You have to seduce my son

"What are you showing us? Show us the undergarments with more exposure. I want to buy the sexiest underwear for my daughter - in - law." Mrs Catherine Thomson said in a bold tone. Jula felt like her ears were burning. She could not meet the eyes of the salesgirl. Mrs Catherine Thomson brought Jula for some shopping.

"Jula dear, do you like these?" Mrs Thomson asked her with a smile showing a set of lingerie. Jula could not look at the undergarments which Mrs Catherine Thomson was showing to her. She blushed and bent towards Mrs Thomson.

"Auntie, I don't think that I should buy these." She whispered in her ear.

"Why, this is the first weapon to control my son. You just wait and see how it will work on him."Mrs. Catherine Thomson whispered back.

"Mrs. Thomson, do you want the honeymoon special lingerie? We have the finest design of these types of lingerie." The salesgirl asked Mrs. Thomson. Jula lowered her gaze and blushed even deeper. The salesgirl showed them their special items.

"I will buy all of these. Please pack these for me."Mrs. Catherine Thomson said with a satisfied smile.

Jula shocked to hear her. She never thought that Mrs. Thomson would buy all the honeymoon special lingerie for her.

"Auntie, I don't need all these. There are so many. I would not use all of them." Jula whispered in Mrs. Thomson's ear.

"Why you would not use these? I told you earlier also that you have to seduce my son anyhow and I mean it." Mrs. Thomson said with a smile.

"But..."Jula wanted to protest, but Mrs. Catherine Thomson already paid the bill.

"Let us go to the grocery store. I will buy some food which will increase your stamina." Mrs. Catherine said happily.

"Auntie, I think we should stop now. You have already bought all these." Jula said but Mrs Thomson did not stop. She pulled Jula and entered the shopping mall.

"Look, you have to eat these types of food daily. It will help you both to do any type of excessive activities."

Jula looked at the basket helplessly. It was filled with various types of food items.

"Let us have a cup of coffee. I will give you some tips about how to seduce a man." Mrs. Catherine said and forwarded towards the café at the shopping mall. Jula did not say anything. Jula wanted to stop her, but she knew that nothing is going to work on this lady. She nodded and followed her.

"Jula, now let me tell you how to seduce him. I can give you a lot of tips about that. Now tell me, how does he reacts when you go near him? Have you two slept together?" Mrs Catherine Thomson asked in a serious tone. Jula could not reply to her. She felt like her ears are burning. She lowered her head.

"Oh. Don't be shy. It is normal for a man and a woman to sleep together when they are living in the same house. You need not worry much even if you have not done anything yet. Listen to me carefully." Mrs. Thomson said with a smile and explained different ways to seduce a man.

"Now, have you understood? No man can escape when a woman shows her this side to him. Do you know, at first James father did not like me. He was as cold as James, but when I used my signature style of seducing techniques, he could not leave me. He happily married to me."Mrs. Catherine whispered to Jula's ears and laughed. Jula too joined her.

" Auntie,can you please tell me something about Grandpa? I want to know about him. I know he hates me. I want to get his good side."Jula said with a worried tone.Mrs Catherine Thomson smiled at her.

"Jula, I know you are worried about him. He has been hard on you a little. But I can tell you that he is not that much cruel. He loves James, that's why he is acting like that. He will accept you once you would be married to James."

"I too hope so," Jula said and looked at her mobile phone which was ringing. It was Peter Carter.

"Hello," Jula replied.

"Miss, have you done? We are waiting for you in front of the shopping mall."

"Oh. Ok. I am coming." She replied.

"Is my son here for you?" Mrs Catherine asked with a mischievous smile.

"Peter told me that he is here. I think Mr Thomson is also here." Jula replied with a shy smile.

"Don't be shy my dear. You have to be bold. And I am here to help you. It is a shame that my son does not like me, but I want to do my duty as a mother." Mrs. Catherine said with a sad smile.

"I don't think he hates you. He just needs some time to be with you." Jula held her hand and said.

Mrs Catherine smiled.

"Thank you, Jula, for giving me the hope. Now, you should leave. My son is waiting for you."

"Yes.Thank you for everything you bought for me. Then I'll leave first." Jula said and leave.

She reached downstairs, where Peter Carter was waiting for her.

"Miss, let me carry these ." Peter Carter said and took the shopping bags from her.

"Thank you." She replied and followed him.

"Please get in." Peter Carter said and opened the door for her. She thanked him again and get in the car. James Thomson was sitting in the car with a gloomy look.

"Hello, Mr Thomson. I did not know you will be here." Jula said with a smile.

James Thomson did not look at her. He even did not have a glance at her. Jula looked at him annoyingly. His face was now expressionless.

"What a rude person! I can't understand why I was engaged in this heartless man!" Jula mumbled.

James Thomson stunned to hear her. Peter Carter started to cough nervously.No one dared to tell his boss heartless and rude to his face. He stole a glance at his boss through the mirror. He seemed very angry now.

'Miss, you are done! My boss is not going to leave you.No...I can not let this happen. I have to do something.'Peter Carter thought.

"M...Miss, what have you bought?" Peter Carter asked Jula suddenly. He wanted to divert hos boss attention elsewhere. And yes! It worked! James Thomson looked at Jula curiously. He sighed in relief.

Jula stunned to hear Peter Carter's question. She was not prepared for this. She did not answer and lowered her head. She blushed to remember what Mrs Catherine Thomson said to her. Both the men stunned to see her reaction.