The contract

"Help me to make a contract."James Thomson said to Peter Cater after reaching his office.

"A contract? Why?"Peter Carter asked in a confused tone.

James Thomson explained all the points of the contract. Peter Carter left his cabin with the note and returned the printed copies of the contract.

"Boss, here it is. I have included all the points here."He said and handed the file to his boss. James Thomson went through the points and nodded with satisfaction.

"Boss, are you sure that you need to do this? I mean you can do it verbally also. Would not this contract would hurt Miss Nina's feelings? It seems like a business deal. No woman would be happy to sign a contract like this. Please re- think over it. She must have been worried about her real identity. I think this contract will make her more worried."

"Peter Carter, you need not worry about it. She will not mind it. I already discussed this with her. She has got married to me on a contractual basis. And I am going to compensate her for it nicely. It is better to have a written document for this type of relationship. Don't worry, I will handle it."James Thomson said in a determined tone.

"Boss, I can not understand one thing. Why did you suddenly decide to marry her? You could have married Miss Helen instead of Miss Nina. Your grandfather, as well as everyone, would be happy if you go with his decision. You would have got all the privileges of your family as well as the help of the Porter family. But you have thrown everything in one go. Should not you have to give Miss Helen a chance? I don't think Miss Nina would help you with your business. As a businessman should not you consider these points? You have not married Miss Nina for love after all."

James Thomson looked out through the window and smiled.

"I don't want to be a puppet of my grandfather, like my father."He replied in a calm voice.

Peter Carter looked at him with a strange look.

'A puppet?'

"I don't want to make any personal relationship with anyone as a business deal. I don't want to grow my kids in a loveless home. I just can not make mine as well as other's life a hell for any business deal. I do not want to be a burden on anyone's life."James Thomson said in a thoughtful tone.

"I chose Miss Nina as she had forgotten her past. It would not affect her life much if I divorce her after six months. It is like a job to her. She only has to act in front of my grandfather. After six months we both would be free from this contract. As it is a contract marriage, it would not be a burden to any one of us. We both are in the win - win situation by this marriage. We need not think about love each other in this relationship. We both can enjoy our own life without any worry. "He added.

"I hope so."Peter Carter uttered.

"Ok. Let it go. Have you got any information about her? Have you tracked the two men, who attacked her last night? Are they related to her?"

"I have sent my men to track them. I hope we will get some information soon. What I come to know about the men is, they are related to a human trafficking gang. So, the attack might mere a coincidence. Yesterday she was alone, so they might be trying to get her to use her in their business."Peter Carter reported.

"And about Miss Nina, as we don't know her family surname, it became hard to find out her identity. We have got more than three thousand of Nina in the country. So it will take some time to get her information."

"Ok. Try to find out the details as soon as possible. Her life might be in danger. So arrange two bodyguards for her. Now it's time to leave."James Thomson said and got up to leave.

"Boss, I will be in Rose Villa after two hours."Peter Carter said.

"Ok."James Thomson said and left.