Back to Paris

Amelie waited outside the jet with Adrien by her side. The car drove up containing the three new arrivals and Gabriel emerged and eyed Adrien with a sinister smile on his face. Adrien shrunk away from him and he greeted Amelie. "Where's Felix?" She asked. "Oh, he's with me." Gabriel said. The other door to the car opened and Felix emerged dragging Marinette who was partially awake now but still in a daze. Adrien gasped when he saw her like this. Tears sprung up in his eyes when he looked into hers. She looked like she had been through a lot and he couldn't imagine spending more than a whole day with this horrible pair. Marinette weakly smiled at Adrien before she was dragged onto the plane by Felix. Adrien ran towards him and Gabriel held onto him. "It's been awhile son." Adrien scowled at his father. "Let me go dad." "Give me your ring first!" He demanded. "If I do, will I be able to see her?" He asked longingly. "Yes Adrien, as much as Felix won't like it, I will let you sit with Marinette if you give me the ring." Without question Adrien handed over his ring and raced inside the plane to tackle Felix. "How dare you touch her!" Adrien said coming close to Felix. Felix chuckled, "She belongs to me now not you." "How could you say such a thing? Marinette is not a prize to be won." Adrien said firmly. Felix placed Marinette on a seat and cracked his knuckles getting into fight position. Adrien eyed his every move ready to charge. Felix lunged for Adrien and he jumped out of the way kicking him from behind. "Not bad, but I'm sure you won't be ready for this!" Felix said flipping and punching Adrien in the stomach. For a moment he gasped in pain then straightened back up. "Is that all you've got?" Adrien said charging Felix again. Amelie and Gabriel walked into the jet and Amelie gasped at the scene the two boys were causing. "Felix! Adrien!" Gabriel yelled. The two boys stopped dead in their tracks and turned simultaneously to face Gabriel. "I need you both to cooperate it's a long flight back to Paris." Felix moved to sit next to Marinette when Gabriel held up his hand. "Felix your sitting with me, that's Adrien's seat." Adrien smiled and Felix glared at him. Adrien sat next to Marinette and held on to her weak hand. He noticed the bruising on both of her wrists, and he moved in closer so that she could rest her head on his chest. She leaned over and he put his arms around her. "I'll never leave you again." Adrien whispered in her ear as he stroked her hair. Felix looked back at Adrien with pure jealousy. He wanted Marinette for himself, but she would never trust him like she did Adrien. He decided to strike a deal with his Uncle. Amelie kept them busy with her talking. "Hey Father?" Adrien called. "Yes?" He said looking back at him. "Do you have some water?" he asked. Gabriel tossed a water bottle to Adrien that he happened to have right beside him. "Thanks" He said, and Gabriel turned away. Adrien sat Marinette up in her seat and helped her drink some water, he thought maybe that would help her feel better. It seemed to help as Marinette was able to finally sit on her own and seemed more awake. "How long has been it been since you've eaten anything?" Adrien asked concerned. "I had a little something this afternoon but that was it." She said. "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you to bad, did they?" Adrien asked quietly. "I'm as good as I can be, she said holding up her wrists. They had me tied up all night and then I just had to deal with Felix." She said with a shiver. "Where are your…" Adrien pointed towards where her earrings used to be. "Tikki has them. I'm not sure where she went." "That's a relief," He sighed. "Sorry for prying but what happened today?" He said referring to her half unconscious state earlier. "Oh well I tried to run away, and you know how that goes." She said rubbing her neck. "But I did get this," She said secretly holding up the huge check she had received from the ballet. "Wow where do you get so much money?" Adrien asked. Marinette pointed toward Adrien's phone and then he handed it to her. She found an article on the ballet and her performance and showed it to Adrien who looked at it with wide eyes. "That's you?!" He said in surprise. She nodded with a smile on her face. "It all happened by accident, but I am a pretty good dancer." She said with a wink. "I'm so glad to have you back." He said pulling her into an embrace which lasted for a long time. They forgot where they were and relished the moment. Amelie glanced back at Adrien hugging Marinette and smiled. "Aww there so sweet together Gabriel." She said. "Mom!" Felix said angrily. Gabriel chuckled, "Marinette is a talented young lady and if anyone were to date my son it might as well be her." He said. Felix blood was boiling. "Uncle I want to make an arrangement with you." "Hmm Felix this is unlike you making deals with me." He said raising an eyebrow. Felix leaned in and whispered to Gabriel. "I want Marinette to date me and she would come back to London with us." Gabriel considered his request; he knew how much Marinette despised Felix and she would probably run away at some point risking his supervillain identity. "What would you do for me that would allow me to grant your request?" He asked. Felix thought for a bit, "Wouldn't being rid of Marinette be enough for you?" He said. "Adrien also needs to be punished for what he did right?" Felix said. "You are a devious one Felix." Gabriel replied. "I'll let you know what I think later." He said. Felix crossed his arms unhappy with the unsatisfactory answer.

They arrived in Paris late at night and Adrien and Marinette had fallen asleep leaning on each other. Gabriel was the only one still awake and nudged Felix causing him to stir in his sleep. He got up and walked over to Adrien and Marinette. Amelie woke up as well. He grabbed them by the shoulders and shook them causing them to wake up with a start. "It's time to go." He said. "Are you okay miss Cheng?" He asked noting her state earlier. "I think so." She said wondering why he all of sudden cared for her well-being. He helped her up and Adrien rose and took Marinette's arm. Nathalie was waiting for them outside and they all emerged from the jet. Felix came up next to Adrien and Marinette and they both stared with angry looks at the mischievous boy. Nathalie motioned that they all get in the vehicle which was a huge limousine. She must have known that a big group was arriving. They all entered and headed for the Agreste Mansion. Felix bent over to Adrien and stuck his phone in front of his face. Adrien gasped when he saw the picture which was Marinette and him with smiles only a few inches from each other. Marinette looked at Adrien with concern, but Adrien pushed away Felix's phone. "Okay okay so what if you had a special photoshoot with her, it doesn't mean anything." "Oh, it means something," He said texting all of the pictures to Adrien. "You never got to have one with her, did you?" Adrien flushed. Gabriel interjected, "There will be plenty of time for that later Adrien." He said trying to calm him down. Felix then placed his hand around Marinette purposely tugging her away from Adrien. "Leave me alone!" Marinette said pushing him. Adrien pulled her back and she leaned in closer to him. "She has had enough of you Felix so don't touch her." Adrien said with a scowl on his face. "Calm down boys" Amelie said. "We're almost there." After the long uncomfortable limousine drive, they arrived at the mansion. They were greeted by The Gorilla and all headed inside. "Amelie, Felix, make yourselves at home." Gabriel said approaching Adrien and Marinette. He grabbed them by the shoulders and led them into the room containing the portrait of Emilie. Adrien glanced at Marinette and she just stared in front of her with an empty look of defeat in her eyes. They all approached the painting and Adrien knew where his father was taking them, as he had been there once before. They all descended into the basement of the mansion and Marinette held onto Adrien a little tighter as they got lower and lower. When they reached the bottom of the elevator, Gabriel nudged them forward and they walked towards where Emilie lay in a coma. "Soon you will be with us again my love." Gabriel said to his wife. He then looked down at Adrien and Marinette with a grin. He grabbed Adrien by the arm and forced him to the ground. Marinette gasped bringing her hands to her mouth and looking away from Adrien who was fighting his father's intentions to tie him. Soon Adrien was bound to the railing in the area and Gabriel faced Marinette who had visible fear in her eyes. Her wrists were sore from when Felix tied her, and she held onto them to protect them. She staggered back. "What are you doing?" She asked quietly. Gabriel gently took a hold of Marinette's arm and she didn't resist. "Don't be scared." He said placing her next to Adrien and moving to tie her wrists. She winced a bit but noticed the ropes weren't as tight as Felix had them. "If you lay so much as a finger on her!" Adrien yelled struggling. Gabriel chuckled and left them alone. The lights in the room dimmed and the only light source was from Emilie's glowing coffin. Adrien looked over to see tears streaming down Marinette's face. He didn't know how they would get out of this situation, but he tried to comfort her. "Marinette, It's okay. Whatever happens to us, I will never leave your side through it all." She looked over at him with her tear stained face. "I'll never get to see my parents or my friends again. Your father will probably kill me when he is finished with whatever it is, he wants with me." "Don't say that Marinette. My father won't kill you and I won't let him hurt you again." Adrien tried to reassure Marinette. "Do you ever wish you were never given the miraculous?" She asked wistfully. Adrien closed his eyes, "I couldn't imagine not having Plagg, I would be so lonely all the time." He said. "Though, my life is hard enough that I couldn't begin to think of not being Cat Noir." He said. Marinette fell silent and her tears stopped. "Things would be so much simpler." Marinette said in a broken voice. "But I wouldn't have you m'lady and I couldn't live without you." Adrien said tears emerging from his eyes. Marinette gave him a small smile and took a deep breath. "I don't know what I'd do without you kitty." She said. Marinette then curled up on the cold floor and with her hands still behind her back closed her eyes to sleep. Adrien tugged at his wrists some more before he found that it was useless, and he wasn't getting away. He leaned back on the metal railing he was tied to and gazed at Marinette with despair. He closed his eyes and fell into a fitful sleep.