Mr. James Thomson is not interested in you

"Helen, come here."Mr. Porter shouted loudly as he reached their house. Miss Helen Porter was sleeping in her room. She jumped up to hear her grandfather's loud voice.

"What happened to him? Why is he yelling like that? He is really annoying." Miss Helen Porter mumbled and left her room. She reached the living room where her grandfather was pacing back and forth . She looked around. Her parents were also there staring at her grandfather worriedly.

"Grandpa, what happened? Why are you yelling like that?"She asked in a confused tone as she reached the living room.

"Tina, how can you be such a stupid? What do you think of yourself? Now you are even trying to disobey me? How dare you? And you Elena, are you calling yourself her mother? Which mother can not control her daughter? Are you even qualified enough to be a mother? How can you support your daughter's silly plans? "Mr. Porter yelled loudly.