I can handle him

"Mr. Porter, I don't want to talk about my personal matters now."James Thomson replied in a cold tone.

"Mr. Thomson. Please don't make things harder for both families. We can solve this matter by a discussion also. You can take as much time as you want. But don't make my granddaughter sad. You have engaged to my granddaughter for two years already, but you never met her. Do you know how she spent these two years? She was waiting these two years for one call from you. But you never called her. She was so happy as you were coming here today. But look what you have done. You even let that cheap girl wear that necklace! How can you do that?"Rachel Porter said in a sad tone.

"Look, Mr. Porter,I am not here to talk about the marriage today. I think you have forgotten that you have invited me here for business purposes. And about my marriage, I already informed you that I am not interested in your granddaughter. Whom should I bring with me whom not is my personal matter. I don't like anyone to get involved in my personal matters. Miss Nia is my date. You have no right to call her cheap. And, you should not worry about my Grandpa. I can handle him. Now please excuse me."James Thomson said and got up from the chair. Rachel Porter was now angry.

"Your grandpa just called me. He is worried about all this. You know that his health is not good. Don't make him angry. I am his childhood friend. I know him too well. He would never accept that girl as his granddaughter – in – law. Today, I invited him too. But now don't think he would be here. He is very upset right now. "Rachel Porter said in an angry tone.

"Mr. Porter. You need not worry about him. I will take care of it."He said and left the angry old man and reached the bar.

On the other side of the party hall, Helen Porter brought Nina Anderson, where all her friends were waiting. Peter Carter followed her to that place, but his phone rang at that moment. He looked at the caller id and left the hall to receive the call.

Nina Anderson smiled at the girls waiting there.

"Who is that?"One of her friends asked with a smile.

"She is the date of my fiancee."Helen Porter said in a sarcastic way.

Nina Anderson stunned to hear her. Although she knew that James Thomson's grandfather was trying to convince him to get married, she did not know the details. She looked at Helen Porter with wide eyes.

'Oh, God! So she is his fiancee. Now, what should I do? He did not tell me anything about it. What if I tell something, which I should not. James Thomson, you are really something! Should not he tell me about this woman? 'Nina Anderson thought and looked around for help. She knew that Peter Carter was following her. But she could not see him, as he already left the place to receive the call.

"What did you said? A date? Are you joking?"A woman said in a loud voice.

"He announced it himself .So, no one can deny it."Another woman said.

"Miss, Nina, what is your surname? Are not you from a rich family? I have not seen you in any of the parties of the society."Nina looked at the women around her. They were obviously there to insult her. She wanted to reply but somehow managed to stop herself. She did not want to make a scene there.

"It is normal nowadays. Some poor girls always sell themselves to rich men. They can do anything for money."

"Pftt.....You are too naive. Can not you see that he is just using her to piss Helen off?"One of her friends said with a laugh. Everyone joined her. Nina Anderson turned red to hear them. She lowered her head. Helen Porter was enjoying the scene. She was satisfied now. She was smiling.

***Dear reader if you like to read fantasy romance, try my book on novel-cat.com, 'See You In My Dreams.'

Link-https://www.novel-cat.com/bookDetail/9026269209 or search by my pen name xioani3***