2. Yamato Switch Part 1

In the meantime, went we arrive at the Sakura dorm and Tamura, Morita, Harada and Yamato are reach to the dorm and he park near the exit and Yamasaki see her Oniichan with them and she hug him while others saw that Yamasaki Ten and Yamato is a completely different person and other ask them why did they have the same face as Yamasaki but the height is some different than him.

Yamato: Ten-chan you could rest and why are you resting

Yamasaki: I just want to see you

Yamato: you want to see me?

Yamasaki: I just miss you went you not around sometimes

Yamato: I can't talk to you here but we can talk in your room

Yamasaki: of course

While they went inside to the Sakura dorm and Tamura, Morita and Harada follow them and went they saw everyone inside the dorm and the captain of the Sakura Academy saw us doing here and she will get Yamato to kick out from the all-girl Academy school for good.

Sugai: Yamasaki why is your Brother doing here?

Yamasaki: he just wants to talk to me before he goes to the boy dorm right?

Yamato: yes what Ten-chan say

Sugai: okay you may have only 4 minutes to talk to her

Yamato: thank you

While Ten-chan and Yamato went inside her room and he close the door behind him and others can hear them talking from inside of her room.

Yamasaki: Oniichan what do you want to talk about?

Yamato: I just did something stupid today in front of Morita and Tamura with Harada

Yamasaki: what did you do?

Yamato: I did smash someone head with a bottle of glass

Yamasaki: did you get hurt?

Yamato: no I'm fine but the problem is Ten-chan I am the son of Osaka and I didn't want to lose you ever again I promise

Yamasaki: you won't lose me I guarantee

Yamato: okay I will right next block if you have something or anything you can come me okay

Yamasaki: okay Oniichan

When Yamato want to leave her room and he open the door and he saw that everyone the near Yamasaki room and they had to listen are we're conversation and what a rude thing to do and he just doesn't close her door and left the door wide open and he went downstairs to the exit and he arrives at the ground and starts his bike engine and he drove off to his boy dorm just next block to Sakura dorm.

Yamato POV.

I will take some revenge on my sister bully and mean to her and if want to take some fight I will do it for her and in front of her friend, I won't mind a single thing.

Back at the Sakura dorm, there have students who are still a bit confusing about Yamasaki Brother who get very serious about it little things just do anything for her to be saved and safe.

Tamura: Yamasaki are you feeling okay?

Yamasaki: yes I am

Morita: I'm sorry to listen both your conversation

Yamasaki: well you both apologise to him and not me

Sugai: did he okay?

Yamasaki: well sometimes he might do something dangerous or something stupid things on himself

Risa: like what?

Yamasaki: if you want to know all about my Brother I will tell you what is his problem and why he acting so overprotective to me

Flashback at when Yamasaki is middle school went she want to take the last bread at the cafeteria but someone is grab the last bread at the cafeteria and she say to them was.

Yamasaki: let me eat the last bread

Gang 1: you are a loser you can't eat the last bread get lost nerd

Gang 2: yea nerd oh my Gosh look she is crying like a baby

Out of a sudden, someone was running very fast like a bullet and he tackled both of them down on the floor and he help Yamasaki stand up and went she looked at his face it was Yamasaki Brother who had to save her from danger and suddenly, the middle school principal came and saw just the gang unconscious on the floor and he can't say who did to the delinquent student but Yamasaki's eye was torn up and she let her transfer into a different school and finally, Yamasaki found the place and she saw the Sakura Academy and went she go into the Academy she had no problem of bully her or danger she is safe and sound but the delinquent student from Yamasaki middle school friend had gone missing on 3 days later but went I return to the dorm at the Sakura and I saw a person just lying on the floor his eye close and went I take a closer look it was Yamasaki Brother who just collapsed on the ground with a lot of bruising on his body.

Yamasaki: that is my story of being overprotective Brother you have and now I want both of you to go to apologise to him

Tamura: okay I will but Morita and Risa with Kobayashi need to go too

Yamasaki: Morita, Kobayashi and Risa you have to go to him and apologise

Kobayashi: okay I will

Risa: fine I go too

Morita: once we apologise to him and what if he didn't want to apologise to us

Yamasaki: you need to plan B yourself

Tamura: what is a plan B?

Yamasaki: just listen to his story

Morita: wait that it?

Yamasaki: no Morita just go before he change is mind

While four of them went to Yamato boy dorm and they saw the living room light is turned on and they went inside and went they saw Yamato he was doing something at his laptop and he look up and saw Ten-chan friend is here at my living room boy dorm.

Yamato: what are you guys doing here?

Tamura: we here to apologise to you early in the school

Morita: yes and we are sorry

Kobayashi: I'm sorry that you are Yamasaki Brother and not Yamasaki

Risa: I just want to say this and I'm very sorry for you and what you did for her is not your fault

While Risa is talking like an adult and the three of them just looking at her with an exchange look on their face.

Morita: so did you forgive us?

Kobayashi: Risa you sound like an adult just talking to him?

Risa: Well thank you I learned from him myself

Tamura: you learned from Yamato?!

Risa: yes he did save my life from a strange too

Yamato: yes I did save her life and I will forgive you all but if you ever do that ever again I will show no mercy

Risa: did you remember went you save me

Yamato: of course, I remember and you may leave the dorm I need to do something on a class assignment

Tamura: sorry to disturb you

Yamato: it's okay now leave

In the meantime, we leave the boy dorm and they walk back to the Sakura dorm and reach the living room of Sakura student and Yamasaki smile at them and say thank you to apologise to her Oniichan on the rude on the early this morning in the classroom.

Meanwhile, Yamato is done is a class assignment and he turns the light off and he went out from the boy dorm and seek out the forest while Sakura student is getting ready to sleep but went other is trying to get their beauty sleep one of the Sakura students saw a figure is at the forest walking and went she look so close she can see that it was Yamasaki Brother who at the night forest alone.

Morita saw Yamato is seeking at the night forest alone by himself and I just follow him from behind and went she about to turn around and where he went she can't see anything but Morita wanted to return to the Sakura dorm and saw Yamato is covered with blood on his hand and she panicked but he washes his bloody hand with a little bit of magic and his hand completely turns into normal.

Morita: Yamato? did you kill someone out here?

Yamato: why did I kill someone

Morita: you scare me back then

Yamato: if you want to tell Ten-chan it's okay she know what am I doing every night in the forest alone by myself

Morita: what did you do?

Yamato: let me ask you a question and you can choose to change or answer my question

Morita: okay...

While Yamato walk forward to Morita and she walk backwards to the grass and later we are in front of the Sakura dorm but Kobayashi and Risa are outside the dorm were talking to each other while they saw Morita and Yamato is scare her each time.

Kobayashi: Yamato what are you still doing here?

Risa: yes and why Morita's face is scared of you

Yamato: you two shut up!!

Morita: please Yamato doesn't this do it is not you and I need the real you somewhere around

Yamato: the real me is gone and now I will start killing the bad guys with family or without family

Morita: please Yamato do it for Yamasaki

Yamato: SHUT UP!!!!! *shout*

Once inside Sakura dorm, everyone is awake up from the shouting outside the dorm and went everyone is out and Yamasaki look at her Brother with a scared look at him.

Yamasaki: Oniichan...are you okay?

Yamato: I...don't...know...what to do next?

Suddenly, Yamato just saw a vision of Takemoto Yui gets a hit from a car but he need to save her inside of his vision and the knee down and his eye is tearing up and Yamasaki went toward him and hug him and he cry on Ten-chan shoulder while everyone is helping them went inside to the Sakura dorm until the next morning.