I accept

"What do you mean by a contract marriage? Do you think that I am that fool to be married to you? I am not interested. I followed you here to hear your explanation. Now I heard it, let me go. As I have no place to stay, I want to stay here for the night. Tomorrow morning I will leave this house. That is all. Good night."Nina Anderson said and got up to leave.

"And yes.One more thing.Thank you for saving me today and also the day of my accident."She added and reached near the staircase.

"Stop there. I have not completed it yet."James Thomson said in a calm voice.

"What is it? Tell me quickly. I am sleepy right now."Nina Anderson reached near him and yawned. She was really tired. It was a long tiresome day for her.

"Sit here. I have not much time to discuss it later."James Thomson said in the same calm tone.

"Ok tell me. What is it?"She said and sat down on a sofa near him.

"As I told you that it is a contract marriage, you only have to act as my wife. Just think about it. You have neither a place to stay nor have any money to live. I can give you a lot of money as well as a place to stay. It is like a job for you. I will help you to find out your real identity."James Thomson said in a serious tone.

" The most important part of this marriage is that we don't like each other. So we would not have any type of relationship between us. We only have to act in front of my family members and a few people. You can break the marriage after six months. We will apply for a divorce after six months. I will give you fifty million dollars after our divorce."He added.

'Fifty million Dollar?A contract marriage? I think it is not that bad if I get paid. The fifty million dollars are not a bad amount after all. I have spent a few days with him. He is really not interested in me. He even said that my body is unattractive to him. Here at least he would not jump on me like a hungry tiger. This house is also safe. And that two men are behind my life now. They would not also dare to attack me if I stay here. I can leave him after six months. In the meantime, I would be able to find out my real identity. I think I should accept his offer.'Nina Anderson thought and nodded.

"Yes. I accept. But you need to prepare a proper contract, on which we both will sign."

"Ok. We will go to the marriage bureau office tomorrow morning. After that, you have to attend a party with me. I will prepare a contract and we will both sign it. Now you go and have your dinner. Be sure to take proper rest tonight. Tomorrow would be a challenging day for you, so you need to be prepared for it. Get ready at ten in the morning. "James Thomson said in the same serious tone and got up from the sofa and left.

Nina Anderson too left the living room and entered her bedroom after having dinner. She had a lot to think about. However, she fell into a deep slumber soon after she lay down.

The next morning she woke up hearing someone knocking on her door. She opened her eyes lazily and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Her eyes widen in shock. It was nine- thirty in the morning.

"Shit! How can I sleep for that long? Oh, God! Today I have to go to the marriage bureau office. He must be angry at me."She murmured and left the bed hurriedly.

"Miss Jula, it's almost time. Are you ready? Open the door."It was James Thomson at the door.

"Oh, God! Now, what to do? Shall I open the door after wash up? No, he will be angry at me."She murmured and opened the door slowly.

"G....good morning Mr. Thomson."She said with a smile.

James Thomson looked at her with a strange expression.He looked her up and down and sighed.

"You have got thirty minutes to get ready. I will be waiting for you in the dining room. If you are even one minute late, forget about the contract and its related facilities."James Thomson said in a cold voice and left.

"Why is he so rude. I was too tired. That's why I am late. Why is he making things hard for me? How can I get ready in half an hour?"She murmured and stomped her feet angrily and entered the bathroom to wash up.

***Dear reader if you like to read fantasy romance, try my book on novel-cat.com, 'See You In My Dreams.'

Link-https://www.novel-cat.com/bookDetail/9026269209 or search by my pen name xioani3***