Why am I having those dirty thoughts?

"So I am married now! Is being married to someone is that easy? How strange! Would I have to sleep with him now? Oh, God! I just can not do that thing with a stone-faced man like him.No, no I can not do it with him. It is impossible... But what if he forces me to do so?...No, I think he would not. But I watched in the movies that married couples sleep together. And....and I think he is handsome...Oh, God! Why am I having those dirty thoughts?..... Nina, you are shameless."Nina Anderson mumbled and drank water.

As she was going back to her room the doorbell rang. She opened the door. It was James Thomson.

"I....I thought someone else is at the door. W....why did you ring the bell. You can open it using the password."Nina Anderson said in a nervous tone.

James Thomson looked at her closely.

"Are you fine? Why your cheeks are red? Do you have a fever?"James Thomson forwarded his hands to check her temperature, but Nina stepped back.

"N.....no.I....I am fine. I just feeling hot."She replied.

"Ok then. Come with me ."


"I have to show you something. Follow me."James Thomson said with an expressionless tone.

"Ok."She uttered and followed him. James Thomson opened his study room and signaled her to have a seat.

She sat down on a chair obediently.

"Here have a look at this. You can tell if you do not agree to any of these points."He said and forwarded a file towards her.

"What is it?"She asked confusedly.

"It is a contact."James Thomson replied in a calm voice.

"A contract?"

"Yes. As we are married to each other on a contractual basis, I think there should be some written documents as proof. It will help us to stick to it and not to cross the line. We should not owe each other much. So I have tried to make this flexible. Here, have a look at it."

Nina Anderson accepted the papers with shaking hands.

As she started to read the contract, she felt it odd. But as James Thomson already mentioned that the marriage was the purely contractual basis, so she had nothing to say. She read only the first page and closed the file.

"O....ok.I will go follow it. Please show me where I have to sign?"She said in a low voice.

"But you have not read the whole documents yet. How can you sign like that?"

"Mr.James Thomson, I need not read this. I know that I am in a contractual relationship with you only for six months. It is a short period of time. It will fly away in no time. So, I don't think we have to be much serious in this matter."

"Yes, you are correct. But we must act as per the contract. So you have to know about it."

"Let it go Mr. Thomson. Let me sign it. I will read it thoroughly later on."

"If you are insisting on signing it so soon, then do it. But I think I should explain to you the key points of this marriage. If you have any special requirements, you can mention them. We can add or delete mutually."

"O....Ok." Nina Anderson uttered.

"The first point of this marriage that we need to keep our marriage a secret. But as per requirement, we can reveal the secret to others. But we have to act as a perfect married couple in front of our family members. Basically, I have to go through all these due to my grandfather. So we have to act in front of him perfectly. Otherwise, he will suspect our marriage."James Thomson explained.

"So you married to me for your grandfather?"

"Yes. Otherwise, I would never be married until I get someone I love. So, you must be careful with dealing with him. It is not easy to fool him."

"Ok. I will follow it."

"Ok. The next point is except in front of my family, we will not have any physical contact. Touching, kissing, or sleeping together is not allowed. If anyone of us violates the rule would have to pay a fine to the other party."

"Next one."Nina Anderson said shyly.

"We will never interfere with each other's private matters. We can have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but it should not affect the marriage."

"B....but I think we should not be with any other person when we are in a relationship with each other."

"Miss Nina, don't take this marriage seriously. It is a business deal. We need to go forward in our life. This marriage should not hinder us in the future. I think we should try to get the person who is perfect for us. We should not stop ourselves to make any real relationship for this fake relationship."

One more thing,we have to act wisely,so that we need not be a burden on each other.We have to try to do our works ourselves,so that we need not to depend on each others." He explained.

"Ok. I agreed. Is there anything else?"Nina asked without any expression.

"Yes. There are. But those points are not that much important. You can read those yourself. It is like a job for you. So I hope you will do it sincerely. I will transfer the amount to your new bank account as the period is over. In the meantime, you can use this credit card for your daily needs."James Thomson said and forwarded a credit card to her.

***Dear reader if you like to read fantasy romance, try my  book on novel-cat.com, 'See You In My Dreams.'

Link-https://www.novel-cat.com/bookDetail/9026269209 or search by my pen name xioani3***