9. Yamato Switch Part 2

Meanwhile, we go outside the studio and we saw that Yamato had switched back into himself but his face is fearless and he holding a sharp knife at his right hand and he just saw they were scared of him.

Yamato: why are you scared it's me Yamato

Yamasaki walk over to him and she want to put the knife down and talk to him but he stab the knife in his chest and he didn't feel anything pain or hurt himself.

Yamasaki: Oniichan are you okay?

Yamato: what...happened...to...me...?

Suddenly, he switch back to himself again and Yamasaki hug him and pull the knife out from his chest and he saw that he switch into the fearless and while we go inside but he push Yamasaki away and he started to evil laugh and everyone saw that real switch of him and he drop his knife but just run away from them and go to the tallest building of around Osaka and while he was there and he climbed at the rooftop and just look at the below of the ground.

Yamasaki: wait...Oniichan?

Risa: we must go after him

Morita: I want to stay here

Yamasaki: fine you're so scared of him why not you all stay here just Risa and I go after him

She was running after her brother and she look at the tallest building and she can see that Yamato is looking down at the ground and he just didn't get scared of heights.

Yamasaki: Oniichan you wait there I'm coming up

Risa: I stay here

Yamasaki: okay

While Yamasaki goes up and sees that Yamato is losing control himself and she can see that half has been back to normal and half is been evil.

Yamato: shut up!! let me go and I want to save people from hurting myself

Yamasaki: Oniichan you okay? I'm here to help you

Yamato: please help me I'm trying to control my mind but he doesn't want to be in control of other me

Yamasaki: please come with me and we settle this together

Suddenly, Yamato step forward to Yamasaki and she wants to hold his hand but the other him and turn around and throw his body to the ground and Yamasaki grabs his hand and didn't let go of him.

Yamato: please Tenchan don't let go of me I'm scared

Yamasaki: of course

Yamato: let go of me Tenchan let I die in peace

Yamasaki: no I won't let you go

Out of nowhere, Yamato was saying something to Tenchan and she had her tears up and he let go of her hand and she shouted at her Brother is looking at her while he was fell fast and Risa can see that Yamato is fell down of the rooftop and his other side of his and he went out and go to the space and die over there while Yamato doesn't have any switch personal inside his body but he crashes at the car and all of the glass is shattered around his body.

Risa: oh my god Yamato?

Yamasaki went down and see if Yamato is okay and need some help and while she went to the first floor and see that Risa is crying over Yamato body.

Yamasaki: Risa what happened?

Risa: Yamato...

She can't explain what happened to him but she push away her and saw that Yamato is gone and he bleed too much blood and we can't save him but Yamasaki is crying on her Brother body.

Out of a sudden, Yamato open his eye and saw that Risa and Yamasaki still crying over his dead body but he was still alive but no more the switched personality inside his body ever again.

Yamato: Tenchan...Risa why are you crying for?

They stop crying and just look at him and he opens his eye but how can he still be alive and we thought he can't make it from the fell at the rooftop that high.

Risa: how could you still be alive?

Yamasaki: yes what Risa say?

Yamato heal his wound and he stand up and lean against the smashed car and he still feels pain in his chest and we carry him over to the Sakura dorm and while other are waiting for him and right before we saw that Yamato on bad shape and they help him go and sit at the sofa cover with plastic.

Yamato: thank you

Yamasaki: let me clean your wound

Yamato: no please let me relax for a while

Yamasaki: okay

While Yamato sees that the 2nd gen and the 1st gen are getting worried about his injuries and he needs to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Risa: Yamato you okay now?

Yamato turn his head to Risa and he just nods and his head just resting on her left shoulder and while Yamasaki take some first aid kit and she looks at Risa's shoulder and she walks to them and asks her to clean his wound for me.

Yamasaki: Risa would you might clean for me

Risa: of course

Yamasaki goes seat next to Yamato and she can feel his pulse is getting good and his breathing is okay but his wound on his chest is all healed up and how did he heal himself.

A few hours later Yamato wake up and he saw all of the members sleep on the sofa and he freezes time and he healed all of his body and he go back to the normal time right before he is heal up and out of a sudden, he shouted out of a reason and other had to wake up and saw Yamato is shouting and holding his chest and he breathing so slowly just like slow motion.

Yamasaki: Oniichan are you okay?

Risa: Yamato what's wrong?

Morita: why he didn't say anything?

Yamato: I'm sorry Tenchan I have to go

Out of a sudden, Yamato is right in front of us and Yamasaki go after him but he goes outside the studio just flew into space and he just needs to think about his mind.

Yamasaki: wait...Oniichan!!

Risa: why did he fly into the sky?

Morita: did the switch come inside his body?

Touma: no he had discovered new power inside of his body

Kobayashi: Touma what are you doing here?

Touma: to help him oh yea I will right back too

Touma flew into the sky and they were shocked by seeing Touma fly in space and he will get back with Yamato.