I Trust You!

The next day.

Helen and Peter woke up in the same bed together for the first time.

"A-are we...finally a couple? As in officially?" Helen asked coyly.

"What do you think?" he said, smirking while caressing her arms gently.

Helen smiled a bit. "I never had a boyfriend before..."

"Well...technically...you are officially my girlfriend now! And five years later, you will become my wife!" he said and kissed her lips passionately.

Helen loves the taste of his mouth inside hers.

While they were kissing, she thought about her decision thoroughly last night. She wanted to experience living on her own. She tore her lips from his mouth and looked at him in the eyes. "I Have no problem entering into a relationship with you. But since we're still not legally married yet, I need to find a place on my own," she said.

He raised a brow. "Huh? But why?" he asked in confusion.

"If we stay under one roof together we will keep having sex and you will get me pregnant and we will have another mouth to feed. When it comes to money matters, we're broke. Why don't we earn and save money first? If I stay in the restaurant, I have free food there and I don't have to rent my board and lodging. So... do you get what I mean?" she said sporting a serious expression on her face.

Peter studied her face for a few minutes. "Fine, I'll agree to your staying in the free accommodation offered by the restaurant but on two conditions..." he said.

Her brows knitted together. "Huh? Why there must be a condition? Tell me what are they? I need to hear them first before agreeing..." she said.

"First, you can't entertain another suitor because you already had a boyfriend and that's me! Second, you can only stay in the restaurant for one month just to give you an experience of how it feels living on your own but after the month is over you must return here. I won't allow my soon-to-be wife to live far away from me. We can always stay together under one roof, you don't have to live far away from me," he said.

Helen pondered about his condition for a few minutes. "Okay fine...as you say so... only for one month then...I'll agree to your conditions," she said.

"Good girl!" Peter was elated that Helen agreed to all his conditions without fighting with him. He can't allow her to stay longer away from him. He feared that she might meet a rich man and that wealthy guy is far more good-looking than him and he will sweep Helen on her feet, then he will ultimately lose her to another guy. No! He can't allow that!

"So - I'll be leaving tomorrow then, is that okay with you?" she said.

"No! Not tomorrow! You can leave after three days, how about that?" he suggested.

"Okay, no problem," she replied.

Peter kissed her lips for a few seconds, left the bed, and entered the bathroom.

Helen left the room and went to her bedroom while Peter was inside the bathroom.

When Peter exited the bathroom, she was already gone. He took some clothes from the closet and donned them. He went downstairs and prepared their breakfast on the table.

When Helen went downstairs and joined him in the kitchen, the table was already set.

He looked at her lovingly. "Let's eat breakfast!" he said cheerfully.

Helen smiled and sat beside him. He planted a kiss on her forehead, she kissed him on the lips in return. They can't stop kissing each other.

The couple eats breakfast together, smiling at each other, their eyes spoke volumes of affection for each other.

After they finished breakfast, they cleaned the table and the kitchen, then went back upstairs to get ready to work.

A half-hour later, the couple finished dressing up for work and went downstairs.

Peter kissed Helen's lips before she can exit the door. "Take care of yourself and return home early," he said.

Helen smiled radiantly and hugged him tightly. "See you tonight," she said and walked towards the door.

Peter breathed deeply while he watched Helen exiting the door. He simply adores her.

He left the house and went to the store to start his daily routine.

Outside the compound.

Helen was walking on the sidewalk going to the restaurant which is just a few minutes away from Peter's store. She reached the restaurant before it opens its door to its first customer for the day.

Helen and the other waitresses served their customers merrily wearing a bright smile on their faces.

Hours went by.

Lunchtime comes, it's the heaviest time of the day...

And soon the afternoon passed by quickly.

Everyone is looking forward to going home after the restaurant closes its door for the night.

The restaurant finally shut its door and the workers left.

Helen was eager to go home to Peter. She exited the backdoor of the restaurant and left the gate, her eyes widened when she saw the person that is waiting for her outside.

It's Peter! He was wearing walking cargo shorts, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket.

She ran to his side. "Why are you here?" she smiled dazzlingly. "How long have you been waiting for me outside?" she asked, wondering why he waited patiently for her outside the restaurant after work.

Peter smiled and reached for her hand. "I've been waiting here for fifteen minutes already. I went to the grocery store and buy some stuff to pass my idle time," he said.

"Ah, okay. Next time you don't have to wait for me outside the restaurant," she reprimanded him.

"It's okay since I have nothing else to do after the store's closing time," he explained. He planted a kiss on her forehead. "Let's go home!" he said cheerfully. "I miss you so much already!" he added.

"Alright," Helen said. "I miss you too!" she replied with a sweet smile.

The couple walked on the sidewalk, holding hands, smiling at each other.

They finally reached the compound and the guard opened the small door for them to enter. They went straight to the house.

Inside the house.

Peter put the groceries in the cupboard and some in the fridge while Helen went upstairs to change her clothes.

After he was done in the kitchen he climbed the stairs and knocked at the door of Helen's room.

She opened the door and smiled at him. "Do you need something?" she asked.

"Let's watch a movie!" he suggested.

"Okay, just wait for me downstairs, I'm just going to brush my teeth," she said and went back inside her room.

Peter went downstairs, locked the doors, then power on the TV and ready the movie that they're going to watch tonight. He sat on the couch and waited for Helen to come down, smiling happily.

A few minutes later.

Helen went downstairs and sat beside Peter on the couch. He turned off the light in the living room and played the movie.

She looked at him. "What we're going to watch today? Another horror movie?" she asked.

"Yeah... it's kind of another horror movie...one of a kind!" he said grinning. "Just watch... you will like it for sure!"

The opening credits of the movie began to roll.

Twenty minutes into the movie, Helen finally understood that it's not a horror movie at all! It's a romance movie with plenty of steamy scenes!

Helen pinched his side. "It's a nice horror movie indeed!"

"It's enjoyable to watch, right?" he asked her, smirking naughtily.

Helen smiled. "Yeah...kind of..." she replied.

In the middle of the story, the lead characters were heavily making out in the bed.

Peter draped his hands on Helen's shoulder, caressing the skin on the back of her nape.

Helen swallowed the lump in her throat. The lead characters were already making full-blown sexual intercourse on the TV screen...

Peter claimed Helen's lips for a searing kiss as they were serenaded by the heavy groans and moans of the protagonist on the screen. Peter's hands were already exploring Helen's soft body parts.

"Let's go upstairs in my room and finish romancing each other there..." he suggested huskily in her ears.

"What? Do you want us to have sex? I don't want to get pregnant since you're not ready to marry me yet," she said apprehensively.

"Ah, don't worry about pregnancy. I already inquired from the pharmacy and bought pills that a woman can ingest after sex to avoid accidental pregnancy," he said.

"Are you sure?" she asked, a little doubtful.

"Yes, I'm sure 100%! Let's go to the pharmacy, it is open 24 hours so that the saleslady can explain to you how the pills work," he said.

Helen smiled. "No need! I trust you!" she replied.

Peter claimed her lips once more in a passionate kiss, then they engaged in a heavy make-out session, stroking and petting each other in front of the TV while the movie still playing in front of them and when the heat of their body is too much to bear, Peter turned off the TV, they went upstairs to his room to continue where they left off.

They made love again the second time around. Helen surrendered her virginity to Peter willingly that night, confident that she won't get pregnant.

The couple can't get enough of each other. They made love over and over again until its already 1:00 in the morning.

They sleep soundly in the bed - entangled in the sweet embrace of each other. Peter was satisfied and sated by their mind-blowing lovemaking. He was ecstatic when Helen completely surrendered herself to him, body and soul.

He was glad, he finally found the one!