"What the fuck!" Sol exploded, a vein ticking on his neck as he glared down at the King. "I'm not your Butler or your fucking chauffeur. I'm the bloody Royal Assassin..."
Rhea snorted. "He's just terrified of Mocha..."
"That's ridiculous." He deadpanned. "That bitch is the Queen's concubine."
"You didn't let me finish." The red head eye rolled. "You're just hot and bothered that your delicate asexual sensibilities are going to be irritated by the Cubi."
"I am not asexual." He bit out, narrowing his silver - blue eyes.
"You are Sol." The Queen objected languidly from his place on Tempest's lap. "Not talking about relationships now but when was the last time you had a hook up."
"Who's going to run the country when we're gone?" He asked, deflecting Crescent's assumptions.
"I have a court full of Ministers and a Long Table of Officials, they could run the country indefinitely." Tempest pointed out, petting his wife's hair. "Besides, I pay them a fortune, they damn well should earn it."
Sol cursed inaudibly under his breath. "So I'm the only one who thinks this is a really bad idea. The King and Queen going to live in enemy territory indefinitely? Fuck! I need fresh air." He trailed off, eyeing the doors.
"No need to hyperventilate, you're just getting yourself worked up over nothing. It's not like we'll be prisoners over there, we can leave any day, any time." Rhea said matter of factly.
"Well, what if this was that bitch's plan all along?"
"What bitch?" Crescent asked distractedly.
"The Cubi Queen, what if this is all part of her evil plan to take over the Hellhounds? Wouldn't be the first time." He added snarkily.
"You're paranoid." Rhea scoffed. "We just went to war some fifty years ago and it was all Nirvana's fault." She tagged on huffily.
Tempest chuckled even as his wife tensed up in his arms. "That was the dumbest reason I've ever had to battle over and my grandmother once declared war over cookies."
"It wasn't cookies, blockhead but all we're trying to say is that we aren't due for another war just yet. It's an unspoken rule, we are definitely going to have at least a couple hundred years of peace."
Sol didn't even look relieved by the red - haired's speech, if anything he got more agitated, pulling his hair and pacing.
"This is exactly why I refused to discuss this, you all would make my reasons look absolutely stupid." He sighed in frustration.
"At your service." Tempest muttered.
"Of course, we know that the Cubi Queen might be up to something but doesn't that just add to the thrill of going." Rhea mooned. "Don't you want to have a little fun?"
"No." Sol bit out, "My idea of fun is sleeping on my bed, alone..."
"That's why you always have bed hair." Crescent interrupted lazily.
He just leveled the Queen a look. "...and torturing bad guys, that's more than enough fun for me."
"Well get ready to experience some new ways because you are coming along, whether you want to or not. Protection for the King." Tempest added smugly.
"You bastard!" Sol said tightly. "You don't need my bloody protection. Hell! it's been three weeks and Crescent still can't sit down." He paused and raked a hand down his hair. "You know what?" He asked resignedly. "When are we going? I have to pack up."
"I knew you would see the light eventually." Rhea said excitedly. "Servants are already doing that for ya, we'll leave in two days."
Sol halted his movement to the door. "Excuse me. What!" He exclaimed with wide eyes. "Two bloody days? Wait! How long have you all been planning this?"
"That's quite unnecessary for you to bother about." Rhea said sheepishly.
"The hell it is!" He exploded.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying this argument." Crescent piped up in his lazy tone.
Sol choked and threw his hands up. "You are all impossible." He yelled, going out.
"Don't say it. Don't do it." Tempest warned but he might have well been tap dancing.
"Oh!" Rhea cooed. "Sol's so adorable when he's mad. I'm going to bother him some more." She announced excitedly, bounding after him like an over excited puppy.
"I think you should call in the builders, you know, to be on standby." Crescent suggested, stretching in his arms. "The last time, Sol destroyed an entire wing of the Castle."
"We could just try to stop them." Tempest said dryly.
Crescent just gave him a look like he suggested he give out his entire shoe collection. "You really want to try and reason with an angry Sol, granted he's not as bad as you but you're only going to get him more pissed."
"I could still try." He pushed, knowing he would regret this.
"Be my guest." Crescent said coldly, his blue eyes icy.
The King gulped, wondering just what he had gotten himself into. "Let's go then." He agreed, his pride preventing him from changing his mind. He strode through the halls with fear clouding his mind and nearly chuckled at the irony of it. Him, the strongest Hell-hound was terrified of his tiny wife who couldn't even physically harm him, well stranger things had happened.
He caught up with them at the end of the hall way, Crescent still in his arms.
Sol was so mad by this time that his eyes were already bleeding to silver.
"What the fuck did you just say?" He growled at a giggling Rhea who looked so happy, she looked like she might start floating.
"Hey Sol, my man. Chill okay." Tempest murmured.
"Don't bloody tell me to chill like it's my fault I'm angry..."
"It sorta is." Crescent shrugged with a wicked smile.
Energy crackled around Sol, his hair whipping about. "All I wanted was a peaceful sleep but No! Y'all motherfuckers woke me up! Got me bloody angry! And it's all my FAULT!!!" He was yelling by now and everywhere was rumbling.
"I lost, didn't I." Tempest sighed forlornly.
"Don't worry, I'll wait a couple of hours before saying I told you so." The Luna patted his chest with faux sympathy.
He leveled him a look, "You just did." He pointed out.
"Well aren't you mouthy today."
"You block heads chose this moment, right now, to have a bloody lovers spat." Rhea intruded, brushing dust from her hair. "The entire wing is about to come down."
"You sound bothered for someone who has being vying for this to happen." Crescent bit sarcastically at her.
"Well I'm not ready to regenerate when I have a journey in a couple of days, besides this is going to drain Sol and knock him out for a couple of days. Which means, no complaints." She added huffily. "Sometimes I wonder if you both share a brain cell." She mumbled, running in the opposite direction.
King and Queen both shared a look then burst out laughing. "We both lost then." Tempest offered, taking off after Rhea.
"I. Never. Lose." Crescent bit out darkly, poking his chest.