You are not that attractive

After reaching home, Jula left both of them near the car and ran into the house.

"Why is she behaving strangely? Is she sick?" James Thomson murmured. Peter Carter looked at the worried man behind him. He smiled for a second .

"Yes boss, I think she is sick.It will take some time to recover fully.." Peter Carter said in a serious tone hiding his smile.

" Yes.I think you are correct.Have you seen her face? Her cheeks are red! I think she is not well."James Thomson said worriedly.

" Oh,poor her!She must be suffering a lot. Then I think you should go and check."Peter Carter was trying hard to hide his smile and said.

"Yes. Now you can leave." James Thomson said and forwards to the house.

"Boss, Miss Cherry called me. Her mother is sick, so she left for her hometown. I think you have to take care of the kitchen for a few days. As Miss Jula is not well, she can not cook food." Peter Carter said in the same serious tone.

"Ok. Is it? Ok. I will take care of it." James Thomson said in a calm tone and left.

Peter Carter smiled broadly. He dialled a number.

"Hello. Yes, Mrs Thomson, I have done as you told....No, he did not ask anything about it ...Yes. She will not return soon. Ok...….Thank you." Peter said and hangs up the call and called Miss Cherry.

"I have transferred advance for three months.Don't come back until I call you.Don't receive any call from the Rose Villa.....Ok.Thank you." Peter Carter said and hands up the call.

"It's done!Good luck boss."He mumbled and left.

After one hour, in the Rose Villa James Thomson knocked at door of Jula's room.But no one replied.

"Miss Jula...Miss...…..I am here with some porridge. Please open the door."James Thomson called from the door.

"What is she doing? Why she is not answering? Is she really sick? I think I have to check."James Thomson mumbled and turned the knob of the door. It was open from the inside.He entered the room and looked around. There was no one in the room.

"Where is she? I have to check outside."He murmured and about to left the room but stopped to hear a sound in the bathroom. Someone fell on the floor and groan.

"Oh!My God!She fell down!"He murmured and ran towards the bathroom.

"Miss Jula?...Miss Jula...Are you fine?"He asked in a loud voice.

"I ...…I am not f….fine.….I.....I think I ...."Jula said and groan again in pain.

"I am coming inside." James Thomson said and opened the door.

"No..."Jula wanted to stop him but he was already inside. James Thomson shocked to see the woman lying on the floor without any clothes. He closed his eyes. He felt hot and starts sweating profusely.

"I…....I am sorry. I did not think that you ….you ....are… "James Thomson uttered somehow and turned around.

Jula's condition was not better than him. She never thought that he would come in like that. She tried to cover herself with her both hands. She turned red.

"P.....Please go out. I...….I have to wear something." Jula said in a low voice.

"Okay. I …. ..I am going outside."He said and about to leave but stopped at the entrance."But are .....are you fine? Can you get up yourself?" He asked without looking at her.

"The floor is slippery. That's why I fell.You please go out. I will try to get up."Jula said and tried to get up but again groaned in pain.

"I …..I think I should help you." James Thomson said and forwarded towards the towel stand.

" need not to. I…..I can get up. Please leave ."She said and tried to get up.

"Don't worry, I will not look at you. Here, wrap this towel."James Thomson said and forwarded her a towel without looking at her.She accepted the towel from him and wrapped it around her body.

"Are you done? Let me help you."

"No.....I .....I will go in myself. Please leave."She uttered and tried to get up, but she could not move her leg. She groaned again in pain.

"I...…I think I have sprained my ankle," Jula said in pain.

"Let me help you."James Thomson said and held her hand and helped her to get up and walk towards her bed.

"You wait here. I will apply for some medicines." James Thomson said and left the room hurriedly. Jula looked at the door shyly.

"Oh, God!Jula what a shame! What have you done? How can you be such careless? How can you slip on the floor like that? Now, look what have you done? How can you show that person everything like that?..........I ......I think it is ok.I am his fiancee after all.But ......why am I feeling that it is not right? Oh Jula,now how will you show your face to him?"She mumbled and covered her face with both her hands.

"Miss Jula. Don't worry. I have not seen much. And your body is not that attractive that I would remember it.Take it easy." Jula opened her eyes to hear James voice in the room.

'Oh god! When did he come in? Has he heard everything I said?'Jula thought and lowered her head shyly. James smiled to see her red face.

"Miss Jula. I already told you that I have not seen much. Try to forget it."He said in a calm voice and held her feet to check it and apply some medicines.

"I think you should take a rest after eating something.I brought porridge for you. But now it has turned cold.I will bring it after heat it again. Don't go out today."

"I ....I think you should send Miss Cherry to my room. She can bring it ."

"Her mother is sick. That's why she left for her hometown. Don't worry Miss. I will not eat you up."James Thomson said got up and opened the wardrobe in the room.

"Wh….What are you doing?"

"I am bringing your clothes. Have you decided to be only in a towel and seduce me?"James Thomson said in a stern voice.

"You too know that I am not trying to seduce you," Jula said with a shy tone.

"If you are not trying to seduce me, then what are these?" James Thomson asked and pulled out the lingerie she had brought that day. She shocked to see the lingerie on his hand.She forgot about all these. She turned red again.

"That ...that ...…A…..Auntie had brought those for me."Jula said in a low voice.

James Thomson thought something and left the room after throwing some clothes towards her.Jula confused to see his reaction.

"Why is he acting like that?What Mrs. Thomson has done is not wrong after all.We are already engaged and staying in the same house.Did someone forced him to engage to me ?As what he said ,he does not like me .He even said that I am not atractive to him.Oh God!When will I remember my past?"Jula murmured and changed her clothes.