I don't want to live in your favor

"Mr. Thomson. I can not accept this."Nina Anderson said in a calm tone.

"Why can you not accept this? You have lost your memory. You will need some money. "

"I don't want to live in your favor."

"Miss Nina, it is not a favor. You are helping me to solve my problems. It is my duty to help you with your problems."

"No, Mr.Thomson.You already promised me to pay a large amount of money after the contract would be over. I can not accept more than that. I can take care of myself."

"If you are insisting on this, then I have nothing to say. But please let me know if there is anything with which I can help you. Now, let us go downstairs. You have to be ready for the party. Peter is here with the make- up person ."He said as looking at his ringing mobile phone.

"O...ok."She said and followed James Thomson downstairs.

"Miss, please come with us."The make - up man said as she reached there.

She nodded and followed the man and his assistant. Peter Carter was reading a newspaper in the living room. When Nina entered the living room after dressed up, Peter Carter stunned to see her.

"M.....Miss Nina. You are looking gorgeous."Peter Carter said in a low voice.

The make - up man James Thomson had hired for her was a professional make -up artist of Trudominion Private Limited. He was famous for his make - up.He used to do the make - up of the main lead of the movies directed under Trudominion Private Limited.

She was wearing a blue gown along with matching high heels. The whole gown was studded with small diamonds. It was shining elegantly.Although the dress was very beautiful,but it was her who made the dress look more beautiful. Her lips were looking attractive with the nude lipstick she was wearing. Although she has not done much make- up,but she was looking not less than a goddess.

"Thank you. I think I am looking too cheesy."Nina Anderson said in a shy smile.

"Of course not."He replied.

"You please wait for a moment. I am going to call the boss."He added and got up to call James Thomson who was reading some documents in the study room.

James Thomson came downstairs with Peter Carter. As he reached near her, he looked at her with wide eyes. He never could think that Nina Anderson would look so beautiful in the blue dress. He somehow managed to remove his eyes from her and nodded with satisfaction. Nina Anderson as well as Peter Carer was expecting him to comment on her, but he said nothing.

"Boss, I am going to get the car ready."Peter Carter said and left.

"Here, wear this."James Thomson mumbled and forwarded a jewelry box towards her.

"What is it?"She asked confusedly.

"Open it."

She opened the box stunned to see a beautiful necklace in it. It was a diamond necklace with was designed by a famous designer. The necklace was studded with six rare red diamonds. Nina Anderson looked at the necklace with her wide eyes. Anyone can tell that it was a rare piece of Jewellery.

"Wh...why are you giving me this? I......it's too expensive I think. I can not accept it."She uttered in a low voice.

"No, you have to wear this. Today you are going with me as my date. I am doing this to convince my Grandpa. He will not create a problem for me in the future if we can convince him that we are already married. My grandma left this necklace with me for her future granddaughter- in- law.Grandpa knows that I will not give this to just anyone. Apart from that, although we are not announcing our marriage to other people present over there, but you must present yourself there as my future wife. This necklace would represent you there as future Mrs. Thomson."James Thomson explained.

"Ok.then.I will wear it."She said thoughtfully. As she had already signed the contract, she decided to go with his arrangements. She took out the necklace and tried to wear it.

"Let me help you."He said and helped her to wear it.

"Ok. Let us go now. Peter is waiting for us."He said. Nina Andersson nodded and followed him.