The Escape

Adrien was in his bed trying to fall asleep. He had a sneaking feeling that his father was doing something without his knowledge. All of a sudden Plagg entered the room. "Adrien! Get up!" Adrien immediately sat up. "Plagg! It's so good to see you again! Where's Marinette?" Adrien was anxious to hear the news. "Well the good news is, she could be really close, the bad news is, I don't know if she is alive or not." Adrien was horrified at this statement. "Your joking Plagg right?" Plagg continued. "Eh well your father did give her quite the beating." Adrien was so angry he thought he could burst. "If he thinks he can get away with hurting Marinette than he is making a terrible mistake!" He was very agitated now. "Hold on Adrien, let me see if I can find her, I can go through walls you know." "Give me my miraculous first." Adrien said holding out his hand. "I can't Adrien, Master Fu has it." Adrien gasped, "You gave him my miraculous?! You know how I feel about that." "It would have been too dangerous to bring it here and he is the only one who knows how to take care of it." Plagg said in defense. "Fine, I just hope he gives it back." He said. "He did look a little, how do I say it, disturbing when I last saw him." Plagg said recalling the strange whiteness of Master Fu's face. "You're not helping build my confidence Plagg." Adrien crossed his arms. "I'd better go and find Marinette eh." Plagg said. "Go Plagg and hurry." Plagg went through the halls of the Agreste Mansion. It was 1 am and everyone seemed to be asleep. "This place is a lot bigger than I thought," he remarked. He searched everywhere and finally came across a couple doors to guest bedrooms. "This is probably where she is." He thought and he began to search them. The last door was locked which he found a little strange. He entered the room and saw Marinette fast asleep. He smiled and went back to Adrien's room. He was pacing back and forth. "Adrien, I found her" He said. Adrien ran towards his door and then realized it was locked. "Plagg, my doors are locked." "Not a problem," He said going through the lock and the door opened. He crept through the halls and followed Plagg. Every sound he made seemed one hundred times louder than before. Plagg approached the door and unlocked it. Adrien slowly opened the door and entered the room. There she was fast asleep. Adrien went up to her and put his hand over her mouth. He couldn't have her screaming and waking up the entire household. She jolted awake and let out a muffled cry. "Marinette it's just me." Adrien whispered. She looked at him with wide eyes then calmed down. He removed his hand from her mouth, and she whispered back. "How did you find me here?" "My cat sense," He joked but then Plagg interjected. "Ahem excuse me, who do you think did all the searching while you paced around in your room?" Adrien chuckled a little and Marinette struggled to get up. She fell back down on the bed. "Marinette are you okay?" Adrien said in a worried tone. "No, I don't think I am." Marinette said her eyes filling up with tears. "Adrien ran his hand through her hair and examined her head. He was no doctor, but he could notice some huge lumps on her head, and he winced thinking of what caused them. "I feel so sick every time I sit up." She said amidst her cries. "Shh It's gonna be okay," Adrien said calmly wiping away her tears. "I'll help you." He lifted her up his arms and she held tight onto his neck. He tiptoed out of the room and looked around. He crept out the back door of the house into the night. It was raining again, and he wasn't sure where to go. That was when he heard something behind him. He turned to see Nooroo following him. He had never seen him before. "Who are you?" He said backing away. "I'm a friend Adrien, I'm Nooroo Gabriel's kwami." "My dad's kwami! You aren't gonna tell him we left, are you?" Adrien pleaded. "Gabriel isn't exactly the best master I've had over the years, so I won't tell him." "Nooroo why are you here?" "I wanted to warn you that your dad is coming this way soon and you've got to hurry." Adrien immediately took the warning and ran as fast as he could. He couldn't move that fast with Marinette in his arms, but she couldn't stand up right now. Adrien got to the street and saw police cars everywhere. There were spotlights and loud police speakers. It was so late at night and all of this security? And the terrible thing was that they were all looking for Marinette. He put the hood over Marinette's head and continued on. He ducked behind a few buildings when the police walked by. Adrien began to feel exhausted. He sat down in an alley to rest. "Thank you, Adrien," Marinette said. "I'm sorry that I put you through all of this." "You? None of this is your fault Marinette. I just hope we make it to Master Fu's." "Did you say Master Fu?" Marinette said concerned. "I don't think that is the best idea." "It's the only place my dad won't find us." He said. All of a sudden, a shadow approached. Marinette placed her hand over Adrien's mouth and they both held their breath in suspense. An old man rounded the corner and saw the two teenagers. He felt sorry for them as they both looked like they were in trouble. "Hello there, I'm Roland, I'm on my way to my daily night fishing." Adrien and Marinette looked at each other, who does that? They both thought. "Anyway, I couldn't help but notice you two. Is there any way I can help?" He asked. "We don't have anywhere to go." Adrien said, "My friend is hurt, and all of the police are after her." "So that's why all of these police are out, well you two can come to my place for the night." He said offering his hand. "Are you sure?" Adrien asked. "Absolutely, no one messes with me and my fishing routines." He bent down to pick up Marinette and Adrien handed her over. "Follow me" He said, and Adrien followed close behind the kind man.