
"Hi, I am Luna. Nice to meet you too."The woman said with a smile.

"Luna, it's a good name to be friends. You wait in here a bit. I am going to prepare the discharge papers for you."Nina Anderson said and left the woman. The woman sighed to see her leaving the emergency room. She came back after half an hour.

"Everything is settled down now. Let us go."Nina Anderson said and showed her a packet on which she kept her medical records and some medicines.

"Where do you live?"Nina Anderson asked.

"I live in Khoja Green Village."Miss Luna replied.

"Oh.Ok.Let us book a cab first."Nina Anderson said and booked a taxi. The taxi arrived there within five minutes.

"Get in."Nina Anderson said and she opened the door for her and helped her to get in.

"Thank you very much."Miss Luna said with a smile.