naruto's face before feeling a small sense of relief when he smile warmly at her.

"Better Sakura. Much better." Naruto stood up which prompted Sakura to do the same. She wiped her eyes and tried to make her look more presentable. "Now since your resolve to being a kunoichi is stronger I think we talk about your skills and strength and how we go about improving them."

"How do I do that? Kakashi sensei is still on guard duty for another 3 weeks." Sakura asked. She wasn't sure who to go to if she wanted to train. Kakashi was still being punished, Sasuke was training on his own at the Uchiha Compound, Eiji had managed to talk his mother into letting him train with Mito and their team. She didn't know where to go. Even her parents were busy most days.

"Well that problem I am about to solve for you. Let's keep walking." Naruto told her and the pair resumed walking. Sakura look curious about where they were going and watched as Naruto greeted some of the members of the public as well as some of their fellow leaf shinobi. She could see he was very popular in the village but never realized how much so until now.

She could was beginning to see why Eiji and Mito talk about him alot.

Soon enough Sakura noticed Konoha Hospital appear in the distance and saw Naruto was leading them straight towards it. "We're going to the hospital?" Sakura asked. "Is someone sick?"

"Everyone's fine but this is where your training is going to begin." He told her and saw who look confused. "Tell me Sakura have you ever thought about about being a Medic-nin?"

She shook her head. "I've never given it much thought Naruto-san." They came up to the building and Naruto pushed the door open, holding it open for the young girl before he began leading her up one of the stairs while nodding to the nurses behind the reception desk.

"Well Sakura let me tell you about a medical nin in case you were unaware what their role is. Medical-ninja are ninja who specialize in medical treatment and use of medical-oriented techniques to heal others and accompany other ninja on high ranking missions to increase the success rate of the mission and overall survival rate of the squad. A medical-nin is trained to avoid getting injured in any way, for the reason that if they are injured, then there would be nobody to heal the other members of their team."

Sakura listened closely and began to get a positive look appear on her face. From how Naruto was describing the role of a medic ninja it sounded to Sakura like they were very important to the village and it was not a profession everyone was designed for. It sounded to Sakura like a hard type of shinobi to become yet she found herself intrigued and even a little excited. "You think I could be a good medical ninja Naruto-san?"

"I do as does Kakashi. I spoke with him about it and he has actually been thinking the same thing lately. Having you as a medical nin would great strengthen the team and would help you individually a great deal. Should Eiji or Sasuke or even Kakashi get injured it will be up to you to patch them up. Not only will you be learning about medical ninjutsu but as a medic nin your durability and chakra reserves will need to be increased. So expect alot of physical exercise and taijutsu training to come along."

Sakura simply nodded as they reached the floor Naruto wanted and walked down a long hallway. Nurses and doctors were going about their daily business with some light chatter coming form various patient rooms. Halfway down the hall they stopped at an office and Sakura watched Naruto knock on the door. "Come In." She heard as Naruto pushed the door open.

"Hi Nee-chan." Naruto greeted as Shizune stood up from her chair and hugged the blonde, kissing the side of his head and being grateful someone came to distract her from all the paperwork she had to do. Or should she say Tsunade's paperwork that she had neglected to finish or even start. Shizune's eyes turned over towards the pink haired girl who was awkwardly standing there unsure of what to do.

"Is this her?"

"It is. Shizune meet Sakura Haruno, member of Team 7 and Genin of Konoha." Naruto introduced. "Sakura this is Shizune Kato, Jonin of Konoha, disciple of Lady Tsunade of the Sannin and one of the best medic nins in Konoha."

"It's nice to meet you Shizune-san." Sakura bowed to the older woman and couldn't help but feel nervous. She knew full well who Tsunade was since she was one of the strongest kunoichi in the entire world, if not the strongest. Therefore Sakura figured if Shizune was her student then she must have been very strong as well.

"The same to you Sakura." Shizune acknowledged as she greeted Sakura. "Naruto came to me yesterday and asked if I wouldn't mind seeing if you had the right mind set and skill proficiency to become a medic nin. Now before we do anything I will inform you I am a busy person and I don't get alot of free time. However if you prove to me today that you will train hard and work constantly at joining the medical corps then I will be more then happy to take an hour or two out of my days to help you."

Sakura's face lit up in delight and held her hands to her chest. "That would be wonderful Shizune-san. I promise I will try my hardest." Shizune gave her a smile and held her hands in front of her in a patient manner.

"That's all I ask for Sakura. The medical corps of Konoha are always ready to take on more men and women like yourself into the healing arts. The more we have then the better chance our shinobi will come home alive." Shizune turned to Naruto. "I can take it form here Naruto. I hope you remember our deal."

Naruto sighed. "I know. Your morning coffee and pastries every morning for the next month."

"Very good. Now off with you. I'm about to start my rounds in 10 minutes which Sakura will help me with and observe. Go on now, off you go."

"Alright, alright I'm going. Good luck Sakura. Don't let Nee-chan work you too hard." Naruto said as he waved goodbye to Sakura.

"I'll try Naruto-san. Thank you for everything." Sakura thanked before Naruto left the room. She turned to face Shizune and went to sit in the Shizune was motioning towards. As they sat down Shizune got out a pen and blank piece of paper before beginning to speak."

"Okay Sakura. First tell me about yourself and tell me what you would like to achieve here today."

One Month Later

"Should we really be doing this?" Hana asked looking over at Anko who had her arms behind her head and a big grin plastered on her face. They leaned up against a large tree happily resting underneath the shade as the sun beat down on the village. It was a very hot day and most were taking shelter in their homes, in the swimming pools or under the shade of the tree's.

"Of course. We don't get a sight like this everyday. Let's enjoy it while we have it. Plus the heat just makes it even better." Anko explained as Hana rolled her eyes but never the less kept her eyes on the attraction that was in front of her. On the other side of Anko was Shizuka who had a mix of content and annoyance. All three girls were in their casual clothes while their sandals rested to one side.

"I don't know whether I''m okay with the two of you ogling my future husband." Shizuka said with a miffed off tone yet never took her eyes away from the sweat covered Itachi. Anko could only grin and both she and Hana could see the light blush that was on her cheeks.

In front of them currently using the training field was Naruto and Itachi who were making could use of the hot day and the empty training fields. Both boys were topless having discarded their shirts early on after being egged on by Anko. Both young men were currently in the middle of taijutsu spar with Naruto currently on the offensive and Itachi on the defensive. Itachi had requested it since he didn't want his taijtusu to slacken and Naruto was the best person to keep him on his toes.

Anko put her arm over Shizuka while keeping her grin. "My dear Shizuka you can't keep Itachi all for yourself all the time. You got to let us girls enjoy a piece of him every now and again. A body like the ones those two have need to be appreciated by us girls."

"I thought you were only into women? Why would you care about their bodies." Shizuka pressed still not entirely comfortable with their ogling.

"No no Shizu-chan. I' like both genders and while my Hana keep's me more then happy that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a well kept male body." Hana shook her head as she knew Anko's playful and sexy side was beginning to appear. She didn't even bother stopping her from talking about their bedroom antics. It was a lost cause.

"Besides no offense to Itachi as muscular and defined as he is, I think we all know Naruto wins the best body award." Anko and a reluctant Hana couldn't help but look at the muscular upper half of their blonde friend and roommate. Naruto was the more physical fighter of the two and the Taijtusu and Kenjutsu training was very clear on how big the results were. Though Shizuka remained looking at her fiance, she would not deny he had a very nice top half.

"Hey what are you three talking about?" Naruto shouted over as he blocked a strike from Itachi and kicked him back which resulted in Itachi skidding back.

"Your sexy top half that's what. Mama likes." Anko shouted back which came to no surprise to the two males. "Both of you come here for a second."

Naruto and Itachi ceased their spar and made their way over to the three girls. Shizuka put her hand into her back and threw Itachi a bottle of water which he effortlessly caught while Hana did the same for Naruto. "What is it Anko-chan?" Itachi asked as Shizuka slipped her arm around his and looked glad that he didn't try to fight it.

"You guys heard about the Chunin Exams that happening in two months right?"

"Yeah of course. What about it?" Naruto spoke as he chugged down the bottle of water. "It's all I've been hearing about at home. Mito is pestering my parents about letting her take part."

"Hmm Sasuke is the same with Kaa-san and I." Itachi added.

"Well I thought you guys might like to know Hokage-sama has asked if I would like to be the Proctor of the Second Exam." She revealed causing both Naruto and Itachi to spit some of their water.

"You're kidding."

"She's not." Hana revealed. "I was there when he asked"

Naruto couldn't help but shake his head and feel some pity for the youngster that would be taking part. "Man do I feel sorry for the genin. They have no idea what they will be in for."

Anko licked her lips at his words. "You got that right. I plan on making this years very special. I'll give it my Anko special."

"That's just frightening." Itachi muttered before the group heard someone shout 'Onii-chan'. A couple of figures ran out of the woods and appeared in the training field revealing it to be Mito in her her usual shinobi gear and with Sai and Shikamaru following along behind her at a more gentle pace.

"You know they were coming?" Itachi asked and saw Naruto nod.

"I felt them coming this way ten minutes ago." He revealed before motioning them over. "What are you guys doing here. Don't you have D-ranks to do?"

"We already finished them. Kaa-chan gave us the rest of the afternoon to train on our own." Mito revealed before pointing at Naruto with a determined expression. "I want a rematch Onii-chan. I'm want to show you how much I've improved already."

"Already? But it's only been a few months. Surely you don't think your strong enough to beat me yet." Naruto answered back trying to look high and might to annoy his sister. He got his wish as her face went red and angrily pointed at him while Shikamaru shook his head at seeing her get goaded so easily. Sai meanwhile just stood their silent as always.

"THAT'S IT! YOU AND ME RIGHT NOW!" Mito shouted waving her fist towards her older brother. Her other hand rested on the sword that was on her back and was preparing to jump her brother into combat. Naruto wanted too spar with his baby sister if only to turn the battle into a playing session that he knew would annoy her even more. But he already promised Itachi to spar for most of the day. However he did get a wicked gleam in his eye as a thought came into his mind.

"Well you see Mito-chan I'm already too busy sparring with Itachi. You know we Uzumaki's don't break a promise right?" He said and saw Mito glare at him with her cheeks puffed out. "But maybe if you ask nicely Anko-chan wouldn't mind showing you a thing or two. She's not too busy at the moment."

His friends looked like he had just swallow a crazy pill while Anko was gleaming with delight. Shikamaru had a bad feeling bubble up in his stomach as did sigh and it got even worse when Mito was actually considering it. Shikamaru's father had told him a bit about the sadist of the interrogation unit and he didn't look like he wanted to deal with someone with her kind of reputation.

Before Mito could accept Anko jumped up from her sitting position to land on her two feet and happily cracked her knuckles. "Well since you asked so nicely. I think I can show them a thing or two." Anko then proceeded to pull up her top revealing a sports bra underneath along with her pants which revealed tight spandex shorts.

"Anko why do you have that on underneath your clothes?" Naruto asked as he put his hand in his palm, something that was mimicked by Itachi. Hana and Shizuka both rolled their eyes. Shikamaru was trying to look everywhere except the near naked woman with Sai trying to do the same. Mito though looked at Anko bust before she looked down at her own.

'Will I grow like that?' She thought before she felt Naruto flick her forehead.

"Hey I know what your thinking. None of that is allowed for another five years at least." He told her getting another annoyed look from his sister as he patted her head as if she was a pet.

Anko stretched arms and legs before she sauntered towards the middle of the field, swaying her hips hypnotically as she did that caught the attention of Hana and Naruto. "I thought I would spar with you guys later but I guess teaching the kiddies a thing or two can work too. Who knows maybe Hana-chan would like to join me later in showing them how a real shinobi fights." Anko teased giving her girlfriend a wink.

While the other's ignored the comment Mito rushed towards the middle of the field with her sword already drawn. "I'm going to show you how strong I am Anko nee-san. Don't take me lightly or I'll cut you for sure." Behind her Shikamaru and Sai gingerly stepped onto the field with the pineapple haired boy trying to find a way out of the situation.

Everyone heard Anko chuckle as a kunai suddenly appeared in her hand and watched her lick the side of the metal with an elongated tongue. "How cute. You'll find I'm the one who will be doing the cutting today Mito-chan." Anko spoke that made shiver's go down Mito's back and her teammates too take one large step back.

"What have you gotten us into Mito?"

Naruto leaned up against the tree with his arms folder though an uneasy look was clear on his face.

'Well at least this will ready her for what's to come.'