Chapter 86: Still... The Battle Rages On


Zenos coughed out a mound of blood as he returned to his senses. His body was no longer the form of a powerful raging dragon, but that of a weak and dying man. His hood dropped revealing the shoddy white hair and beautiful purple eyes that looked like tiny bolts of lightning. On his head, the shape of a triangle with a diamond inside of it was branded into his skin. 

As he opened his eyes he came to in the arms of Khalil who was reading a spell out of a book.

"Zenos!" Khalil said rejoicing.

"Don't look at my brand..." Zenos said covering his head. "This mark was branded into my by the church to purge me" He said. As he held the top of his head, it was as if the brand was fresh, still burning with the shame of when it had been planted on him.

"You are our lord" Khalil said. "Nothing is above you! It is you that all things are below" 

"Let's regroup with the others..." Zenos said. "We've done enough here."