Who is that girl?

"Oh! Who is that girl? Has not she came with Mr. Thomson? Has not he engaged with the daughter of that arrogant woman?"Mrs. Gilbert mumbled.

"I think there is something fishy. Otherwise, he would not have brought another woman as his date here. Mrs. Gilbert, what do you think. Let us go there and introduce ourselves to her. Let us see how is she?"Mrs. Oliver said with a wink.

When they reached near Nina Anderson, Mrs porter was already there.

"So, you are Miss Nina. Which family do you belong to? What does your father do? Are you also an heiress of some rich family?"Mrs. Porter asked in a loud voice. Everyone present there looked at Nina Anderson curiously. Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Oliver scoffed to see Mrs. Porter. They knew that she was trying to make a scene there.

Nina Anderson lowered her head. How could she reply, when she does not remember anything!

"Mom, why are you asking this to her? How can she reply to a question like this? Have you ever heard about any heiress with the name Nina, in this high society? She is our guest today. We should keep her identity a secret after all. As Mr. Thomason brought her here, so there must be some reason behind it. Otherwise, have you ever seen him with a lowly woman like her?"Helen Porter came forward and said.

'Oh, God!How humiliating! If I would not have signed the contract with Mr. Thomson, I would have face- slap these women. I just can not act as I wish now. She is the real fiancee of Mr. Thomson after all. But now I am feeling sorry for him. Poor man! It is his bad luck to get a fiancee like her! I think I should leave.'Nina Anderson looked at Helen Porter and thought.

"I have to leave now. Thank you for your giving me a chance to be here ." Nina Anderson said in a low voice and turned to leave.

"Miss Nina, just wait. Please let me have a look at the necklace you are wearing."Mrs. Gilbert stopped Nina Anderson as she was leaving the place.

She reached near Nina Anderson and checked the necklace. She shocked to see it.

"Oh My God! Is not this the Famous Blood rose?"She said in a stunned tone.

Everyone present there stunned to hear her. They could not believe in their ears. Blood Rose was the famous necklace that belonged to the royal family. It was auctioned in a charity gala thirty years ago.

Many people tried to get the necklace, but Mrs. Dorothy Thomason, the grandmother of James Thomson won the bid at a high price. It was in the newspaper and news channels everywhere at that time. Many people went to that charity gala only to have a glance at the necklace. A few reporters interviewed her about the rare red diamond necklace.

"My daughter- in- law is pregnant now. I am going to gift it to my future granddaughter."Mrs . Dorothy Thomson replied with a mischievous smile.

"Mrs. Thomson, are you sure that you are going to get a granddaughter? What if it is a boy child?"A reporter asked teasingly.

"Then obviously this necklace would go to my future granddaughter- in- law."She replied and left.

After that, everyone knew that this necklace would be given to the wife of Mr. James Thomson.

"Oh my God! Is it really Blood rose? I am so lucky to have a glance at it."A woman said and reached near Nian to have a look at the necklace. The women present there excited to hear her and they too surrounded her. Helen Porter and her mother clenched their fist angrily. Nina Anderson did not think that this necklace has that famous. Now she started to be worried. What if she somehow lost it? She decided to leave the place as soon as possible.

"I have to leave. Please enjoy the party."She said and about to leave, but Helen Porter blocked her way.

***Dear reader if you like to read fantasy romance, try my book on novel-cat.com, 'See You In My Dreams.'

Link-https://www.novel-cat.com/bookDetail/9026269209 or search by my pen name xioani3***