Earth Shattering

The following day.

The couple woke up in the morning at the same time. Helen went to her room to use the bathroom. They met downstairs at the kitchen table to eat breakfast.

"What we have for breakfast?" Peter asked.

Helen pondered for a moment. "Ah! Let's cook scrambled eggs!" she suggested.

"Why not? If you're the one to cook it!" Peter said and settled on the chair.

"Alright, I'll do it!" she replied eagerly.

Peter sits back and relaxes watching his lady love do the cooking.

She took four eggs from the fridge, including spring onions, tomatoes, she began slicing them on the chopping board. Then she beat the eggs... power on the electric stove, put the frying pan, add some cooking oil, then put in the onions and tomatoes... she stirred the ingredients using the ladle and lastly added the beaten egg, then sprinkle some seasoning and salt to achieve the perfect taste.

A few minutes later.

The egg dish was already cooked, Helen transferred the dish into the serving plate and sat on the chair beside Peter. "Let's eat breakfast, honey pie!" she said.

"Wow, it looks delicious!" Peter said and put some scrambled eggs into the sliced bread that he prepared on the plate. He took a big bite and chewed on the food. "So nice, it tastes delicious! You're a good cook, sweetie pie!" he roared and gave her a thumb up.

Helen smiled. "It's just a simple dish, anyone can prepare and cook this type of dish!" she stated.

The couple enjoyed their delicious breakfast consisted of sliced bread, scrambled egg, and a hot mug of cocoa added with milk.

After they finished eating, Helen washed the dishes in the sink while Peter cleaned the table.

Fifteen minutes later, they finished in the kitchen and went upstairs to take a shower, dress up, and get ready for work.

Half an hour later, they met downstairs and embraced each other.

"I'm leaving now," she said.

"Okay, you take care of yourself," he said.

They kissed on the lips for a few seconds.

"I love you, sweetie pie!" Peter said.

Helen replied and smiled. "I love you too, honey pie!"

"Go now or else I'll bring you to my room and ravaged you!" he grinned naughtily.

Helen giggled, she walked towards the door and exited followed by him.

Peter watched Helen exiting the small gate, he went on his way to the backdoor of the store to start his day.

Meanwhile, outside.

Helen was walking on the sidewalk and didn't notice William's car a few meters away, trailing her.

William stopped the car and lowered the window. "Helen, get inside the car, I'll give you a lift to the restaurant," he offered.

Helen looked at him in complete surprise. "Good morning, Sir!" she greeted the store manager politely. "No need to give me a lift, Sir! I love walking!" she refused his hospitality trying to avoid the gossip circulating at her workplace. She keeps moving but William's car keeps following her.

"Common, ride with me to the restaurant!" he said not accepting her refusal to get inside his car.

Helen noticed that he was a little bit pissed. "Okay, I'll get inside your car now," she finally relented.

William stopped the car and Helen went inside the vehicle.

A few minutes later.

The silence inside the car is deafening.

William glanced at Helen's face in the rearview mirror. "Why you don't like boarding my car? You don't like my car or me?" he asked trying to get to the bottom of her reluctance to take a lift from him.

"No, it's not that I don't like your car, Sir. I'm just trying to avoid making other employees gossiping about us," she finally revealed the reason why.

William smiled. "Ah, I see...that's the reason why...don't mind those gossipers...they're just jealous!" he said.

Helen released a deep sigh.

William raised a brow. "Are you bothered by those gossipmongers? Don't be affected by them, I'm just giving you a lift, nothing wrong with that," he said trying to convince her not to pay attention to other people's opinions.

Helen shrugged. "OK," she replied quickly so that he will drop the subject.

A few minutes later.

They finally arrived at the restaurant.

Several workers saw Helen exiting the store manager's vehicle, again! For the second time in a row!

Helen ignored their raised brows and whispering behind her back. She entered the gate and trudged on the path leading to the backdoor of the restaurant.

It's another day for Helen at work, her third day working in the seafood restaurant. So far so good, only if the store manager will stop giving her a lift in the morning, everything would be perfect. She doesn't like riding the bus since the restaurant was just a walking distance from Peter's place.

Then she remembered that starting tomorrow she will begin to stay in the board and lodging accommodation offered freely by the restaurant to their employees. Nice! No more lift from the store manager's car. Problem solved!

During the afternoon, the rain poured into the street.

It's raining heavily outside, there are not many customers coming to the restaurant.

Hours went by.

Evening comes, the rain was still pouring outside the restaurant, but not as heavy compared in the early afternoon.

When the restaurant closed its door, Peter was already waiting for Helen outside the store holding an umbrella in his right hand.


William was already inside his car about to offer a lift to Helen but saw her boyfriend waiting patiently outside...dammit! He uttered profanities under his breath. He saw Helen rushed to her boyfriend's side and then they left the store.

The guy wrapped his arms around Helen's sweet! He should be the one doing that to Helen! William was annoyed.

He sighed heavily...he should do something to separate Helen from her boyfriend!

And right now he knows exactly what to do!

Pissed... he drove his car going home.

Meanwhile, the couple was nearly drenched in the rainwater but they just shake it off and continue walking until they reached the compound.

They entered the small gate and sprinted towards the door of the house, laughing like children.

The couple entered the door, locked it from the inside, and rushed towards the stairs.

A moment later, they ended up in Peter's bedroom, looking at each other intensely as desire was rising in their belly...Peter claimed Helen's lips hungrily... their lips locked in a duel while their hands were busy fondling and stroking their body parts.

Peter began petting Helen's twin breast and put one inside his mouth sucking it greedily.

Helen moaned. "Peterrrr...ahhhh..."

Their bodies were already overtaken with heavy desire... so strong that they ended up discarding the rest of their clothes in no time, their bodies were already burning with a feverish passion...Peter straddled Helen's naked form and inserted his hardened rod inside her wet core...thrusting inside her repeatedly in wild abandon.

"Ahhh...ohhhh..." Helen's mouth formed in ecstasy.

" nice... you're so tight and so silky..." Peter groaned and panted as sweats gathered on his forehead.

"Fasterrr...hon!" Helen requested.

Peter pounded her silky mound with his metal rod nonstop...and finally...

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." Helen's body clenched as she reached her mind-blowing climax followed by Peter.

The couple savored the last remaining few minutes of their earth-shattering climax on top of another.

Finally...their quick journey to cloud 9 ended back on earth.

Peter kissed her lips. "Did you enjoy our lovemaking today?"

Helen smiled and giggled. " much!" she answered.

"Let's try again for round 2?" he suggested.

"Later....let me rest a bit..." she responded.

"Okay, rest for a while, later we will try the butterfly position," he said, winking at her.

"Huh? What kind of position is that?" she asked curiously.

"Hmm...actually, there are many positions to try and explore...there's doggy style, elephant style...butterfly position and rodeo mechanical bull position which are both satisfying..." he suggested.

Helen erupted into peals of laughter. "Damn! I never know there are so many types of position!" she exclaimed in amusement.

Peter grinned naughtily. "Sweetie pie...when it comes to lovemaking, people are very creative...they invent and create new positions all the time... when it comes to pleasuring each other, the sky is the limit and everything goes..." he said.

Helen giggled. "Let me rest first, then let's try the other position later," she agreed. After some time she asked him. "How many women you have sex with?" she asked.

"Five total..." comes his honest answer.

"Whaaaaat-?" Helen's eyes widened in shock. "But why so many?" she pouted.

Peter sighed. "It all happened in my college days. Some girls are open-minded when it comes to this kind of thing...I'm not saying all. Maybe I just met the typed of carefree girls, they love having fun with boys exploring their physical bodies without strings attached," he explained.

Helen's mouth grimaced. "I never know you are a womanizing type!" she said indignantly.

Peter looked at the annoyed expression on her face, then he smiled. "Sweetie...don't be angry and feel jealous with those girls, they are my past. Remember that you are my present, my future, and my forever!" he said with a serious face.

Helen pouted.

Peter sighed. "If we meet early, I will never find another woman, I'll stick with you forever. Besides they are just my flings I have no serious relationship with them, just purely physical," he elaborated further.

Helen continues grimacing, she can't understand why she suddenly feels jealous of those girls. They already belong to his past!

Peter embraced her, claimed her lips for a passionate kiss, and fondled and stroke her twin peaks to bring her back to the right track. "Let's try the rodeo mechanical bull's so pleasurable!" he suggested.

Helen relented and followed his instruction. Peter gets behind her rear and starts thrusting slower then deeper and fasterrr inside her.

Helen's eyes dilated in ecstasy. " Ahhh...ohhhh...soooo... niceeee...I love it..." she moaned in succession.

Peter continues thrusting into her rear repeatedly until he reached his climax followed by Helen.

They rested for a while.

The couple was able to try another pleasurable position before they finally retire for the night, fully sated and physically tired, but 100% satisfied with their earth-shattering lovemaking.