10. Final Chapter

Meanwhile, back at the Sakura dorm while others can see that Touma is going to bring back Yamato and someone is worried about him and it was Kobayashi who had worried about him going into space.

Kobayashi: be careful

Yamasaki: don't worry Yui he will be fine

Kobayashi: you think so

They just agree and nod at her while we wait for them to return to the space and went Touma reaches the space and he can see that Yamato is floating but his eye was closed and he go rush toward him and give some oxygen for him.

Touma: Yamato...Yamato can you hear me?

Suddenly, Yamato open his eye and saw Touma was here and he give the extra oxygen for him to breathe but he let breathe for a while and they talk to each other but in the end, Touma didn't see what he said to him right before he cut his oxygen gas and he fell down into the earth fast and Touma catch him but his suit have some alert or emergency warning but he didn't know what to do next but just let him say his goodbye to his sister.

When we are waiting for them to reach here and Kobayashi can see someone is carrying him around his arm and he lands in front of us and Yamasaki look at her Brother and ask Touma.

Yamasaki: Touma what's wrong with Oniichan?

Touma: he just suffer himself and he cut his oxygen gas right before he say something to and to you

Yamasaki: what did he say?

Touma put down Yamato body at the ground and he whisper on Yamasaki's ear and he was saying to her was "I love you Tenchan and I always right inside your heart forever" and he step backwards and knee down on his body while she start to cry and Yamasaki hug Kobayashi while Touma looks at him and we all miss him already.

The past few months later we are going to see Touma and Kobayashi wedding day but later that evening there someone is ruining the wedding day but while Touma wants to check out who or what is he doing here.

Touma: Yui you wait here while I handle him

Kobayashi: be careful

Touma: I will

When Touma go and see him in person and went he step forward to see who is he and why is he doing here and ruin my wedding with Kobayashi but he suddenly saw his old friend Yamato and he is alive and healthy again and he can sense any switch personality inside of him again.

Yamato: hi bro miss me

Touma: wait...how did you manage to live?

Yamato: while you leave my body at somewhere the graveyard and I have still oxygen left when I cut those things

Touma: you mean you did cut the oxygen

Yamato: nope I don't and by the way, congratulations to both of you and I'm leaving bye

He was wearing a black hat and hoodie with jeans and boots and he walk to his motorbike and start his engine and off he go somewhere to meet his sister at the Sakura when he was leaving them.

Later Touma went back to the wedding and Kobayashi saw his face like look saw a ghost on his face.

Kobayashi: Touma are you okay?

Touma: I'm fine but you didn't believe who come here to see us

Kobayashi: who it is?

Touma: it is Yamato

Kobayashi: wait how come he is alive?

Touma: I know but he says that he is leaving

Kobayashi: where did he go?

Touma: I don't know but I know we need to go after him

Kobayashi: sure what about the wedding cake?

Touma asks the guest to eat the wedding cake while we go to the Touma car and drive to the Sakura studio and meet Yamato over there with others.

While Touma and Kobayashi are on this way to the Sakura studio and they can see that Yamato motorbike was parked here but the person is not here yet.

Touma: huh? Where did he go?

Out of nowhere, Yamasaki Ten and Morita Hikaru see that Kobayashi Yui still wearing her wedding dress and she go to the dressing room and go change into normal clothes while she was back there and everyone can see that Touma wear a suit but Kobayashi wear her clothes back.

Yamasaki: Touma? Kobayashi? Where are you doing here?

Touma: sorry but have you seen your brother?

Suddenly, Yamasaki shouts at him and says that Oniichan is dead but he actually is not dead but he is standing right over here and in invisible mode.

Touma: no he is right over here with us

Yamasaki: okay if he over here and shout his name

Touma: fine if you some proof I will give you prove

Kobayashi: Touma calm down

Touma: please Yui let me do this

Kobayashi: okay

In the meantime, Touma is shouting his name and suddenly he appears right in front of Yamasaki and she fell down and saw that her Brother is wearing all black colour and she just speechless seeing him again.

Yamato: really Touma?

Touma: what? What did I do?

Yamato: well she is now speechless now I'm leaving

He walks past Tenchan and he starts his motorbike and went he wants to off and he can feel someone is hugging him from behind his back and Yamato pull up his helmet and see the mirror and saw Tenchan hugs him.

Yamasaki: don't go Oniichan!!

Yamato turns around his body and breaks their hug and everyone can see that they are right back reunion with her again.

Yamato: I won't go and if you want to follow me you can

Yamasaki: you think so

Yamato: come on Tenchan let go for a trip and I need to get going to a Mission with others are waiting for us

Yamasaki: wait you were saying that I also going to see you on your Mission

Yamato: yup that right are you ready

Yamasaki: I'm ready and later guys

Touma: good luck and don't die this time

Yamato: I won't I promise later Yui I promise I will bring Tenchan safety

Kobayashi: okay and Tenchan have fun with your Brother

Yamasaki: I will let go Oniichan

They go and leave with Yamato motorbike and we saw that Yamasaki is waving at us and she hug him and they are off on a new journey together as brother and sister.