Marry me

Nina Anderson stopped to hear his words.

"What is it?"Nina asked him without looking at the man.

"Marry me."James Thomson said in a bold voice.

Nina was so much shocked to hear him that, she almost choked for her breath. She could not speak for a long time. She looked at the man who was sitting on the driving seat with a blank expression.

"Wh....what did you say?.... Oh let it go. Do...…. Don't mind me. I....I think my ears are started to listen to strange things. I ….....I am leaving."Nina Anderson said in a confused tone and about to leave but stopped to hear James Thomson's voice.

"I asked you to marry me."James Thomson now looked at her.

Nina Anderson closed the car door and looked at the man on the driving seat.

"Look, Mr. Thomson, I know it was just an accident. You have nothing to do with my memory loss. Apart from that, we had no other relationship between us. You have not take any responsibility for me. I am fine with your ignorance. I don't want to be associated with you for my whole life. Even if you are the last person in the world, I would not marry you. "Nina Anderson said with a determined voice and opened the car door again.

"Are you dreaming?"She stopped to hear James Thomson's cold voice. She stunned to hear him.

"Wh….....what did you say? Did not you ask me to marry you?"

"Yes. I did. But not for real marriage."He replied with a blank expression.

"Wh...what do you mean by fake marriage? Are you planning to spent nights with me and abandon me later? Look, Mr. Thomson, I know you are a rich and powerful person, but that does not mean that you can do anything you want. Do you think me a fool?"She asked with an angry tone.

"What is there to think when it is the reality."James Thomson mumbled.

"Wh...what did you said?"

"Nothing. Let us go home. I will explain everything. Close the door now."


"Don't worry. I don't have any intention of spending my nights with an unattractive woman like you."James Thomson said and started the car again.

"What?...."She could not believe her ears.

'Unattractive woman?..... How can he say that?... I .....I am beautiful…..But, that is not important. The most important thing is why he said to me to get married to him? What is behind? Should I agree with him?...No.I can not get married to that arrogant man? But….Why am I going with him?.... I have no place to stay. At least I am safe in Rose villa. I safe there?.....'Nina Anderson comes out from her thought to hear James Thomson's voice.

"Will you stop imagining strange things and follow me? Don't waste my time. I have already lost my quality times for you."James Thomson said and leaves the garage.

'What! Who told him to go after me? Arrogant man!'She thought and unbuckled the seat belt and looked out. It's not raining anymore. She looked at the sky. It was clear now. She sighed.

'I would be happy if my life also is like that sky. At least it would have clear after the darkness.'She thought and entered the Rose villa.

James Thomson was waiting for her in the living room.

"Go to your room and change the clothes first. I am waiting for you here."

"O…ok."She said and left hurriedly. As she drenched in rain, she was shivering in the cold. She returned to the living room after half an hour. James Thomson was sitting in the same place. He was reading something.

"Here have the soup. It will help you to warm your body."He said without looking at her.

"Thank you."She replied and had the soup.

"Ok. Now tell me. What is it?"Nina Anderson said in a serious tone.

"I want you to sign a contract marriage with me."

***Dear reader if you like to read fantasy romance, try my book on, 'See You In My Dreams.'

Link- or search by my pen name xioani3***