Fake Fiancee

"What, he went to the hospital? Is he insane? What did he tell her?"James Thomson asked in an angry voice.

                  Peter Carter informed him about his grandfather's visit to the hospital after his meeting with some investor. They knew that Mr, Gerard Thomson would take some action on this matter, but they never thought that he will visit Jula that early.

"I could not gather that information, but my informer told me that he seems very angry when he was leaving the hospital."Peter Carter informed.

"That means that my fake fiancee is doing just the right thing."James Thomson said in a calm voice.

"But boss, what if Mr. Thomson does something bad to that lady? She is totally innocent."Peter Carter said in a worried tone. James Thomson looked at Peter Carter thoughtfully. 

"Peter, what you said is not baseless at all. I ...... I should be more careful from now on. My grandfather is not an easygoing man after all. Yesterday when I was at the bar, I noticed his assistant was following me. That's why I returned to the hospital last night. I thought that he would let me go if he knows about some other woman in my life. But I did not think that he would go to the hospital directly."James Thomson said in a serious tone.

"Boss, now what to do? It is not easy to resist the Chairman if he really up to something."Peter Carter said in a low tone.

"Peter, I won't let him do any harm to that lady. At least we should protect her until she regains her memory."

"Boss, I think we should shift her from the hospital to a safer place."

"Hmm. We should do that. Find a place for her and shift her today itself. Discuss this with the doctors. We can hire a nurse for her. What about her family? Have you got anything? How is your investigation going on? "Have you got any clue about her identity?"

"No, boss. We have not got anything till now.No one reported anyone missing in the last 48 hours. I think we have to wait for a few days more."Peter carted reported.

"Is not it strange? How no one can report about her? She must have someone, who is searching for her somewhere."James Thomas said thoughtfully.

"I am thinking the same thing. What if she is a criminal or something like that? What if she was hiding here from the police and gets hit by your car? We don't know her real identity."Peter Carter asked in a worried voice.

"You are really a fool. How did you get the job? Did you bribe the management? If she was hiding from the police, did not the police inform your people about that when they were asking about a woman? There would be a ruckus in the city by now."

"Oh. I am sorry boss. I did not think that."Peter Carter said with a smile.

"Ok. Now don't smile like a fool. I am leaving. You just take care of these things."James Thomson said and got up to go.

"Boss, where are you going?"

"I have to meet the old man."James Thomson replied and opened the door to go, but stopped to hear Peter's voice.

"Boss, have you changed your house's password?"

"No, why?"

"Boss, I .....I think your place is the safest place for the lady in the hospital."Peter Carter said with a mysterious smile. James Thomson shocked to hear him.

"What! What did you just say?"

"Boss, please think over it. Chairman is not a simple man, whom just anyone can resist. Only you can do it. It is only for a day or two. You can just let her live in the maid's room as you are not hiring any maid. She will return to her home, once she regains her memory. But we can not let her live just anywhere."Peter Carter said with a serious tone.

"You can let her live in your house. Your house is not that small."James Thomson said in a cold voice.

"Boss, how can I let her live in my two- room compartment? Apart from that would not it be suspicious, if she lives with me instead of you, as you told that she is your fiancee? Will the chairman believe in such a case?"Peter Carter asked with a smirk.

"Let her stay in my guest room."James Thomson said in a bold voice and left the office. Peter Carter stood there like a statue. He could not believe in his ears.

"What was that?...... I was just kidding and he really let the woman live in his house? How is this possible? Isn't he the same person, who hates women? Then what happened now? Was not he making different excuses to stop his grandfather, who wants to tie him up with a woman? "Peter Carter murmured and sat down on a chair with a thud.

                      Yes, he was correct. James Thomson always kept himself away from women. He never dated anyone in the past. In fact, he never talked to any woman for more than five minutes. He never invited any woman to his house or never accepted the invitation of any woman. His grandfather was worried about his behavior and decided to help him to get married.

                          Mr. Gerald Thomson chose Helen Porter, the beautiful actress for his eldest grandson James Thomson. He announced their engagement two years back. But he did not accept her as his fiancee. But the old man was not a person who easily give up. He was the same as his grandson in the stubbornness.