
Stray dogs that you make for this lares?

Firulais spent an intense and fiery night taking care of his two canine wives, the aphrodisiac effects of roots, fruits and Ulva Lactuca or sea lettuces, had turned Agent Firulais into an Agent Firulais XHA (pro human and animal). They allowed greater skill and dexterity both on land and on the seabed. And he had an unforgettable experience:

—It is the peak season for schools of anchovy and sardines and their size is appropriate for hunting birds. "This information was mentioned by the sage Prays, who supervised the training of Agent Firulais XHA, in its final phase. He adding:

—The Guanay or Cormorant will make its appearance today, you will see it fly high then launch itself into the water, its legs adapted for diving and the speed of its flight impulse allow it to submerge up to 15 meters deep; if he notices the presence of Firulais, deep down, he will chase him knowing that he is not a marine animal. Explaining his point of view, he still said:

—Although it is a bird that feeds mainly on fish, it can sometimes stop before the algae and especially the Ulva Lactuca or sea lettuce, since it uses it as a digestive nutrient; in other words, he uses it to purge himself.

"If at least one attacks him," Commander LayolFriend said, "he can get away with it, so we have to send support teams; Let's prepare the raid of three teams separated by a distance of 1 minute. At the first minute: we will launch Firulais, as Alpha leader, at the second minute: two guard agents would be the Beta team; and for the third minute: we will send a team of 4 containment agents, like the Omega team.

So it was, the skies were clouded by a band of a couple of dozen Guanayes or Cormoranes ... A dozen went to the shoal of sardines the other dozen to the shoal of anchovy. ´The latter would pass very close to the reef and therefore to the Alpins forest which is grown to half a meter in height.

And Firulais needs to be able to move large quantities of sea lettuce together with the ground crew in order to cover the Alpine trees, since the corals and the salgas are one meter high, but it is not enough given the strong smell that the trees give off. Alpins; scent that the Prays use to attract and hunt their victims. But it is not yet hunting time, when the trees reach maturity and have the flowers and the first fruits, the hunt can begin, which was once a sign of attacks from the Prays enemies.

As always, the Alpins forests are distributed leaving four entrances, which is their defense capacity and attack strategy.

Suddenly three Guanayes saw the last team swim towards the seabed, where the sea lettuces are found; the greenery of this Ulva Lactuca, could be seen from above, thanks to the transparent waters, free of contamination.

"Heh!" Stray dogs that you make for this lares ¬ — said Guanay leader.

"I'm sorry Guanay," Firulais said. "Lettuce salad is not available in these parts, look at another reef, you are not missing a flight."

"Who are your stray dog ​​like?" The Guanay leader snapped, "Why are you preventing us from what belongs to you by nature?"

"It is not that, but it is a strategic issue, I beg you to go back the way you came ..." Firulais apologized.

"Nothing brother, get away because we have to clean the crop." —Guanay leader joined.

"Impossible," Firulais said, as Alpha leader, "last warning." —And addressing his team:

—Team, Beta x 2: Containment, grab each one by the legs, so they won't be able to advance.

—Team, Omega x 4: Repression, take by the wings, thus divert it towards the exit.

—Equipment if it offers resistance, bite the neck at will. The Firulais order concluded.

The tiger shark, who was watching the events expectantly, avoided intervening, but he promised to help them next time.

The depth of the sea floor was 35 meters and the autonomy of the Guanays was 45 meters, therefore, they pulled the teams by several meters until they both gave way, due to lack of oxygen due to the great effort deployed and to open their mouths that made them lose oxygen.

—For today you win: Firulais, but we will meet again and we will retaliate. Guanay leader resigned: "to the attempt to take the seaweed."

And after staying on the seabed dragging the dogs, it swam to the surface, and was detached from the dogs, which, due to the exposure of the seabed for more than 5 minutes, felt asphyxiating, they were short of air in the lungs and eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Unfortunately: two of the Beta team could not resist and although they managed to surface, their lungs exploded and they died asphyxiated in their own blood.

—Beta Team: Present!

—Beta Team: Present!

—Beta Team: Present!

The funeral procession threw praises and seasonal flowers on the bodies covered by seaweed. In symbol that they gave their lives not only defending and This valuable nutrient, they covered the already grown Alpine trees.

An XA Agent was buried in one of the entrances to the Alpins forest, as it was believed that by consuming Alpins roots and fruits it could resurrect in another living being and in the best of cases in a more evolved Alpins tree.

So it was, when the algae and corals exceeded eight feet in height, the Alpine trees were one and a half meters high and began to achieve volume, it was good to predict that the flowers and the future and expected fruits would come later.

Hail: Oh, Queen Galeocerda Cuvier. Said the Tiger shark, whose fin bitten by the extinct two-toed bear Megalony, did not allow it to sail the oceans.

-What do you want? I hope it's a good thing, otherwise this time you will lose more than a shark fin. Said Queen Tiger Shark.

—Her majesty of her, here I bring you one of the rebellious Guanay who got against your friend Queen Quelony, for his incursion along with two other Guanayes, two XA Agents died, who were about to graduate from the academy Prays.

"I don't get the point." Said the Tiger Queen, "I suggest you get straight to the point at hand, before you exhaust my patience.

"I offer my support for life to protect the reefs." —This the Tiger Shark said, because he favored himself with this action because he would no longer be forced to go hunting, but would be at a fixed hunting point.

"Done, personally," I will make the offer to Queen Quelony. Thanks!