I will take care of it myself

              When James Thomson finished his work, it was already afternoon. He stretched out his body and closed his eyes for a moment.

"I should call her now."He mumbled and dialed Nina Anderson's number.

"Hello."He heard Nina Anderson's voice from the other side of the phone.

"Hello Nina, are you fine?"He asked worriedly.

"Yes.I am fine. What about you? Aren't you busy? Why did you call me?"Nina Anderson asked.

"Of course I am busy.I am sorry that I could not call you earlier."James Thomson said guiltily.

"I know. That's why I did not call you either. How is Grandpa? Have you met him or not?"

"I could not meet him yet.I heard he is fine now.I will go to the hospital now."

"Ok. That's good then. I am hanging up now. I am getting ready to go somewhere.I will call you back as soon as I return."Nina Anderson said and hang up the call. Mr. James Thomson stared at the mobile thoughtfully.