
Let's spread the algae with the 'Prays Chest Potion'.

The sloth took forever to reach his destination, but he did.

"The strange thing," report the DelfinGPS, "is that he has not been eating but sleeping on the sea lettuce."

"Confirmed," asserted a battalion of Merguia crabs that has been sent to Ferrol Island to inform their peers of the operations in the interoceanic kingdom.

"We have noticed that this bear," said an Elephas crab, a native of El Ferrol Island, "as you call him:' lazy, 'because of his apparent laziness;" It is nothing but a Folívora or Mr. Laziness, since it has three fingers and these are known as Bradypus.

"It's a female specimen," said a Caridea crab, "and asked: will it feed on buds, young shoots and leaves?" And since we don't have here: what will it feed on?

"We have observed," said sage Prays, "that it has consumed his own tree."

-In that way? Said the Caridea crab.

—This philophagous bear is female and it will help us to populate the reefs with bears, as it is a means of transport between reefs, but its fur will help us to prepare antidotes for loss of sleep. —Clarified Queen Quelony, a turtle that governs these reefs of El Ferrol Island. —Expanding the information:

—Normally, we are visited by other Folívara, with two fingers, a Megalony bear, which is male, and in its times of heat we have suffered havoc in the place because it usually changes its character, to the point of wanting to destroy everything, now it takes a long nap. Let him wake up and he will be happy. What did they say about the origin of this Bradypus bear?

—It is an Alpins tree exposed to toxic human waste, —explained Commander LoyalFriend, who directed the operation to follow the bear to El Ferrol Island—: the human radiation produced by the molecular tests of the Covid flagellum, 'which is known to be of animal origin ', has caused the Alpins tree to transmigrate into an animal, as in this case a female Bradypus bear.

"We pray, O Queen Quelony!" LoyalFriend cried, "allow us to continue our studies and therefore we must sacrifice your bear specimen Megalony, along with visiting bear Bradypus."

-And how is that? "Explain Commander LoyalFriend."

"First, we will exchange pharmaceutical technology with you and give you our relaxation techniques for sleep disorders and elevating the adventurous spirit." - Argued appealing to a better exchange, LayolFriend, was very direct to avoid negativity in his interlocutor Queen Quelony.

"Your proposal sounds very good," Queen Quelony said. Showing a smile of pleasure, as she was one of the main consumers of these sleeping pills.

"Here, try a dose of this," Sage Prays said. but first lie down in his imperial chair.

In a minute, Queen Quelony closed her eyes and ecstasy was visible on her face, as she was outlining a smile from ear to ear. —Half an hour later she woke her up, there were fewer wrinkles on her face, even the stuttering disappeared. Like the piece of Alpins tree leaf had a great effect on her.

"Ah!" How relaxing!? "Where can I get more of this?"

—First we must reverse the metamorphosis process of the three-toed bear, and for this we need the help of your two-toed bear. Sage Prays suggested.

—We are going to give you a molecular and genetic shrinkage potion, prepared on the basis of Alpins inputs; We find this potion in the Prays chest and it is used only in these cases under indications of the Creator, as read In prophetic oracle, which are universal holograms that we have been able to transcribe, document and interpret in many years of work. —Queen WinkEyeT said, she had to intervene to finish convincing Queen Quelony.

"Oh!" What a pleasant surprise, sister! We are honored by your visit and millennial council. Queen Quelony said in amazement: "Say no more and you have my permission and permission for such operations Prays." I know this benefits everyone in the interoceanic world. Why should I object? Who am I to avoid the Creator's designs?

Phase 7. Food Potion from the Prays Chest.

Around the bears, who slept pleasantly and separately, were large shoots of sea vegetables; But these three- and two-fingered bears just craved sea lettuce; WinkEyeT, had a Phase 7 meal plan. Food Potion from the Prays Chest. Let's see:

—Let's spread the algae or sea lettuces with the 'Potion of the Prays Chest'; These Ulva Lactuca abound in her bed, they tear them off and make a mattress with her, which upon waking up is her food for her day. Sage Prays clarified.

Only the wise Prays had observed this metamorphosis in his existence, he saw it in the transmigration of King Vallemar, among others.

"The potion from the Prays Chest, in a minute will begin to emit a distinctive odor and will attract the male Megalony to the bed of the female Bradypus."

"Will it be a feast or a mating first?" What do you say ladies? Who bets his kingdom? Commander LoyalFriend joked, saying laughing at the two queen turtles there.

"Well more than gambling and knowing my great two-toed bear for want of one that this great female does," said Queen Quelony, "It will be a mating!"

"Ah !? As you make this matter difficult, but I would accept: oh, Queen Quelony, your bet 'shell', that the two of you start eating, at least the bully, in exchange we will leave you the female, but the children are ours, Well, after eating they will mate for long hours; This potion is very aphrodisiac and revitalizing plant, animal and human sexuality.

"Indeed," said King RedCrab, "who, upon his arrival at El Ferrol Island, joined the conversation." I confirm the bet and by experience!

-Already! Said Queen Quelony. It is a deal, you will have your shell, but not necessarily mine but that of my late husband, one day he had to confront Megalony the bear and suffered severe injuries that made him bleed to death. Since then we have this bear swallowing algae as a prisoner of war. If they need the shell, it's yours! And if you need anything else that we can provide you, be sure that we will give it to you with great pleasure, because your very presence fills us with pride and great satisfaction. Queen Quelony expanded her argument and offered her with a pro-human reflection:

—Daily we see that humans throw their fellow men into the sea and this became suspicious, now we know: the reason for these tragic events? Well, normally humans when one drowned, they looked for it and took it with them even if it had days of death ... Today, they throw hundreds of them and we have anchored them through this two-fingered bear; who after each trip or mortuary work, has felt discomfort, flu, body aches and dizziness and excessive sleep.