
But for the second one he had a little diffuse vision...

In the reefs of Farallón Island, the reality has changed, to say the living beings have changed their texture, they have migrated from their habitat and one mainly of form.

It is the Alpins tree that is no longer in its place but a tremendous sloth bear, apparently the sediments from human waste left when settling have been a magic carpet, a succulent food that given its toxicity and why not say its radioactivity They have caused the Alpins tree to be transmigrated into an animal.

The human sedentary lifestyle and its high consumption of animal meat have produced a metabolic change in the Gene of the Alpins tree that has uprooted it from its roots and has changed it into a huge sloth bear ...

He was found consuming sea lettuces or Ulva Lactuca (its name in Latin)

There has been a surveillance for long days, at least it no longer feeds on crabs or is not carnivorous.

"Wait a minute," says a crab soldier, adding, "because it usually waits for lettuces to mature and change color and further separate or multiply, apparently it only devours sea lettuces that are fragmented; It indistinctly consumes the females, therefore, this sloth bear is of the female gender.

"Let's hope that Ulva Lactuca can reproduce sexually by planogamy," said a junior scientist delegate to the Farallon Island reef observation commission.

—After several days of consuming huge amounts of sea lettuce, so we could say that this sloth is of vegetarian origin. When 100% of the female Ulva Lactuca resource is exhausted. He began to sniff the ocean currents. A crab soldier alerted the GaviotGPS and the DelfinGPS to follow his course.

- Bordering the coast of the Farallón Island, he has passed by the shore of the White Island beach, there he had an encounter with the dogs led by Firulais; at first he tried to attack them; more after sniffing them, it was opened to realize that they had the same genetics, given the consumption of Alpins inputs by the dogs or Agents X. - argued the wise Prays -: and has continued to swim to the open sea and follows a marine current towards Ferrol Island.

On Ferrol Island, there are large reefs whose nature has not yet been altered by man given its long distance from coastal cities; Human tributaries do not reach the island's beaches, much less mining effluents.

The dogs led by Agent Firulais have been asked to sniff out traces of hair and dermis of the sloth bear, to do a DNA study, as the mutation has been beneficial for the conservation of the reef, as the sloth bear consumed the algae that are with high toxicity; leaving the place clean of radioactive waste.

Although the loss of the Alpins tree is lamented, its roots and some fallen leaves still remain, dried flowers were also found, apparently the transmigration occurred in the lunar phase.

The crab soldiers have landed on the reefs of Farallón Island and cleaned the place mined by man with its Covid scourge, some crabs have suffered alterations in their metabolism, becoming carnivores and have ended up eating their fellow soldiers.

"It seems that the bellicose character of humans plus their voracious appetite for consuming all nature of plants and animals, among other beings ... is transmitted even in their genes ..." objected the sage Prays. May the Creator deliver us from so much evil! Quoting "hating even clothing contaminated by his flesh." Jude 1:23

"Definitely this place will be the new Prays outpost military base, we just have to plant one or another Alpins tree and see what it produces for you," Commander LoyalFriend said, "once he is aware of the new developments."

—I suggest that this new strain of Covid, contained in sea lettuce, be added to the diet of Agents X. —WinkEyeT said, proud that nature turned the wickedness of ungodly men as they do not pity the created.

"Affirmative," said King KingWhiteM, "because if this sloth bear has managed to mutate from the Alpins tree, it has genetically conquered and has become its own highly enriched food, by the way." —Sugging:

That the Crab Kingdom facilities abandoned after the human attack, be for the new XHA Agents, once the canine females give birth.

The births must take place under water, so the new beings will be fully adapted from the seabed.

—Today should proceed with Phase 2. Food with Alpins fruits. King KingWhiteM ordered. —Expanding the mention to:

- Beloved WinkEyeT, I pray you can bite some Alpine leaves, we want to know what tomorrow holds for us, I consult the Creator of all creatures and humans throughout the oceanic kingdoms.

Having visions of the Creator is something very special, it is a supernatural gift, which once it is acquired by the will of the omniscient and omnipotent must be known contener, conserve and increase; thus the creation stays in direct contact under the opportune guidance in cases like these.

On the first page he was unable to learn anything about the WinkEyeT petition. But for the second one he had a little diffuse vision, so he required a third Alpins tree leaf.

He was shown the beach with the background of the city, and a branch of an Alpins tree emerged from the waters and at its end a flower, which opened and contained a fruit, which quickly matured and abundant seeds fell from it.

—It is predestined, we must insist on planting and caring for these trees until flowering and fruiting; finally we get the seed; which is rich in 'nutralys' oils; nutralys oils are the compound for the elaboration of an AntiCovid antidote and the solution against the misnamed Covid vaccine with human placebo, which has done more than accelerate the extinction of the human being. - Said the sage Prays.

—This time we must keep our discoveries secret and kept under ocean keys, it has cost us a kingdom and the change of plantations on the reefs and innumerable losses of our fellow crabs. King KingWhiteM argued, I will never forget what they have been doing and doing for the oceanic kingdoms. His enormous sacrifice of his tribes are a worthy example to follow, for the good of all of us.

- Save the RedCrab King.

- Save the Crab people.

- Save Private Crab.