Are You Happy?

The next day.

The lovely couple woke up to a beautiful day. They eat breakfast together, went to their rooms to take a shower, and get ready for work.

They were inspired, in love, and completely enamored with each other.

Peter kissed her lips. "Take care of yourself and go home early," he said. "I love you!"

"Okay, I'm going now. I love you too!" she beamed and exited the door going to the gate and disappeared outside.

Peter exited the house going to his store to start the day.

Meanwhile, on the busy sidewalk.

Helen was walking in the cemented pathway enjoying the early morning sunshine when suddenly...a car stopped beside her and the window was lowered down. The driver is no other than William, their store manager.

"Good morning, Sir!" Helen greeted the manager politely.

"Helen, get in the car! I will give you a lift!" he offered.

"No need, Sir! I like walking in the morning, great for exercise," she refused his offer politely.

"It's okay, I'm going on my way to the restaurant," he insisted refusing to go away.

Helen sighed and finally get in the back seat of the car.

William started the engine.

There were a few minutes of silence inside the moving vehicle.

William glanced at Helen in the rearview mirror. He finds Helen's beauty irresistible, he was greatly attracted by her charm. "How's your work in the restaurant so far?" he asked trying to strike a pleasant conversation with her.

Helen smiled. "So far so good, Sir! Everyone is friendly towards me and the customers are very nice," she replied.

"Great!" he said. "So - when are you going to stay in the free boarding house offered by the restaurant? It's free!" he inquired.

"Soon, Sir!" Helen replied.

"Wonderful! You don't have to walk daily anymore when reporting to work every day," he stated the obvious.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to staying there one of these days..." she responded.

"If you encounter any problem in the boarding house, you can report to me anytime," he said trying to give her a hint that from now on she can expect special treatment from him and he intends to bring their employee and worker relationship to another level.

"Thank you, Sir!" Helen said.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived in the restaurant just in time before the store opens.

The employees' eyes widened in surprise after seeing Helen exiting their store manager's vehicle.

Jessa quickly went to Helen's side. "Wow! It's the first time that our store manager allowed a worker to board his car! You're so lucky, girl!" she commented casually. "Sir William is single, rich, handsome, and available!" she added, giggling.

Helen blushed. "Hey, stop teasing me! Others might hear us and they will think that I have a crush on Sir William!" she scolded her co-worker.

Jessa smiled. "Alright, I'll stop teasing you...but I'm sure...something is going on in Sir William's mind when he allowed you to board inside his car," she said, hinting at something, then shut her mouth.

"Let's get inside the store!" Helen said.

"Okie Dokie!" Jessa responded.

The two women entered the store through the backdoor and get ready for the store opening, while the other female employee was gossiping about Helen behind her back.

The first customer entered the restaurant which is a regular patron of the establishment, Helen greeted him politely and smiled brightly while taking his order.

More customers entered the restaurant for their breakfast.

The morning passed swiftly...

Lunchtime comes and customers come and go.

The waitresses were able to rest for a while when the clock finally strikes at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Jessa went to Helen's side and whispered something in her ears. "Look...Sir William was looking at you!" she said.

Helen looked at their store manager's location, but he was looking outside. "You are lying..." she said.

Jessa smiled. "He was looking at you directly before you look over your shoulder and gaze at him. I saw it!" she insisted.

Helen released a deep sigh. "I don't care...maybe he was just looking at another object behind me. Jessa, please stop teasing me about Sir William! I feel uncomfortable about it," she requested.

"Okay...fine," Jessa smiled in amusement. "I think Sir William has a crush on you!" she added before she pursed her mouth.

Helen shrugged. If Jessa is telling the truth and their store manager is planning to court her one day, she will tell him that she already had a boyfriend so that he will stop pursuing her.

Hours went by.

Evening comes.

The store was finally closing its door after the last customer exited.

The workers who are not stay-in in the boarding house went home including Helen, she was a bit disappointed after she didn't see Peter outside. She looked for him everywhere, she can't find him, she gives up.

She starts walking home alone...

Peter was just playing a prank on her, hiding nearby, he stepped on her way. "Looking for me, Miss Beautiful?" he said, grinning.

Helen's face erupted into a dazzling smile. "I thought you're not going to fetch me today," she said looking into his eyes.

"How can I not fetch you? I miss you already! Let's go home!" he said and reached for her hand and intertwined it with his right hand.

The couple strolled on the sidewalk, holding hands while walking in the cemented pathway, whispering sweet nothings to each other. Sometimes they would burst out laughing, enjoying their private conversation, oblivious to the people looking at them.

They are so preoccupied with one another that they didn't notice the car trailing behind them.

William was driving his car slowly behind them, looking at the lovey-dovey couple, getting jealous of their sweetness. Not wanting to see them anymore, he drove his car fast them and go home straight.

Helen saw William's car passed on them, she ignored him and kept what she saw to herself.

A few minutes later.

The couple finally reached the PW Industrial Store compound. They entered the small door of the gate and went straight towards the house.

They didn't notice the guy wearing a baseball cap and black jacket waiting outside the compound, spying and looking at the couple while they entered the gate and disappeared inside. He typed something on his phone and sent his message to someone.

Another guy was standing a few meters away from the first guy, looking at the other guy. He grabbed his phone from the pocket of his pants and typed a message rapidly then tap send.

The first guy left the area, the second guy did the same, they went in a different direction going home.


Inside the PW compound.

Helen and Peter were cuddling on the couch while watching TV.

"How's work?" Peter asked while caressing her arms.

"Fine as usual," she replied. She decided not to tell him about their store manager who gives her a lift that morning going to the restaurant because she thinks it's not an important issue, to begin with. "How about you? How's your day in the store?" she asked.

"Everything went well, sometimes busy... sometimes not...just the usual day," he replied.

They watched TV for one hour, then retired for the night.

Peter insisted that Helen will sleep in his room and she obliged him.

They cuddled in Peter's bed, hugging each other under the bedsheet.

Peter was thinking about tomorrow, it will be the last night they will be together under one roof because the next day, Helen will start staying in the free boarding house offered by the restaurant. "I'm going to miss you terribly if you're no longer staying here with me," he said sadly.

Helen looked at his gloomy face and caress his face. "Don't be sad...I'll be gone for only one month and after that, we will be together again for the rest of our lives," she said trying to cheer him up.

"I'm going to see you after working hours, when the restaurant closed for the night, I will wait for you outside," he said.

"Okay, after the store's closing time, I will see you outside. But if you're feeling tired, you don't have to see me in the restaurant, just text me that you can't come, okay?" Helen said, wanting to tell him that it's not necessary to go to the restaurant every day just to see her.

"Okay, sweetie!" he said. He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Helen smiled. "Why sweetie?" she asked, amused by the endearment he had chosen for her.

"Because you are so sweet like honey," he said, grinning. "From now on I will call you my sweetie pie," he said and pinched her nose playfully.

"I will also call you, Pet, from now on!" she said, grinning.

"Why in short for Peter?" he asked in confusion.

"No, not that...because you are like my adorable Pet!" she said, giggling mischievously.

Peter's mouth twitched in displeasure. "Don't call me Pet, I'm not a dog or animal! Just call me sweetie or honey!" he ordered, pouting.

"Okay, fine. I'll call you honey from now on," she responded with a giggle.

"That's so much better..." he said and beamed brightly, hugging her lovingly like a baby.


"Yes...sweetie pie...what is it?"

Helen burst into a peal of laughter.

Peter was confused why she erupted into peals of laughter. "Why are you laughing? What's funny, sweetie pie?" he asked.

Helen continues giggling. "Nothing...I'm just practicing calling you honey... I find your endearment a bit amusing," she explained.

"It's okay, you're just not used to it. I'm your first boyfriend and will be your last, you'll get used to my endearment as days goes by..." he said.

"Okay, honey..." she replied lovingly while looking deeply into his eyes.

Peter claimed her lips for a searing kiss.

They kissed each other passionately for a few minutes.

They continue to cuddle and laughed at each other's silly jokes the whole night.

Peter looked at her. "Are you happy with me? With us?" he asked wanting to know what she thinks of their relationship so far.

Helen nodded her head. "Yes! I'm very happy with our relationship! You are just my perfect type of boyfriend... sweet, caring, and romantic. I don't want anyone only you!" she said thoughtfully.

Peter's heart was gripped with overwhelming happiness after hearing what she thinks of him. He hugged her lovingly, possessively as if tomorrow never comes.

It was already past 10:00 in the evening when they started to feel sleepy.

The couple finally succumbed to sleep fifteen minutes later, cuddling each other in bed.