I must do it

          In city R, Nina Andeson almost jumped when she heard the doorbell of the apartment rang.

"I think he is here already." Nina Anderson mumbled.

"Nina, you can do it! You must do it. You have no other way except it. You can no be frightened."She tried to calm down herself. She took slow steps and reached near the door. She opened the door with shaky hands. As expected it was Mr. Derrick Addison's assistant.

"Hello, Miss Nina. Boss is waiting for you downstairs. Let's go now."The man said in a serious tone. Nina Anderson nodded her head and followed the man without uttering a word.

"Miss, please get in. Boss is in the car."The man uttered.

                She silently got in the car and looked at the man sitting silently there. As the driver started the engine, Nina Anderson closed her eyes to calm down, as she could felt her heart start beating really fast.

"Are you scared?"Mr. Derrick Addison asked in a mocking tone.