My Toys

Kristy, Jake, and Helen were eating lunch together in the dining room. Douglas was out of the house on a business meeting in another town.

Jake and Helen were seated beside each other.

Kristy was sitting across the table admiring the lovely couple. Honestly, Helen was treating her son like a friend and Jake treats Helen the same. They're civil to each other.

There's no romance in the air yet, too soon for that. Two months is not enough to develop the romance between the couple, but that is the limit of Helen's stay on the farm.

She has to hurry up!

Kristy looked at her son. "Jake, did Alfie told you that we're going swimming in the pool today with Helen?" she asked.

Jake turned his head towards his mother's voice. "Yes, Mom. I'm looking forward to swimming in the pool with you girls," he said.

"Great!" Kristy said and smiled at the beautiful woman sitting beside her son.

They resumed eating in comfortable silence.

And retired to their rooms after lunch was over.