3. Hit and Run

The next morning at the Sakura dorm there was Yamato were sleeping in Yamasaki room while we making his breakfast for him to eat and she go downstairs and see that other members are doing something with the 2nd gen and they were talking to them about last night and when Yamasaki brother act so crazy like a psycho person.

Yamasaki: Tamura you wake up so early in the morning

Tamura: of course but your brother is okay right?

Yamasaki: yes he is fine but he needs to rest because he tried and he didn't rest that why

Later another came to the living room and saw Tamura and Yamasaki were talking to each other and they were asking about Yamato acting so strange last night right before he burst into tears.

Morita: Yamasaki where is Yamato?

Yamasaki: he is sleeping in my room

Meanwhile, Yamato is wake up at his boy dorm and he went downstairs to the living room and get ready for his recuse Mission save Takemoto Yui from hitting the car and he runs to the driver for something bad is going to happen right in front of Takemoto's face.

In the meantime, back at the Sakura dorm went Sugai is knocking at Yamasaki room while she want to open the door and suddenly she didn't see Yamato anywhere in the room.

Sugai went downstairs to the living room and ask Yamasaki if her brother is not in the room and where did he go or he Seek out before we go to sleep.

Yuka: Yamasaki I can't see your brother anywhere inside the room

Yamasaki: what are you talking about?

Yuka: he is not inside your room?

When other and Yamasaki come and take a look that the room is empty and he is not inside the room and where did he go or where is he and why did he wake up at the Sakura dorm.

Yamasaki: Oniichan...

Takemoto: don't worry Yamasaki I will go find him

Yamasaki: you won't go alone by yourself

Takemoto: I can do it alone for myself

Yamasaki: okay but if you found him just call me

Takemoto: okay

When Takemoto went outside at the Sakura dorm and look for Yamato and she go to the street and look for him and where did he go.

Yamato POV.

I need to save Takemoto Yui from hitting the car and after that, I need to run after the car that he hit Takemoto Yui.

Out of nowhere, went Takemoto want to cross the road without looking at the traffic light and went the speeding car go straight for her but lucky Yamato push her away and he flew over the car and fell on the ground but the car stop and see who did he hit the person.

Driver: oh my god did I hit the son of Osaka and I need to get out from here now

Takemoto: what happened?

Suddenly, Yamato stands up and Takemoto can see that Yamasaki brother is injured but he can still stand up and look at the driver who hit him and he starts to drive off the road while Yamato get his ready up and follow him from behind and he wipes his blood and he looks at Takemoto with her shocking look on her face.

Takemoto: Yamato...are you okay?

Yamato: you better inform Ten-chan I will right back

When before Takemoto want to say something he just goes run with superspeed like just the speedster and he is off to follow the driver.

Takemoto: what the hell wrong with Yamasaki brother?

Right before she went to the Sakura dorm and look for Yamasaki and ask her what did happen to me and Yamato.

Yamasaki: Takemoto are you okay?

Takemoto: yes I'm fine but your brother may have had a car accident

Yamasaki: oh my god did he okay?

Takemoto: he is not okay but he is gone

Risa: what did you mean by gone?

Takemoto: he tries to follow the driver that hit him

Kobayashi: we need to follow him and I think he wants to kill the driver what he did to Takemoto

Yamasaki: relax I got his track on my phone

Matsuda: you put a tracker on his phone

Yamasaki: of course and we can't go there and meet him

Yumiko: why?

Yamasaki: because I know him and I know his personality so much because why I got this tv with me every time he went crazy

Yumiko: you were saying that we can watch on the tv where and why he was doing

Yamasaki: yes exactly

When the driver is parking at the building near the gangster factory and went the driver open the seat of the driver and went he look at around the building and he just saw one is standing there with cover his blood and he just start to run toward him and he screamed at him.

Driver: ah....!!!

Yamato: come here!!

Driver: please stay away from me

Meanwhile, the gangster came out from the factory and see that someone is making so much noise and one of the gangsters saw the son of Osaka is fighting the taxi driver who just hit him and now he want to payback time.

Gang 1: sir are you okay?

Yamato: I'm fine just tie him up at the chair and bring the sharpest objects for me to stab him, please

Gang 2: of course sir very well

When Yamato went inside the factory of the gangster and meet the son of Osaka and they bow to Yamato and he can say that the taxi driver is tied to the chair and his mouth have to tape on it.

Back at the Sakura dorm, we all saw that Yamato is trying to beat him with no mercy and ask him why did you just want to have him beat until he get what he need from his mouth.

Yamasaki: come on Oniichan you can do it

Matsuda: you cheer for your brother?

Yamasaki: of course

Risa: well he is cool went he do that

Everyone looking at Risa with a confusing look at her and while we turn back to the tv and saw that Yamato is seating at the chair faces him while other gangs try to clean the wound on his head and everywhere in the body that he tries to hit him with his car.

Kobayashi: Risa are you feeling okay?

Risa: I'm feeling fine

Yamasaki: just watch him what happened next

Matsuda: yea guys

Risa: sorry

Kobayashi: me too

While inside the gang factory and the taxi driver is still tied at the chair and Yamato stand up and the gang give a taser to him and taser his body until he talks to us.

Yamato taser his stomach and he feels the pain around his body and he opens his tape on his mouth and Yamato punch his face and he walks back and forth to get the answer if not they will beat him and get me to answer the son of Osaka.

Yamato: Do you still want to talk to us or not

Driver: please don't do this to me let go of me

Yamato: sorry wrong answer

Yamato pass the taser to the gang and let them handle it and while a few hours later we have a guest here who know the driver that loan some gang money and he give back the money but the driver forgets to return it to him us.

Kato: Kaito please just tell me that you borrow their money

Kaito: I can't tell them about it

Yamato: again the wrong answer beat him until he talk about the money

Gang 1: okay boss

Yamato and Kato went outside to have a chat while they beat him and after we were out at the factory building and he can see that his friend is trying to don't say anything about it.

Suddenly, the gang came outside and Yamato turn around and look at him and we all go to the driver and finally he speak and we listen to him.

Yamato: so you want to talk now

Kaito: yes and the money is somewhere at Nogizaka station

Yamato: who did you pass the money from

Kaito: you know the banana man MC

Yamato: yes I know him

Kaito: he got your money and he didn't spend the money and make sure he got your money in time and please let go

Yamato: gang let him go and Kato you may leave us

Kato: of course

While Kato and Kaito were leaving the factory building they went to the hospital for his friend to check him up and we have to take the money from him and make sure we need to go inside to make the pass for the crew or staff who is at the Nogizaka46 Idol Member.