
"Keep calm." She has moved towards him.

The algae had been smeared more around the male relying on the Bradypus bear's better developed sense of smell given its origin as an Alpins tree.

The two woke up at the same time, the female got up with a voracious appetite because it took her 15 minutes to finish three square meters of seaweed; the good thing is that she did not tear them all away and then began to choose as the male Megalony did. She tactfully sniffed first and then groped for snails embedded under the leaves; she at all costs she avoided chewing snails, given their markedly saline taste.

The male, in the same time of 15 minutes, had destroyed the entire adjacent area to three times its size and then began to choose the brown ones, apparently he was guided by the color to determine his taste, leaving the marine greenish ones, the which ended up fragmented; This daily routine of the Megalony bear favored the reproduction of the Ulva Lantuca-type algae species, which is why since its arrival at El Ferrol Island, it had abounded.

"Suddenly," Commander LayolFriend noted, "the three-toed bear, the beautiful female Bradypus, has stood upright on two legs, is already sniffing a stream of water, coming from the side of the male Megalony bear, who has started to fidget and is already rolling and scratching all over his body.

"Take a good look at him," said the sage Prays, "he is drunk and is emitting moans different from other nights of heat."

-AHA! That seems to be a mating dance and the sounds it makes have become more acute ...

"Wait!" Make silence. He said, WinkEyet, "Keep calm." She has moved towards him. She has already located him and takes care of him: Well, a female in heat is often aggressive or very fiery at times, even too willing to do anything to mate! This reminds me a lot of my younger years, when she was 'Turtle Rain' the exotic dancer on the Galapagos Island.

—We'd better keep quiet because you can't find stones in the sea anymore, no matter how much the river brings them… The Creator will know where he has to leave them.

—She seems to be identifying him, but she is more attracted to the food and she has pushed him; and she has removed from his claws all the bundle of seaweed that she had gathered. WinkEyeT said, "What a sweet tooth!"

"Hey!" Look how he licks his mouth? She is eating him with kisses! LoyalFriend said.

—However, after two or three mating attempts; the burdensome male bear collapsed! He fell on the body of the female Bradypus bear, she began to scratch him, because she was still eager for caresses.

—Everybody back off, let's go, it's dangerous to stay here she can have spasms of anger and she can attack, because she is in heat and her emotions are confused. Said the sage Prays: especially that her metabolism has been accelerated.

"The procession returns for your safety to the White Island." Commander LoyalFriend ordered, "for there was not a soldier who could contain a bear in heat, much less stand up to his Alpins aggressiveness."

It's been a week and neither was found ... just scattered bear bones; for several meters around, they had suffered cuts in the mating struggle, both bled to death; what attracted sharks, who ended their lives, their skeletal remains were scattered for several meters; however, the bones were semi sunken; which seemed strange because it was a short time for something like that.

"Let me move one of the bones," Sage Prays requested, "with the apologies of the case." I do not want to hurt susceptibilities, but it was to be expected, one does not know how animals behave.

"Something similar to humans, for something it is said that humans have a lot of animals ..." said WinkEyeT. "Deeply moved by the final outcome of this torrid romance that only lasted one hour."

"Was this result to be expected?" "She regretted, Queen Quelony." I feel this loss as if she has lost an entire army.

"Look!" The Bone is affirmed to the ground. Does it have Roots? - Said the sage Prays.

"Perhaps they are roots of an Alpins tree. Could this be so?" —Commander LoyalFriend said.

"Eureka!" Said King KingWhiteM, "this is A Miracle!"

-Alert! Sharks may return ... but more bone predators. —Commander LoyalFriend said. Adding:

—Let's call for marine reinforcements, let the DelfinGPS and ToyosGPS come, let's call the hermit crab squad, let the entire fleet of eels cover us.

—It is a new providential hope, given to us by the omniscient and omnipotent Creator. Said King KingWhiteM. Adding:

"It is a new forest of Alpins trees, so let's begin remodeling and expanding the habitat of this kingdom." Let's establish a castle. Well, the next thing is that a Prays Portal appears in this place.

"Soldiers Crab, from this day forward this place is under his care. Nothing enters or leaves here if you do not carry a pass; Said King KingWhiteM.

4 battalions of hermit crabs have been delegated, each led by a DelfinGPS and with air support from a GaviotGPS.

It is a matter of waiting for the next moon phase to see the first Alpins tree sprout grow.

—We need to move the canine base to El Ferrol Island, since the howling of the dogs facilitates the removal of predators. Sage Prays argued.

"Indeed, and the Alpine Food Phases must be followed," Commander LayolFriend said.

—And of course, the diving classes, so that the canine team training can be solidified.

"Will the canine births be here on the new reefs of the interoceanic kingdoms?" Asked the sage Prays. preventing:

"Indeed, but we must double our guard." When the puppies are born, the animal placenta is dislodged, releasing a smell of blood and blood clots and that can attract sharks again. - Queen Quelony sentenced -: remembering past events full of great destruction, when intrepid humans, along with their pets were attacked in places near the rocky area, where a sailboat had the bad luck to run aground and that when it broke it put at risk apart from the crew; many were able to get to safety, but not the defenseless pets.

—I remember that when the sailboat broke in two it cut a pretty dog ​​that we saw walking around El Ferrol Island before and that later became a succulent shark food; Although from that time here they had not been seen to appear. Could it be that something is happening in the species that we have not noticed yet?

—Let's recap: since man dumped his toxic waste, many marine animal species have changed, first these two bears, may they rest in peace. And now these sharks. Let's thoroughly investigate these facts.