What The Hell!?

Peter and Allan were discussing store matters in the living room when Debra joined them.

"Hi guys, I'm done packing my things!" she told them in a vibrant voice.

Peter looked at his new housemate, she's now wearing skimpy shorts, he sighed inwardly.

"Sis, since you're already done packing and settled smoothly in your temporary boarding house, I'll take my leave now," Allan said.

"Ok, bro!" Debrah replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Allan said.

"Yep!" Debrah nods her head.

Allan glanced at his kind employer. "I'll take my leave now, Sir. Thank you once again for allowing my sister to live temporarily in your house, it means so much to me," he said with heartfelt gratitude shining in his eyes.

Peter smiled. "Don't mention it. Rest assured that your sister is safe here inside my house," he assured him.

"Thank you, Sir! I'm going now," Allan said and walked out of the door.

Debra followed her brother outside.