It is worth do so

"Why did you go to the city R? " James Thomson asked his mother, who was sitting behind him in the garden.

"I think you know that reason."Mrs. Catherine Thomson said in a calm tone.

"Mom, you should have informed me before doing something like that. It is risky to visit those places. Apart from that, you should take care of your health. You have not slept last night."James Thomson said worriedly. Mrs. Catherine Thomson stared at her son and smiled.

"I think it is worth do so."She replied. James Thomson stared at his mother confusedly.

"If taking these types of risks brings back my son to me, I would like to take these types of risks every day. Thank you my son for coming back to me."Mrs. Catherine Thomson held her son's hand and said in a happy tone.

"Mom. I am sorry. I was so rude back then.I......I hurt you all these years. I am such an unfilial son of yours."James Thomson uttered in a sad tone.