Chapter 87: Stronger Than Yesterday

(Years ago at the Castle of the Niche family)

"I've... I've got to make it in time!" Canderous yelled. "If anyone is alive they would have used the secret path to the watchtower!"

Running through the night with his sword in his hand, he desperately rushed to reach his destination. As he came to the end of an old road  he looked up at a watch tower searching for signs of any survivors.

After looking around the ledges of the tower, he saw and heard nothing, a sign that no one had survived the fatal attack.

"Damnit!" He grumbled climbing to the top of the tower. "How can this be!"

"Sniffle Sniffle" Canderous heard as he placed his hands onto the ladder that lead to the top.

As he came to the top of the tower he found a young girl crying in a corner. She was beyond consolation, dropping her head onto the ground as she mourned.