The Search Continues

Earlier in New York, Captain America and Iron Man were still out looking for Marinette with Tikki. "I'm not getting anything on my scanners." Tony said, "Keep looking, we can't just give up." Steve said. They had checked the apartment but found nothing and now were searching at nearby fashion buildings assuming she may be around there. Tony then got a call and rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this." He muttered to himself when he saw Peter Parker's name on the caller id. He picked up and immediately Peter began talking. "Mr. Stark Mr. Stark, there's something I need to tell you about right now." "You know what kid, I'm kind of busy at the moment and I don't have time for your spider adventures." Peter Parker had superpowers and called himself Spiderman. He would occasionally annoy Tony with his calls about wanting to join the avengers. "This is different. MJ and I were at a performance when something weird happened afterwards that didn't sit right with me. There was this girl who fainted and then..." "Hold up," Tony stopped Peter interested in what may be a lead for their investigation. "Where are you now kid?" "I'm in the city by the bank as Spiderman." He said. "Always gotta be watching for robberies." Predictable, Tony thought. "Hold tight, Cap and I are on our way." "Whoa really?! That's awes…." Tony hung up and signaled Captain America to follow him. "Where are we going Tony?" He asked. "Spider kid's got a lead." He said. They arrived at the bank and there Spiderman aka Peter Parker was waiting. "Reporting for duty sir!" He said saluting. Tony stepped out of his suit and they went into an alley. Peter removed his mask and enthusiastically greeted Steve and Tony. "Do you guys have an actual mission for me?!" He said excitedly. "We need to know a bit more about what you were talking about earlier." Steve said. "Tony said you saw something strange happen at some performance?" "Yeah it was crazy. So, there was this girl who performed, and she was amazing, this was a ballet." "Yeah, we get it, you and MJ were at a ballet then what?" Tony said impatiently. "Oh right, then afterwards we noticed a girl had fainted and a boy with blonde hair and green eyes went over and argued with a man and started to carry her off." Tony's eyes were wide. "Wait kid, what did this girl look like?" "I don't know, she was pretty. She had light skin, dark blue hair, blue eyes and a smaller frame, I'd say she was around 14 or 15." Steve and Tony looked at each other, it sounded like Marinette. "What happened next?" Steve asked. "Well he had mentioned to this random guy that she was his sister and I thought they looked nothing alike, so MJ and I confronted him on his way out. He finally admitted that this girl was actually his girlfriend and he put her down." "Where is this girl now?" Tony asked. "This famous fashion designer man Agreste I think it was, came and claimed he was taking care of her. He carried her out with the other kid who said his name was Felix." Tikki gasped, "That's him!" Peter looked over and noticed the small kwami for the first time. "Who's him?" Peter asked looking at the strange creature. "We're looking for this girl who was kidnapped last night." Steve explained. Tikki began again. "Her kidnappers names are Felix and Gabriel Agreste, a fashion designer who is also a supervillain." Peter's eyes were wide, why did he let them take her? He should have gone with his Spidey sense. "Oh no, what do we do?" Peter said with concern. "Head to the ballet theater and go from there." Tony said. They rushed off to do more investigating.