New sexy boss

  Nina Anderson was busy with her work when he mobile phone rang. Nina takes out her mobile to see the called id. It was from Mr. Mark San. The manager was standing nearby. He stared at her sharply.

"I....... I am sorry. I have to accept this call."Nina Anderson said with a guilty tone and left the room.

"Luckily the new boss is coming here for an inspection. Otherwise, I would have fired her immedietly."The manager mumbled in an annoying tone and left.

"Hello, Mark."Nina Anderson accepted the call and said.

"Hello, Nina. Are you busy right now?"Mr. Mark San asked.

"Yes. I was doing something. Why do you call me, tell me quickly . The manager was staring at me like a wolf."Nina Anderson said with a smile.

"Is it? I think I should come there to teach him a lesson."

"No need. You just tell me why did you call me? I can handle him."

"Oh yes.I called you to remind you about our dinner."