
What enemy dared to do this to friendly bears?

When Agent Firulais immersed himself in the new facilities for routine training, this on El Ferrol Island, he was able to observe a common pattern in the distribution of the bones.

In another case, he would have started digging them all up and gathering them together in one place and then by canine naturalness lick them until he was tired and rebury and mark them with urine to dig them up on another occasion; It is like a game bury and discover the treasure.

But this time it was not like that, but the distribution pattern of the bones resembled the forest in which he used to hunt White-tailed Elk and fight for prey with a Lynx Rufus; that it was not, but a feline and very aggressive predator.

He began to sniff the sea currents and to bite pieces of algae, those sea lettuces, previously bitten by dead bears ...

-Woof. Wow Wow! Firulais began to bark: "and to raise his left leg as if to indicate a route of escape or entry for the enemy."

—The King KingWhiteM, suddenly recognized that gesture of Firulais, and could understand that it was his faithful dog; or at least it was said is a reincarnation of him.

—For KingWhiteM, bringing back memories lived in the forests of the Canadian border just now boded well. For everything was real to him again. He had a conquered kingdom, a paw patrol led by his old friend Firulais, and a team specialized in interoceanic warfare. And on the human side of him, he could help in the search for a cure for the scourge of Covid. He only lacked one thing and it was the most special: his wife.

"But wait," King KingWhiteM said to himself, "I lived outside the forest at that time and had my cabin surrounded by a stream which ran through the forest of Alpins trees; I never entered that forest, which seemed enchanted. And because now I am an Alpins tree.

"They are the Creator's designs!" Sage Prays interrupted him. He is stipulated in the prophecies found in the Prays Chest. And he will appear to reign over you. Quoting:

"For a child is born to us, a child is given to us, and the principality on his shoulder; and his name will be called Wonderful of him, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace ". Isaiah 9: 6.

-Moment! But did I appear as a child? King KingWhiteM asked.

-Yes! Yes! Yes! All responded.

-But? LoyalFriend too, "King KingWhiteM replied. Explaining what was said with more questions: But, and where is my son ?! What if he exists in this realm and at this time? Who would it be ?!

-Me! There was a loud, resonant voice and very distinctive at the same time. The aforementioned making his way through the crowd that had gathered to hear the first inter-oceanic meeting at the inauguration of the new Prays Kingdom on El Ferrol Island.

It is about King Vallemar, who worked as a secret agent on land; and who from time to time did his routine through the interoceanic kingdoms.

"Hail, Oh Reyes, present!"

"Hail, O Interoceanic Peoples!"

"I'm your son Charly." King Vallemar said, "And how did I know?" Yesterday I had a direct vision with the omniscient and omnipotent Creator. He had climbed to the top of Cerro de La Paz, and contemplating the vast sea of ​​the coast, the panoramic view of the islands: Isla El Farallón, Isla Blanca and Isla El Ferrol. An ecstasy came to me that made me fall into a deep sleep. Then he gave more details:

—Suddenly I saw the same scene of Islands and rainbows that came in and out of the reef areas and also the Plazuela Mayor, the Villa María swamps, until finally a rainbow came out like a ray of intense colors from Isla El Ferrol, right from this place and he pounced on me possessing my body, he saw me lit up in lights; at the same time that a voice told me: Go son of the highest and be my promised King. And he reigns the seas, the heavens and the earth and announces my designs; or they will all be lost to the 'Creator of the Seven Games'. Be it humans, animals or plants ...

"Hail Rey Vallemar!"

"Hail the Son of the Most High!"

"Hail son of the great King KingWhiteM!"

"Well my son," King King White replied, "there is room for each and every one of us has a mission in progress; so let's leave things as they are and we'll see about your reign later.

"However, addressing the entire crowd: Greet Prince Vallemar, my son!"

-Hail! Oh prince! Oh King Vallemar!

Suddenly the place went dark. Of a shadow that covered everything and they felt chills in their bodies.

-What is this!? Who dares to interrupt?

-Me! The Queen of Tiger Sharks ...

—Mother of Vallemar, My King and Lord.

—Mom: Is it you? Vallemar asked childishly.

"What's up son?" He is a crazy old woman, who has heard us and wants to go up to the kingdom. Said King KingWhiteM, adding, "I order you to withdraw as soon as possible!"

"Hush, man, animal and plant of low scruples." —Said the Queen of the Tiger Sharks, to the ex-husband of her human of hers, today called KingWhiteM. Call me son Vallemar or Charly: Mother, Mom or Queen Galeocerda Cuvier. Yet that humans know me as the Queen of the Tiger Sharks; this in allusion to my maritime experience through all the oceans of the world, each trip: "it's one more line to the tiger."

"And regarding the events that occurred in this place," Queen Galeocerda clarified, "here I bring the culprit." Do what you think is good with him. Although I doubt that he will have a short time to live because he has a fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and has lost his strength and fierceness; so much so that we have been dragging it along. —Increditing his subject to apologize:

"You have nothing to say about what you did with those poor bears. Didn't you know that Megalony the bear was one of the good guys?" What do you have to explain about it!

"This ... I saw that the bear Bradypus," clarified the Tiger shark: "that cut it with its claws until it bleed to death, and I attacked to defend it, then, he attacked me, biting a fin and ripping off part of it; Because of this, now I can no longer travel out to sea because I have no directional guide. I finally managed to leave this place and leave them to their own devices.

-Then. If you didn't kill them? What enemy dared to do this to friendly bears? - Asked Queen Quelony, who was the most affected by these events. She felt the great loss of her great friend Bradypus of hers. She inconsolable she began to cry, because she could not bear the loss and the sad end that she had.