The Ambush

When he arrived, he de-transformed running inside with the box containing Ladybug's earrings. He was breathing hard from running and sighed with relief when he arrived back at the safe home, or so he thought. When he arrived he immediately sensed there was something wrong. "Mr. Roland? Are you there? Marinette?" He called. The lights were all off and it was quiet. A huge sea bass stared at him from the wall. "Adrien," an ominous low voice spoke from behind him. He jumped and turned around and was horrified at what met his eyes. There was his father, he must have followed him there, and what's worse was that he had Marinette. She was struggling and Hawkmoth had his hand over her mouth to stop her screams. "Let her go!" Adrien yelled. Hawkmoth chuckled "I don't think you're in a position to demand anything son." He squeezed Marinette's wrist tighter causing her to let out a muffled cry. "No! Please I'll do anything, just let her go!" Adrien said falling to his knee's tears streaming from his eyes. "Hand them over then" He said holding out his hand expecting the miraculous. Adrien removed his ring and placed it in the little box containing ladybug's earrings. "Don't do it Adrien!" Marinette pleaded now that hawkmoth had removed his hand from her mouth. "Quiet!" Hawkmoth demanded to Marinette jabbing his elbow into her ribs. Adrien held out the box and Hawkmoth's eyes twinkled, his greatest dream was finally coming true! All of a sudden, a crazed looking Roland came running into the room with a fishing pole "Ahhhh!!!!" he said as he charged unexpecting Hawkmoth. He batted him on the head with his fishing pole and he collapsed to the ground he grabbed Marinette and Adrien by the arms and pulled them as fast as he could away from the house. Marinette was shaking and Adrien held onto the box that contained both of their miraculous. "We have to move before he gets up!" Marinette held onto her head and staggered. Roland helped her up and nearly dragged her to his rickety pickup truck. He placed Marinette into the back seat and Adrien climbed into the vehicle beside her. They raced away, Roland's car making a loud screeching noise.

Hawkmoth picked himself off of the ground his blood was boiling with anger. "That horrid man, he will pay a price for what he has done!" He marched outside to find the car squealing away on the road as fast as it could move. He growled and began his pursuit. The car jostled every which way and Marinette struggled to not be sick. Adrien nervously looked behind them to see Hawkmoth closing in fast. He slipped on his ring and handed Marinette her earrings which she gladly put on. Tikki hadn't seen her in a while and was happy to be back. "He's coming!" Adrien yelled to Roland and he punched the gas pedal to make the old truck drive even faster. Hawkmoth was gaining on them fast and by now the police were chasing them too for violating the speed limit. "Stop in the name of the law!" The police cried through a bull horn. Flashing lights and sirens were heard everywhere. "Come on Bessie!" Roland called out to his old truck as it sputtered with smoke releasing toxic fumes. "Look out!" Marinette shouted as Hawkmoth landed on the top of the car. He pounded at the roof and it began to dent. Adrien looked at Marinette and transformed into Cat Noir and she transformed into Ladybug. "To the end," Ladybug looked into her partners eyes "To the end," He said. Cat Noir flew out of the window and began the battle with Hawkmoth. "Eeee!" Ladybug exclaimed as the celling almost caved right on top of her. She jumped out the window and joined the fight. They both fought Hawkmoth as hard as they could. Ladybug lost her balance and began to fly off the speeding truck, but Cat Noir grabbed her yo-yo just in time. He swung her around and she kicked Hawkmoth who slid toward the edge of the truck almost falling off. "Together were stronger!" Ladybug declared in victory but then excruciating pain shot through her head. She cried out and collapsed unconscious on the top of the car. "It looks like it's just you and me son." He said grinning in delight. "Ready to give up?" He jeered. "Are you?" Cat Noir said with a wink and ringing of his bell. Hawkmoth made the first move lunging at Ladybug to bring his staff down on her head. CLANK! Cat Noir's staff blocked Hawkmoths. Cat Noir then kicked Hawkmoth in the face flustering him for long enough to place Ladybug in the back of the pickup truck where she would be safer. The fight continued until Roland stuck a long fishing pole out the sunroof tripping Hawkmoth causing him to fly off of the roof into the grass. He let out a frustrated growl as they got further away from him. Cat Noir immediately went to Ladybug's side and felt her pulse. He brought her back through the window into the pickup truck. She was alive, just very weak. "We need to get her to a doctor." Roland said, "We don't want her to have brain damage." Ladybug's eyes fluttered open to see Cat Noir's worried eyes looking into hers. "What happened?" She asked weakly. "You passed out during the fight." He said. "We need to call my parents…" She began to cough violently. "I'll call them," Cat Noir said de-transforming. He pulled out his cellphone which was losing battery fast and dialed Sabine Cheng's number. She immediately answered with a flood of questions. "Adrien! Do you know where she is?! Is she okay?!" "Whoa slow down Mrs. Cheng." He tried to calm the frantic mother who was now weeping over the phone. "Marinette's with me. Don't worry." He turned his phone to Ladybug who gave her mom a little wave. "Oh, hunny you are alright!" Ladybug smiled weakly; her lips were pale. "We are going to New York and I'm gonna take her to a doctor there. She'll be okay." Sabine sighed and tears still flowed from her eyes. "Hang in there hunny! Bless you Adrien!" Adrien ended the call and held Ladybug's head in his arms. "You guys leave the car and I'll pull over for these crazy police officers." Roland said, still driving like a maniac through the Paris streets. Adrien nodded and transformed into Cat Noir. He jumped out of the speeding pickup truck and carried Ladybug to safety.