Once Tasted Always Wanted

The following day.

The couple was eating cereal and bananas for breakfast.

"Where is your bag? Is it ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, just one bag is all I need, besides I don't need many clothes because I wore the restaurant uniform daily for work," she said. "I left the rest in the closet. I only bring with me the important ones," she added.

"Good. Just leave them to me. Tonight when the store is already closed I will bring your bag to the restaurant," he said.

"Okay," Helen replied while sipping her hot cocoa.

A half-hour later, they're already in the bathroom of their rooms taking showers, to get ready to work.

Before they exited the house they shared a quick kiss on the lips.

"Take care on your way to work," he said.

"Yes, I will!" Helen said. She went to the door and exited.

Peter went to his store to open it.


Helen was walking on the sidewalk, looking left and right, thinking that William's car will appear anytime to give her a lift, thankfully it didn't happen.

"Thank goodness, Sir William stopped pestering me this time," she murmured and breathed deeply as huge relief washed over her.

She continues walking on the sidewalk enjoying the early sunshine along with the other people heading to their work.

When she reached the restaurant, the store manager's car was already outside the gate beside the establishment. She proceeds to enter the gate and went to the employees' locker room.

Fifteen minutes later, the restaurant was officially opened for the day.

Customers come and go throughout the morning.

During lunch break with Jessa.

Helen asked for the key from her.

"When you will start sleeping in the room?" Jessa asked.

"Tonight," she replied.

"Okay," Jessa handed her the key to the room.

"Thanks!" Helen said.

After eating, there's still a few minutes left to their break time, so she went to the room and sweep the floor, dusted all the surfaces with rags. Since the room is small she finished cleaning it in just a few minutes.

Lunch break time is finally over, she and Jessa went back to the restaurant to serve customers the whole afternoon.

The weather outside was hot and humid.

Hours went by.

Evening comes and soon it's closing time. After the employees left the restaurant Helen exited the gate and looked for Peter outside.

She saw him standing nearby with her bag, smiling at her. She ran to his side and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Is my bag heavy?" she asked.

"No, I ride the delivery van to bring your bag here and the driver went back to the compound with the van," he replied.

Helen took the bag from him. "Let me carry the bag inside to my room and I will come back to you for a chitchat," she said.

"No, the bag is heavy. Let me ask the guard if I can bring the bag to your room for a few seconds then I'll take my leave," he offered.

"Okay," Helen replied.

They went to the guard.

"Guard, can my boyfriend bring my bag to my room, just for a few seconds because it's a bit heavy? Just a few minutes...please!" she asked permission first.

"Okay," the guard responded.

Helen and Peter entered the gate and proceed to the boarding house. They reached the room and Peter put Helen's bag on the floor.

"The room is very small," he commented.

"Yeah, just enough for one person. But it's fine for me," she said. "Let's go outside now, I don't want the guard to get mad because this boarding house is off-limits to the outsiders," she said.

"Okay, let's go..." Peter replied and they exited the building.

The couple walked on the sidewalk and sat down on the elevated pavement.

"What do you think of my free boarding house?" she asked his opinion.

"The room is small but the area is clean," he described what he observed inside. "Just always locked the door when you got to sleep at night since the men's dorm is right next to the women's dorm," he warned her.

"Okay, I will!" she said.

They talked for half an hour, then Peter finally bid Helen goodbye.

"I'll come here tomorrow to check on you," he said. Concern and love for her glowed brightly in his eyes.

"Okay, I'll wait for you tomorrow night," she said. "Bye..."

"I love you!" he said and kissed her forehead gently.

"I love you too!" she replied sweetly.

"Okay, you may go back inside now. I'll take my leave so that you can arrange your stuff in your cabinet," he said and walked away going back to the direction of the PW compound.

Helen waited outside until she can no longer see Peter's back before she entered the gate and went inside her room.

She unzips the bag and puts everything in the bed, she fitted the bed sheet around the thin mattress and arranged her clothes in the cabinet.

Half an hour later, she was done putting everything in the right place.

She went outside carrying a glass, toothpaste, and toothbrush and went to the sink located in the laundry room to brush her teeth.

She found the other waitress doing laundry and brushing their teeth, they all smiled at her. "Welcome to the boarding house!" they said cheerfully in chorus.

Helen smiled brightly. "Thank you for welcoming me, girls! Very much appreciated by me," she said.

The others left the room and she was the only one left inside the laundry room. She began brushing her teeth.

A few minutes later, several male workers entered the laundry room, she exited quickly and went back to her room.

Once she was already inside the room, she lay down on the bed and tried to relax, staring at the ceiling.

This will be her first time sleeping inside this room. She hoped she can sleep early. Her room in peter's house is three times bigger than this and has its bathroom.

Sighing, she turned off the light and closed her eyes preparing to sleep.

Helen had fallen asleep at 9:00 and got woken up suddenly at 1:00 am due to an earthquake... but when she listened carefully it's not due to an earthquake at all... she flattened her ears on the wall listening to the squeaking of bed and voices like moaning coming from the other room next to hers. A man was grunting and panting and a woman's voice was moaning...

OMG! There people having sexual intercourse in the next room!

Her eyes widened...she thought the ladies' rooms are off-limits to men?

Why does something like this was allowed to happen?

She sits upright and was about to knock the wall to inform the lovers that she knew what they're doing but she thinks that it's kind of rude that she will interrupt their activity, they might get mad at her and she will earn an enemy in the restaurant due to her interruption.

She took a deep breath and went back to bed. She was trying to block their loud activity by pressing the blanket to her ears.

A few minutes later there was silence and no more grunting and panting and moaning, the bed was no longer creaking.

She blew an air feeling relieved that they already stopped their sexual activity.

Suddenly another creaking of bed can be heard - this time coming from the next room on the left side, the previous was from the right side, then loud sexual noise activity can be heard from that location, there was grunting and panting together with a woman's voice moaning in ecstasy.

She sits upright again.


She was in the middle of two rooms where two sexually active ladies have been romping with their boyfriends, they can't be outsiders! Which means they may be the cook and the other male workers?

Helen rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. She lay down on the bed, shut her eyes, and went back to sleep. It was already 3:00 am when both rooms went silent and she finally has her sleep.

She didn't know what time the men departed from the ladies' room because when she wakes up at 6:30 in the morning, the men were already gone, only the ladies remained in their rooms.

Helen saw the women's faces and they smiled at her pretending that they didn't do anything malicious last night.

She kept to herself afraid to make an enemy out of them. They're old workers and she is new to the place, she can avoid trouble by ignoring other people's affairs and just focusing on her own.

When Helen was eating breakfast with Jessa she can't help but ask her about last night.

"Jessa, is it allowed for the women to invite their boyfriends to their rooms and engaged in sex in the middle of the night?" she asked curiously.

Jessa shook her head. "That is prohibited here, if the management knows about it, those people will surely be fired from their jobs!" she answered.

"But why they are still doing it?" she asked.

"Because, sex is pleasurable, once you tasted it you always wanted it. Don't tell me you're still a virgin? I and my boyfriend do it all the time in the motel outside, not here," Jessa replied.

Helen blushed after hearing Jessa's statement.

"Just ignore them and try your best to keep your mouth shut, that is the best way to stay away from trouble," Jessa gave her a piece of advice.

Helen nods her head and sighed deeply. "Okay, I'll remember your words," she said. If those girls do it just once a week then that would be fine with her, but not every night or every other night. She can't get proper sleep at all if their rendezvous keeps happening frequently.

A few minutes later, the two women finished eating breakfast. After washing their plates, they brushed their teeth and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

One hour later.

Jessa and Helen were already serving customers inside the seafood restaurant.

At 3:00 in the afternoon, William asked Helen to come to his office.

Helen lowered herself on the seat facing the desk and looked at the store manager, waiting for further instruction.

William looked at Helen's pretty face thoughtfully, hypnotized by her beauty. "Helen...do you know why you're here in my office?"

Helen shook her head. "No, Sir," she replied.

"I noticed that you are very good at handling customers. I want to transfer you to our other branch located in another city, just a two hours drive from here. They also offer free meals and accommodation there and the salary is a bit higher compared to your current one, there's also a day off once a week," William elaborated further.

Helen was speechless.

William smiled while observing her expression. It would be hard to resist the higher salary he offered to her, he was sure Helen would accept his offer. And once Helen is already far away from her boyfriend it would be easier to tear them apart from each other. He would take advantage of their distance and then woo her, if she is determined to avoid him and resist his advances, they are many ways he can make her surrender to him and forget her boyfriend.

He looked at the cabinet on the right side, there's a hidden drug in there, handy for him. He was thinking of drugging Helen and forcing himself on her if she will continue giving him a hard time. That was his plan! But first - taking Helen away from this place and away from her boyfriend is his first mission.

The rest is easy peasy.

Helen cough a little. "Sir, I don't want to work in another city. I just want to stay and continue working here in the restaurant. I'm sorry I can't accept your offer," she refused politely.

William's face darkened instantly. "But why? Other people would jump with joy to be presented with such opportunity!" he stated.

Helen sighed. "I'm sorry Sir, I'm not leaving this place," she said adamantly. "If there is nothing else, Sir. I would like to take my leave now..." she said.

William sighed. "Okay, you may go now..." he finally said gritting his teeth in anger.

Helen exited the room.

William was left alone in his office seething with anger, his eyes darkened.

His eyes narrowed in concentration.

"Well...Helen my dear... you ask for it! I guess it's now time for Plan B!" he murmured and smiled wickedly.