
She wasn't sure when she fell asleep but when she did, she had nightmares. A blinding light flooded into the dark room waking her up with a start. She was sore from sitting up all night and her wrists and ankles stung from her bonds. Gabriel walked into the room and pulled out a pocketknife. Marinette looked in horror as he came towards her, but to her surprise he cut the ropes that were fastening her to the chair. She rubbed her wrists and looked up at Gabriel with a look of dread. "Follow me" he said, and she got to her feet, why am I following him? Marinette thought to herself as she blindly followed his orders. He stopped in front of a door and turned to face Marinette who was nervously fidgeting. "Take these," He said shoving a dress and a jacket to Marinette. They looked super expensive and she was surprised. "Go on and get ready. We will be leaving soon." He said motioning for her to proceed. She hesitantly walked towards the bathroom and looked back at Gabriel who made another gesture to tell her to hurry. When she was by herself, she breathed a heavy sigh. She wondered where they could be going later. She had thought that she would be tied up forever. She ran hot water on her wrists which her bruised and cut from the ropes. She hoped Felix wouldn't be there, sure Gabriel Agreste was bad enough, but Felix was awful. She changed into the dress which was purple and brushed her hair. She emerged a picture of pure beauty. There were a pair of heeled boots waiting for her and she slipped on the jacket. Felix was standing at the door of the apartment and his jaw dropped when he saw Marinette. She shyly looked at her feet and didn't move. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Come along Marinette." Gabriel said and she walked to the door where Felix was waiting with a mischievous grin. She gave him a death glare and his expression didn't change. Felix linked arms with Marinette, and they walked down to where a fancy black car was waiting. They entered the back seat and drove off.

Adrien didn't know how long he could keep his identity a secret. They had spent the night at a hotel and now were on their way to the airport. His aunt loved to talk, and Adrien came up with as many answers as he could. They arrived at the airport and Amelie gave him some bags. Adrien had had enough; he wasn't leaving Marinette in New York all by herself. "Excuse me mom?" Adrien asked. "What is it my dearest Felix?" "Can't we stay in New York a little longer?" "Hunny, I know home reminds you of your father, but we have to go back." Amelie said. All of a sudden, she got a call from Gabriel Agreste. "Oh, it's your uncle I'd better answer." "I don't think that's a good idea." Adrien said with a smile. Amelie raised an eyebrow and then answered her phone. "Hello?" she said. Adrien watched her as she spoke to his father on the phone. A wide-eyed look came over her face and she looked at Adrien and away again. Adrien knew what this meant, and he felt bad for abandoning his aunt, but he had to run. He ran as fast as his legs could take him. "Adrien wait!" Amelie yelled out confirming his suspicions that she now knew. Adrien stopped running and wasn't sure why, but Amelie had always been fond of him, so he returned, and she hung up with Gabriel. "What did he tell you?" Adrien asked nervously. "I left my Felix back in the city," She replied. "It's your fault for not telling me!" She yelled. "Aunt Amelie I'm really sorry. I was nervous you would tell my father I was there." "I don't know what's up with you Adrien, but you can't keep running from your father like this." Adrien sighed, "You don't understand. My dad has been keeping secrets from me, hurting me, hurting my friends, I can't go back to him." "Hmm well he told me to tell you a message from him." Amelie said. Adrien tilted his head at her, and she continued. "He said that if you ever want to see your friend Marinette again, you will turn yourself in to him." Adrien fell to his knees and broke down. He had just promised to always protect Marinette and now she was in the hands of his ruthless father. Amelie knelt down beside him and tried to wipe the tears from his eyes as he sobbed. "Come on Adrien," She said stroking his hair. "I can't take it anymore!" Adrien cried. Amelie pulled him to her and comforted him. "Do you want to go back?" She asked. "Take me back to Paris." He said, a resolute look on his face.

It was a long awkward ride in the car. Marinette was sandwiched between Gabriel and Felix and Felix couldn't seem to leave her alone. She slapped him multiple times which caused him to be more amused. Finally, she gave up trying to fight him as he played with her hair. Gabriel didn't seem to like Felix as well which she was glad of and actually moved closer to Gabriel when she felt uncomfortable even though she was already extremely uncomfortable. They arrived at a huge fashion building and Gabriel emerged from the car. Felix exited pulling Marinette with him. "Ow," she burst out annoyingly as Felix had touched her sore wrist. He moved his hand a little higher to avoid the wound. "Follow me kids." Gabriel said entering in the building. It was a design studio and Marinette looked in awe. She always wanted to work at a place like this and wished she was here under different circumstances. "Enjoying yourself?" Felix asked. Marinette turned her head from him and put a frown back on her face. Felix shrugged, "Suit yourself." They went into a back room that had some makeup artists. Gabriel made a look at Felix and he reluctantly let go of Marinette. "Get her ready and let me know." Gabriel told the young woman who was doing make up. She nodded and Gabriel pulled Felix from the room. "You're pretty, are you Agreste's newest model?" the lady asked. Marinette didn't even know what she was doing here. "I… I don't know." Marinette said looking down at her wrists. The lady saw them and sensed that there was something wrong with the whole situation. "If you need help call me," The lady said handing Marinette a card with her name and number on it. "Thank you, Mandy is it?" Marinette said looking at the card. "That's me." She said. "Now let's make you a knockout." Marinette smiled genuinely for the first time all day. She chatted with Mandy and soon her hair was washed and styled, she had her makeup all done and she stood up to pose for Mandy. "You look gorgeous Marinette." Marinette smiled happy to see her kind friend happy. Mandy then came up to Marinette and whispered in her ear. "Are you dating that boy that came with Mr. Agreste?" Marinette felt sick just thinking about it. "No, I have someone else." She said with a distant look on her face. "Knock knock," a familiar voice said from outside the door. Marinette made a look at Mandy. "Remember to call me if you need anything." Mandy said. Marinette nodded. "Come in," Mandy said. Felix entered and stood in awe of Marinette. "Wow, Marinette you look absolutely perfect." He said. Marinette made no reply and avoided his gaze. He approached her and took ahold of her arm. She didn't move, "Let's not keep my Uncle waiting." He said and pulled her from the room. She glanced back at Mandy who had a scowl on her face, if only she had a phone to call her with.