Are you insane?

"Miss, how are you now? Are you feeling pain anywhere? "Peter Carter entered the cabin where Jula laid down and said with a smile.

"I.....I am feeling better now."Jula got up and uttered in a low voice.

"That's good then. You have been discharged from the hospital. Let's go."

" I ? But I ....I think I should stay a few days more here. The wounds have not yet healed."

"Don't worry Miss. I have prepared everything for you. Boss wants you to leave the hospital as it is not safe for you."Peter Carter replied politely.

"Where is your boss? Is he trying to avoid me?"Jula asked in a calm tone.

"No Miss, he is not avoiding you. He is very busy right now. He sent me to fetch you. You are not safe here as anyone can come and go here. That's why he wanted you to leave the hospital. Let us go now."The assistant said with a smile. She looked at him thoughtfully.

'Are they trying to save me from that scary old man? But is not he the grandfather of him? Which grandfather-in-law can do anything to his granddaughter-in-law? Would he try to harm me? What a strange family!'She thought.

"Miss, everyone is waiting. Please ....."She came back to the present to hear his voice.

"Ok."She replied and followed Peter Carter.

                    They reached James Thomson's Rose Villa. Jula was stunned to see the view. A big rose garden surrounded the villa, on which she can see different varieties of roses. By looking at the blooming flowers, anyone can get a good idea about the owner of the house.

"Wow! It's really stunning! I just love this garden. Whose house is this? Is it my house?"Jula asked in a surprised tone.

"No madam, It is not your house. It is Rose Villa. My boss lives here."Peter Carter replied with a smile.

"What! It is his house? But why have you brought me to this house? Should not I go to my own house? How can I live with a man here? Although you told me that he is my fiance, I .....I can not remember him from my past life. He ....he is a stranger to me. "

"Miss, Jula. Your house is not safe right now. It is a safe place. Please go in. You only have to stay here until you fully recover. You can leave anytime if it is not comfortable for you. But I don't think you would need to do that."The assistant said with a calm voice.

"Ok," Jula said in a worried tone. She could not accept the idea of her living with a stranger. Peter Carter looked at the worried woman and smiled.

"Miss. Please don't worry. I know that it is not easy for someone to cope up, who forgot everything about the past. But I can assure you that my boss is a good man. He will never hurt you. It is the safest place for you right now."He said and opened the door for her.

              Jula nodded and entered the house.

"Here, it is your room. Please don't worry about anything. The nurse will reach here within an hour."Peter Carter said and handed her a packet.

"What is it?"Jula asked in a confused tone.

"Boss has sent you this. You have lost your mobile phone. You may need to contact me or my boss, so I have saved our contact number in it. Now please take some rest. I have to go now."Peter Carter said with a calm tone.

"Thank you for everything," Jula said with a smile. Peter Carter nodded and left.

"I don't know what is going to happen here with me!"Jula sighed and lay down on the bed.

                In the Thomson Manor James Thomson was sitting in front of his grandfather. James reached there a few minutes ago. Both of them were sitting there silently and staring at each other.

"Just spill it out. I have a lot of works to do. Are you going to just sit here and show me your anger? Why are you here?" Mr. Gerald Thomson asked in a cold voice.

"I think I need not tell you the reason, why am I here. You know the reason."James Thomson said in a calm tone.

"You punk, I am your grandfather. You should be respectful to me. What I am doing, is good for you."The old man said in the same calm tone.

"What? Do you really think that what you are doing is good for me? You are trying to make my life hell. Grandpa, please let me live as I wish. As you said that I should respect you,I am trying to do so."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Is it not my respect for you that, I am tolerating you? Grandpa, I am not doing anything bad to you, isn't it enough? Please grandpa, don't try to control my life. I want to live as I wish. I don't want to be your puppet."

"What! What did you say? A puppet? How can you tell this to your own grandfather?"The old man was now angry.

"Grandpa. Please don't be angry. It will harm your health. I don't want you to get sick again due to your anger. Please calm down. " James Thomson said in a worried tone.

"Do you care about me? If you do care, then you would not have done this. Listen, James, I chose Helen for your good future. She is from a good family. Her father promised me to make you his successor after the marriage. "

"Grandpa. Please try to understand me. I don't want to marry her."James Thomson said in a stern voice.

" Why? Is not she eligible for you? Where is she lacking? How can you reject her, when you are already engaged to her. Your date of marriage has already been fixed."His grandfather said in an angry tone.

"Grandpa, I already told you. I can not marry her as I don't love her. " James Thomson replied.

"How can you tell that you do not love her when you have not met her even for once? Don't try to make me a fool. Don't tell me that you are serious with that girl. She is so rude. How can a rude woman be a daughter -in - law of the Thomson's? Helen is a sweet girl. You will love her. You should meet her at least for once."

"Grandpa, I already engaged to that woman. I can not meet any other woman. Please call off the marriage now. "

"Are you insane? Do you know what will happen to the company, if we call off the marriage? James, you are not from a family, that can marry just anyone. And how can you engage to someone else, when you are already engaged to Helen?"

"I never accepted her as my fiancee. That's why I chose Jula. "

"James. Please don't be stubborn. If you are really got engaged to that woman, then just give her some money as compensation. She is a woman with no background. I know she is behind you only for money. "

"Grandpa, you are really pissing me off. I am leaving. Do as you wish. But remember that I am not going to marry that woman. " James Thomson said in a loud voice.

"And yes. Please don't try to meet with my fiancee."He added and left his grandfather's room.

                Catherine Thomson was waiting for James in the living room. She got up to see James Thomson. He bowed to his mother and was about to leave the house, but his mother stopped him.

"Son, are you still angry with me? Please have a cup of coffee with me."Catherine Thomson said in a sad tone.

"I am sorry, but I don't think that I should waste your precious time. Please excuse me."James Thomson replied in a cold tone.

"But, I..."Catherine wanted to tell him something but he did not stop to hear her. He left her in her mid- sentence. Catherine Thomson sat down on the sofa with a thud.

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